October 01, 2021 - Evidence Summary_Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 246_Management of High-Need High-Cost Patients: A "Best Fit" Framework Synthesis, Realist Review, and Systematic Review
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 246
Management of High-Need, High-Cost
Patients: A “Best Fit” Framework Synthesis,
Realist Revie…
November 01, 2020 - Interventions for Breathlessness in Patients With Advanced Cancer: Evidence Summary
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 232
Interventions for Breathlessness in
Patients With Advanced Cancer
Evidence Summary
Main Points
For patients with advanced cancer:
• Airflow interventions (fans) were …
January 01, 2024 - Administration about
permanent discontinuances or manufacturing interruptions that are likely to lead
April 15, 2019 - syndromes and/or percutaneous coronary intervention found that different
definitions of bleeding “can lead … In these cases, the project team
contacted the sponsor or lead investigator for the initiative to gather … Many such surrogate, or intermediate, measures are important since the lead-time
required for a person
April 15, 2019 - syndromes and/or percutaneous coronary intervention found that different
definitions of bleeding “can lead … In these cases, the project team
contacted the sponsor or lead investigator for the initiative to gather … Many such surrogate, or intermediate, measures are important since the lead-time
required for a person
March 05, 2012 - Current Page Topic Timeline Oct. 5, 2011 Topic Initiated Mar. 5, 2012 Research Protocol Jan. 27, 2014 Systematic Review Feb. 13, 2014 Disposition of Comments Report Chronic Venous Ulcers: A Comparative Effectiveness Review of Treatment Modalities
Research Protocol Archived March 5, 2012 Download Main Document PDF …
January 01, 2017 - Glasgow Coma Scale for Field Triage of Trauma: A Systematic Review
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 182
Glasgow Coma Scale for Field Triage of
Trauma: A Systematic Review
Executive Summary
Unintentional injuries are the leading
cause of death among people in the United
States ages 1 to…
July 01, 2023 - Making Healthcare Safer IV: Fatigue and Sleepiness of Clinicians Due to Hours of Service
Evidence-based Practice Center Rapid Response Protocol
Project Title: Making Healthcare Safer IV: Fatigue and
Sleepiness of Clinicians Due to Hours of Service
Review Questions
1. What is the frequency and s…
May 01, 2023 - If protein intake is inadequate, it can lead to detrimental health
effects.8 Notably, the 2020–2025 … commonly used DerSimonian-Laird approach which may result in overly narrow
confidence intervals and can lead
August 04, 2023 - in patient care due to potential disruptions in the continuity and
coordination of care that often lead … in patient care due to potential disruptions in the continuity and coordination of care that often lead
December 09, 2009 - Associations
Intermediate outcomes
Rounded corners
Health states
Square corners
Curved arrows
December 09, 2009 - mean/SD of patient population); participants with underlying pathological conditions that may directly lead
December 09, 2009 - /SD of patient population);
participants with underlying pathological conditions that may directly lead
AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning System – Potential
High-Impact Interventions Report
Priority Area 12: Pregnancy, Including Preterm Birth
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
5600 Fishers Lane …
AHRQ Healthcare Horizon Scanning System – Potential
High-Impact Interventions Report
Priority Area 12: Pregnancy, Including Preterm Birth
Prepared for:
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
540 Gaither Road
January 01, 2013 - effectiveness and comparative effectiveness research for clinicians, consumers, and
policymakers.6 AHRQ is the lead
October 13, 2021 - In the introduction, we include obesity
as an example of a chronic illnesses that can lead to
malnutrition … We hope that the research gaps identified in this
report will lead to opportunities and funding of … serum
biomarkers are still being used as surrogate
markers of nutritional status and oftentimes the lead … If studies were conducted, it would have
provided helpful information on whether specific
tools lead
October 13, 2021 - In the introduction, we include obesity
as an example of a chronic illnesses that can lead to
malnutrition … We hope that the research gaps identified in this
report will lead to opportunities and funding of … serum
biomarkers are still being used as surrogate
markers of nutritional status and oftentimes the lead … If studies were conducted, it would have
provided helpful information on whether specific
tools lead
January 06, 2017 - Disseminating Information on Study Outcomes and Processes (KQ 4)
As noted in Table 2, three investigators (lead … fifth responded to us but was unable to provide us with information because the principal investigator (lead
December 05, 2013 - Cervical DDD occurs when progressive changes in
the cervical vertebral discs lead to loss of disc height … This may lead to different outcomes among
treatment centers. … outcomes: Multilevel DDD presents a significant unmet need for new
treatment options because ACDF can lead … However, the mechanism by which these cells lead to cartilage
generation is still unclear.29 MSCs may … conservative treatment are
considerable, and the reported adverse events appear minimal, which could lead