July 01, 2014 - Understanding Drivers of Health Care Disparities and Developing Targeted Interventions … TOOLS
Understanding Drivers of Health Care Disparities and Developing Targeted Interventions … Feinberg School of Medicine
Understanding Drivers of Health Care Disparities and Developing Targeted Interventions … healthcare matter
Quality/disparities intersection
Race/ethnicity and language data collection
Interventions … Internet Citation: Understanding Drivers of Health Care Disparities and Developing Targeted Interventions
June 16, 2014 - Understanding Drivers of Health Care Disparities and Developing Targeted Interventions
Northwestern … Feinberg School of Medicine
Understanding Drivers of Health Care Disparities
and Developing Targeted Interventions … care matter
• Quality/disparities intersection
• Race/ethnicity and language data collection
• Interventions … data to:
• Target specific groups to design appropriate programs
and materials
• Evaluate which interventions
June 16, 2014 - ethnicity and primary
language, evaluate any disparities in treatment that are found,
and design interventions
July 01, 2014 - race, ethnicity and primary language, evaluate any disparities in treatment that are found, and design interventions
June 16, 2014 - affiliation and primary language,
evaluate any disparities in treatment that are found, and design interventions
July 01, 2014 - Immediate Post-Intervention Survey for Hospital Staff
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June 16, 2014 - Immediate Post-Intervention Survey for Hospital Staff
ID NUMBER__________________________
Today’s da…
February 01, 2025 - for conducting research that will identify the reasons for R/E/L-based health disparities and lead to interventions … be used to compare trends across groups, develop targeted strategies, and evaluate the progress of interventions … By establishing the importance and rationale for such interventions, individuals are more willing to … manner can then use these data to stratify quality measures, develop and expand culturally competent interventions … disparities in healthcare matter, the intersection of quality and disparities, R/E/L data collection, and interventions
July 01, 2014 - affiliation and primary language,
evaluate any disparities in treatment that are found, and design interventions
October 01, 2021 - Artery, One Artery, Orbital Atherectomy Technique, Percutaneous Approach CAR004 Percutaneous coronary interventions … , Three Arteries, Orbital Atherectomy Technique, Percutaneous Approach CAR004 Percutaneous coronary interventions … or More Arteries, Orbital Atherectomy Technique, Percutaneous Approach CAR004 Percutaneous coronary interventions … Fragmentation in Coronary Artery, Two Arteries, Percutaneous Approach CAR004 Percutaneous coronary interventions … Fragmentation in Coronary Artery, Three Arteries, Percutaneous Approach CAR004 Percutaneous coronary interventions
April 01, 2011 - now exist for collecting and analyzing race and ethnicity data to
support the targeting of health interventions … This general approach ensures that interventions
are effectively targeted and fine-tuned to particular … This brief describes how two states have analyzed race and ethnicity data and targeted
interventions … exist; identify how multiple factors
are causing the problem; and allocate resources for selected interventions … collect and analyze data at the neighborhood and community level is an efficient
way to develop targeted interventions
October 01, 2019 - DXCCSR-ChangeLog-v20191-v20201
This Excel file enumerates the changes between the following releases of the Clinical Classifications Software Refined (CCSR) for ICD-10-CM diagnoses
Compared versions: v2020.1 (released October 2019) to v2019.1 (released September 2019)
Table of Contents
Changes …
June 01, 2016 - techniques now exist for collecting and analyzing race and ethnicity data to support the targeting of health interventions … This general approach ensures that interventions are effectively targeted and fine-tuned to particular … This brief describes how two states have analyzed race and ethnicity data and targeted interventions … disparities exist; identify how multiple factors are causing the problem; and allocate resources for selected interventions … collect and analyze data at the neighborhood and community level is an efficient way to develop targeted interventions
September 29, 2013 - effectiveness of
coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedures and percutaneous coronary artery
September 29, 2013 - measurement of risk-adjusted clinical outcomes and comparative effectiveness analyses
of pharmaceutical interventions
October 01, 2010 - comparative effectiveness of coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) procedures and percutaneous coronary artery interventions
July 01, 2016 - Ethnicity, and Language Data
Understanding Drivers of Health Care Disparities and Developing Targeted Interventions … disparities in healthcare matter, the intersection of quality and disparities, R/E/L data collection, and interventions
September 29, 2013 - certificates to
support a wide range of comparative effectiveness studies on patient- and system-
level interventions
January 01, 2008 - growth in cost per discharge, indicating greater intensity of service utilization and more
expensive interventions
January 01, 2009 - average growth in cost per stay, indicating greater intensity of service utilization and more
expensive interventions