October 01, 2015 - Clinicians often worry about the possibility
that intravascular administration of contrast
media could lead … Care Program
in most patients, the acute kidney injury may require renal
replacement therapy or lead
February 17, 2016 - Untitled
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published online: February 17, 2016
Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol
Project Title: Systematic Review Update of
Venous Thromboembolism Prophylaxis in Orthopedic Surgery
I. Background and Objectives for the Systematic Review
March 28, 2019 - These issues
lead to questions about the ratings of low risk of bias for the
individual studies and … , in turn, lead to questions about the
appropriateness of the strength of evidence ratings. … Attempts to search for only a
subgroup would lead to a narrower
search and potentially missing papers … Attempts to search for only a
subgroup would lead to a narrower
search and potentially missing papers … Attempts to search for only a
subgroup would lead to a narrower
search and potentially missing papers
March 28, 2019 - These issues
lead to questions about the ratings of low risk of bias for the
individual studies and … , in turn, lead to questions about the
appropriateness of the strength of evidence ratings. … Attempts to search for only a
subgroup would lead to a narrower
search and potentially missing papers … Attempts to search for only a
subgroup would lead to a narrower
search and potentially missing papers … Attempts to search for only a
subgroup would lead to a narrower
search and potentially missing papers
January 01, 2023 - Executive Summary_Comparative Effectiveness Review No. 259: Partial Breast Irradiation for Breast Cancer
Comparative Effectiveness Review
Number 259
Partial Breast Irradiation for
Breast Cancer
Executive Summary
Main Points
• There was no significant difference between partial breast irrad…
January 01, 2019 - young adulthood when symptoms begin.7 Delay in diagnosis or treatment in symptomatic
individuals can lead
May 09, 2019 - Society (2016)20
referenced peripheral nerve blocks; however, updated, evidence-based guidance could
November 23, 2010 - Shared decision making with patients in order to capture more information and to lead to more valid measures
January 01, 2013 - Exposure, Outcome, and Covariate Definitions
Uncertainty about the appropriate study definitions can lead … time can be summarized, and differences in the time window during which exposure is determined can lead
June 01, 2012 - Unclear key questions lead to inconsistency in data presentation, analysis, and synthesis, which makes … decisions about which studies to include and which to exclude during the review process, as well as lead … that are fundamentally different or splitting subgroups without evidence of different effects) can lead … It is important to decide in advance what information is crucial and, when absent, will lead to the exclusion … Keeping applicability in mind throughout the review process will lead to a more useful review.
February 01, 2013 - overestimates lumen dimensions;
therefore, using angiography alone in the diagnosis of
lesions could lead … The use of these
adjunctive invasive procedures can also lead to additional
invasive tests or treatments … Additionally,
this review indicates that FFR-guided stenting would
decrease procedural costs and would lead … Treating low-
risk lesions could lead to additional invasive tests or
treatments that could adversely … certainty whether a potentially life-threatening technical
complication exists (i.e., one that could lead
June 01, 2012 - Unclear key questions lead to inconsistency in data presentation, analysis, and synthesis, which makes … decisions about which studies to include and which to exclude during the review process, as well as lead … that are fundamentally different or splitting subgroups without evidence of different effects) can lead … It is important to decide in advance what information is crucial and, when absent, will lead to the exclusion … Keeping applicability in mind throughout the review process will lead to a more useful review.
July 12, 2017 - these tools could help patients adhere to diet, exercise, and medication management plans, which could lead
February 01, 2013 - common in primary care
that was strongly
supported by the evidence,
and that would lead
January 15, 2015 - But I don’t
think they change the conclusion that no measures of SMI
have been demonstrated to lead … patients with disorder “x” should receive
treatment “y” because the evidence is strong that “y” will lead … Impaired
cognitive functioning would lead to recommendation for
cognitive remediation (an empirically … In the longrun, penalizing
providers for such outcomes could also lead to broader
workforce issues … This can
lead to a destabilization of patients’ conditions, a need for
acute treatment and a vicious
December 01, 2020 - education, breastfeeding support and support of and referral to other services, which are thought to lead … specific race/ethnic groups, or who are non-English speaking; (c) explorations of why/how services lead … nutrition education, breastfeeding support, and referral services) through which WIC participation may lead
October 01, 2018 - Each guideline
has a guideline development team (GDT) that comprises a clinical operations lead,
October 01, 2020 - education,
breastfeeding support and support of and referral to other services, which are thought to lead … specific race/ethnic groups, or who are non-English
speaking; c) explorations of why/how services lead … nutrition
education, breastfeeding support, and referral services) through which WIC participation may
July 08, 2014 - Treatment may lead to intermediate outcomes, such as changes in
level of depression symptoms, or adverse … It is also
possible that some issues such as alcohol or substance
misuse lead to depression. … Depression during pregnancy is known to lead to
harmful prenatal health behaviors such as poor nutrition … Better
research may lead to Improved outcomes for pregnant and
postpartum women. … Better
research may lead to Improved outcomes for pregnant and
postpartum women.
December 16, 2011 - higher for women and older people. 3,4 Different approaches to diagnosing RLS and defining its severity lead … RLS-induced sleep disruption may lead to poor daytime functioning, anxiety, and depression. … agents, anticonvulsive agents, opiates, and iron. 12 Long-term treatment with dopaminergic agents can lead