January 01, 2012 - When the decision support system
detected a care transition, four information interventions could be … The impacts of the interventions were evaluated by randomizing patients with complex health care needs … (Achieved)
• Assess the economic impact of the new interventions at both a societal and an individual … (Achieved)
• Disseminate information regarding the development and the impact of the interventions … The successful implementation of the study interventions demonstrates that the management of
January 01, 2023 - learning models to move a reactive full capacity protocol (FCP) for emergency department (ED) overcrowding interventions … into a proactive FCP by predicting patient flow measures so that interventions may be activated to avoid
January 01, 2011 - In addition, physicians were repeatedly surveyed on their attitudes toward the interventions. … Phase 1 interventions included point-of-care reminders, linked order sets, point-of-care tools within … refusals, inability to afford medications, and contraindications or adverse reactions to recommended interventions … In addition to the interventions described above, Phase 2 included printing a list of unsatisfied quality … For Phase 2, the addition of paper reminders to the interventions in Phase 1 did not have a marginal
January 01, 2011 - The impact of the interventions are currently being evaluated by randomizing patients with complex health … (Ongoing)
2011 Activities: The CDS system and interventions were finished and tested in February … period will be to conduct the clinic site visits and continue to provide support for the project and the interventions … For example, the project team customized the sending of interventions (care event summaries and requests … ensure adequate time for the RCT, which was delayed due to previous years' delays in programming the interventions
January 01, 2012 - When the decision support system detected a care transition, four information
interventions could be … To evaluate these interventions, 8422 complex patients were randomized to (1) usual care
(n=2281), ( … Systematic reviews have found that HIT
interventions can increase adherence to guideline-based care, … Figure 5 shows the data flow within the
COACH HIE to generate the study interventions. … generated per patients was less that for the other interventions (Table 11).
January 01, 2023 - (PeRC) has evaluated the impact of clinician-focused and patient/family-focused health information interventions … qualitative study to better understand decisionmaking at the point of care and generate hypotheses to inform interventions … technology to engage adolescents and families with clinicians in health decisions, and inform future interventions
Alert fatigue and general dissatisfaction with these interventions is common. … have these systems in place, interoperability barriers across systems—for both patient data and CDS interventions … The lack of widespread, plug and play interoperability of CDS interventions with CIS typically makes … will reduce autonomy or increase liability, or because of the perception (often justified) that the interventions
Intervention: The three interventions were: a computerized reminder system for physicians; a patient … Safety Outcome: Delivery of five of six audited preventive services improved significantly after the interventions … Both interventions used together were slightly less effective in improving performance of physician-dependent
July 30, 2007 - Suboptimal data entry into the EMR has implications for CDS interventions. … Defining the prescriptiveness of the CDS interventions was difficult. … Adoption of CDS interventions has been lower than expected. … Suboptimal EMR usage by clinicians diminishes the impact of CDS interventions. … designing interventions to support redesigned care practices.
January 01, 2023 - Tertiary Care
Improving Identification And Coordination Of Mobility Interventions … physical therapists at the point of care in the timely identification of patients suitable for activity interventions … electronic health record for preventing wrong-patient order errors, finding rigorous evidence that these interventions
January 01, 2023 - Develop a tool to assess care coordination interventions in studies and demonstration projects in the … The Atlas is geared towards three main audiences: 1) evaluators of interventions or demonstration projects … anyone wishing to evaluate the practice of care coordination or its effects outside the context of interventions
August 23, 2021 - We conducted a qualitative literature review of 45 conference papers describing telemedicine interventions … The identified determinants, which would influence the future implementation of telemedicine interventions
January 01, 2024 - Events
The use of reinforcement learning algorithms for personalizing text messaging interventions … Personalization of mHealth app interventions may be done by computer tailoring, which involves adapting … Evaluate the effectiveness of adaptive versus static messaging interventions. … This supports the use of reinforcement learning algorithms for personalizing text messaging interventions … Citation: Mayberry LS, Lyles CR, Oldenburg B, Osborn CY, Parks M, Peek ME. mHealth interventions for
September 30, 2023 - attempt using data visualization to show risk over time has the potential to allow for more timely interventions … assessment tool capitalizing on machine learning (ML) holds promise to identify those at risk with earlier interventions … risk-prediction tool for both suicide ideation and suicide attempt has the potential to allow for more timely interventions … based on multiple questionnaires and help provide the most efficient and effective approach for early interventions
January 01, 2006 - Integrating Health Information Technology with Clinical Practice: Documenting Tobacco Cessation Interventions … Integrating Health Information
Technology with Clinical Practice:
Documenting Tobacco
Cessation Interventions
January 01, 2023 - Preventive Medicine
Improving Identification And Coordination Of Mobility Interventions … physical therapists at the point of care in the timely identification of patients suitable for activity interventions … Settings
This research developed and evaluated three clinical decision support interventions
July 31, 2023 - included automated screening tools, education initiatives, and reminder systems, but many of these interventions … Researchers developed and implemented three CDS interventions to improve influenza vaccine uptake in … The interventions included prechecked vaccine orders in admission order sets; non-interruptive vaccine
January 01, 2023 - Increased opportunities for IPV conversations Researchers tested the interventions against more traditional … IPV screening methods in 15 clinics with nearly 20,000 female patients and found the interventions improved … Although the interventions improved the screening process, researchers found that most patients identified
January 01, 2023 - When the decision support system detected a care transition, four information interventions could be … The impacts of the interventions were evaluated by randomizing patients with complex health care needs … The successful implementation of the study interventions demonstrates that the management of health care … need to pay particular attention to sociotechnical issues to enable better delivery of information interventions
January 01, 2010 - The impact of the interventions will be evaluated by randomizing patients by family unit with complex … The project team encountered delays during the year in programming the interventions into the Duke proprietary … These requested notices are similar to the care manager-oriented interventions for the proposed study … month randomized controlled trial (RCT), now called Phase 2, will provide the originally proposed study interventions … is expected to roll out in February 2011, pending the software migration and the programming of the interventions