
Total Results: 736 records

Showing results for "interventions".

    September 18, 2014 - the development, testing, and dissemination of innovative, practical, effective, generalizable interventions … information technology can be used to identify patients at high risk for CVD and to direct population health interventionsInterventions that are directed at clinicians to promote statin prescribing (rather than aimed at patients
    November 01, 2018 - Interventions are also known as risk reduction strategies, corrective actions, and improvement actions … Design and implement interventions aimed at eliminating or reducing the impact of the risk points. … The TeamSTEPPS Initiative focuses specifically on improving processes by designing and implementing interventions
    January 01, 2020 - You can learn from your experiences and then use those lessons to shift strategy and try new interventions … You may repeat this cycle several times, implementing one or more interventions on a small scale first … Choose specific interventions to implement. Prepare a written action plan. 4.B.1.a. … Do and Study: Test and Refine Actions on a Small Scale Once you have selected interventions, the next … Small-scale tests of the interventions you wish to implement help refine improvements by incorporating
    August 01, 2021 - healthcare workers and 16 patients at a tertiary-care hospital and a community hospital suggested targeted interventions … According to a recent Notice of Intent , interventions will focus on reducing disparities by wide-scale … Grant applicants may propose interventions in different healthcare settings. … Areas where interventions have evidence for decreasing disparities include promoting improved cancer
    January 01, 2022 - International—University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Report Status: Final Screening and Interventions … Effectiveness Reviews Affiliation: ECRI Institute—Penn Medicine Report Status: Final Interventions … Southern California EPC—RAND Corporation Report Status: Final Counseling and Behavioral Interventions … Child Outcomes of Mental Health Treatments in Women: A Systematic Review of Perinatal Pharmacologic Interventions
    June 01, 2020 - This PSLL created and implemented English and Spanish versions of the Fall TIPS (Tailoring Interventions … Fall T.I.P.S.: Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety. … Fall T.I.P.S.: Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety. … The Fall TIPS (Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety) Program: a collaboration to end the persistent … Pilot testing Fall TIPS (Tailoring Interventions for Patient Safety): a patient-centered fall prevention
    December 01, 2020 - They then implemented over a dozen interventions to address the identified problems. … These interventions included creating additional training for new hires, monitoring call center conversations … As a result of these interventions, Neighborhood has achieved and been able to maintain improvements … The study highlights the importance of using experimental study designs and developing interventions … The evaluation team modeled the effects of AltaMed’s interventions using CAHPS scores over a 7-year timeframe
    April 01, 2013 - safety culture, track changes in patient safety over time, and evaluate the impact of patient safety interventions … safety culture, track changes in patient safety over time, and evaluate the impact of patient safety interventions … safety culture, track changes in patient safety over time, and evaluate the impact of patient safety interventions
    June 01, 2017 - the conclusion of this webinar, participants will be able to: Integrate TeamSTEPPS and nonviolent interventions … on MHA’s work to improve patient safety culture across its hospitals, including the use of teamwork interventions … He discussed specific interventions, such as the implementation of the Comprehensive Unit-based Safety … Discuss the role of TeamSTEPPS and other teamwork interventions within the CUSP framework. … Discuss the implementation of and results associated with specific TeamSTEPPS interventions that have
    March 01, 2020 - illness. 1 A recent study by RAND found that patients received adequate counseling and teaching (i.e., interventions … System changes and interventions: Delivery system design. Improving Chronic Illness Care. … Review of computer-generated outpatient health behavior interventions: Clinical encounters "in absentia … System changes and interventions: delivery system design. Improving Chronic Illness Care.
    March 01, 2021 - qualitative data from Cooperatives and selected practices to understand why and how those combinations of interventions … with a focus on learning more about practices in the active and maintenance intervention phases as interventions … The Cooperatives are completing their interventions, and we, the national evaluation team, are preparing … evaluation team and an unprecedented opportunity to understand, in a rich way, how and why Cooperatives' interventions
    March 01, 2021 - Several cooperatives also fielded surveys with additional items unique to their local interventions and … guidance on missingness in the Adaptive Reserve Qualitative Data Collection Evaluations of complex interventions
    April 01, 2022 - At the local cooperative level, each EvidenceNOW cooperative will evaluate their own heart health interventions … It will also examine and compare the effectiveness of the cooperatives’ interventions to determine which … practice capacity, and practice structure—to look across EvidenceNOW cooperatives and determine which interventions
    February 01, 2024 - disparities in the receipt of clinical preventive services and use these visualizations to create or adapt interventions … descriptions of the research team, data visualization(s), possible drivers of disparities, and potential interventions … Participants will further define and implement interventions to address the drivers of the identified … Applicants are encouraged to include potential interventions to address care gaps at more than one level … visualization tool to identify care gaps in the receipt of clinical preventive services and develop or adapt interventions
    July 01, 2018 - are supported by evidence that the measure has been used to detect the impact of one or more clinical interventions … Use of service measures can assess encounters, tests, or interventions that are not supported by evidence … Measures in this domain are attributable to antecedent public health interventions or services and should … Population use of service measures can describe public health program encounters, tests, or interventions … Cost: Population costs of care are the monetary or resource units expended to deliver public health interventions
    September 01, 2021 - Michigan, and Tennessee – will form cooperatives by aligning clinical, public health, and community interventions … The strategy is based on the recognition that evidence-based interventions are often first developed … In particular, the study design will assess the proposed adoption of the clinical interventions to rural
    August 01, 2022 - safety by measuring safety problems, characterizing adverse events, and conducting clinical safety interventions … communication by assessing attitudes toward error and harm disclosure and implementing communication interventions … These projects focused on medical liability interventions – variations of a disclosure, apology, and
    June 01, 2021 - award-winning research focused on assessing the incremental benefits, harms and costs of innovative medical interventions … Articles featured this week include: Interventions to reduce pediatric prescribing errors in professional … Effect of simulation-based training and neurofeedback interventions on radiation technologists' workload … Work-system interventions in robotic-assisted surgery: a systematic review exploring the gap between
    December 01, 2020 - framework showing the six factors that influence the effectiveness of spreading health and public health interventions … framework showing the six factors that influence the effectiveness of spreading health and public health interventions … They keep it simple (e.g., interventions, measurement systems). … Achieving universal coverage with health interventions. Lancet . 2004; 364: 1541-1548.
    March 01, 2017 - • Sustain provides insight on how to establish and maintain interventions shown to reduce CAUTI and … Prior to implementing clinical and cultural interventions to improve resident safety, leaders need to … As resident outcomes change, an LTC facility wants to know that the interventions or changes applied … Cultural Interventions This section promotes implementation of cultural interventions referred to in … High-Performance Work Practices in CLABSI Prevention Interventions: Executive Summary.

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