January 01, 2011 - This information will help interpret results
from health IT interventions and guide adaptation and scale-up … , adaptations and implications for real world ATSM
implementation and related health IT interventions
January 01, 2010 - Improving Otitis Media Care with EHR-based Clinical Decision Support and Feedback - 2010
Project Name
Improving Otitis Media Care with Electronic Health Record (EHR)-based Clinical Decision Support and Feedback
Principal Investigator
Forrest, Christopher
The Chil…
January 01, 2011 - By examining the incremental cost-effectiveness of increasingly intensive interventions, this project … Ultimately, the study will help determine whether ASC and TOP-CARE interventions are worth
the additional
January 01, 2011 - Improving Post-Hospital Medication Management of Older Adults With Health Information Technology
1 | ImprovIng post-HospItal medIcatIon management of older adults wItH
HealtH InformatIon tecHnology
AmbulAtory SAfety And QuAlity ProgrAm: imProving QuAlity through
CliniCiAn uSe of heAlth it (r18)
Improving Post-Hos…
visits, a personalized patient reminder letter sent just before a patient's birthday, and educational interventions
January 01, 2010 - Improving Medication Management Practices and Care Transitions Through Technology
1 | ImprovIng medIcatIon management practIces
and care transItIons through technology
2010 Grant Summary
Improving Medication Management Practices and
Care Transitions Through Technology
Principal Investigator: Feldman, Penny, …
January 01, 2012 - common, allowing for repetitive dental provider opportunities to offer tobacco cessation
counseling and interventions
January 01, 1993 - Litzelman DK et al. 1993 "Requiring physicians to respond to computerized reminders improves their compliance with preventative care protocols."
Litzelman DK, Dittus RS, Miller ME, et al. Requiring physicians to respond to computerized reminders improves their compliance with preventative ca…
March 23, 2017 - Vawdrey, David Kent
Interventions to increase patient portal use in … Interventions to increase patient portal use in vulnerable populations: a systematic review.
January 01, 2018 - messages, incorporated motivational interviewing to facilitate behavior change and ecological momentary interventions … Therefore, interventions to improve pain care should focus on providing context of clinical evidence
January 01, 2011 - Methods: Study Design, Data Sources/Collection, Interventions, Measures, Limitations. … Table 2, Outcome measures, benchmarks, and hypothesized behavioral after both interventions. … Interventions
The two CDS interventions—designed to encourage use of clinical care guidelines for complex … The two CDS interventions were then implemented as described above
and followed up participants for … Some limitations also were inherent in the interventions.
January 01, 2011 - Using Short Message System (SMS) to Improve Health Care Quality and Outcomes Among HIV-Positive Men - 2011
Project Name
Using Short Message System (SMS) to Improve Health Care Quality and Outcomes Among HIV-Positive Men
Principal Investigator
Uhrig, Jennifer
January 01, 2023 - Veterans Medical Research Foundation
Quantifying Electronic Medical Record Usability to Improve Clinical Workflow - 2012
Principal Investigator
Agha, Zia
Project Name
Quantifying Electronic Medical Record Usability to Improve Clinical Workflow
January 01, 2010 - Improving Post-Hospital Medication Management of Older Adults with Health Information Technology
Improving Post-Hospital Medication Management of Older Adults
With Health Information Technology
Principal Investigator: Gurwitz, Jerry, M.D.
Organization: University of Massachusetts Medical School - Worcester
January 01, 2010 - Improving Otitis Media Care with Electronic Health Record-Based Clinical Decision Support and Feedback
Improving Otitis Media Care with Electronic Health Record-Based
Clinical Decision Support and Feedback
Principal Investigator: Forrest, Christopher, M.D.
Organization: Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
January 01, 2012 - Interventions to improve medication compliance and reduce caregiver burden may
reduce hospital readmissions
January 01, 2018 - Routine assessment, open dialogue with the patient, collaborative care planning, and
tailored interventions … Interventions
using health information technology hold potential to address these key issues of inpatient … Studies testing various non-pharmacologic sleep promotion interventions (e.g., daytime artificial light … Interventions using health information technology (IT), which improve timely communication and
facilitate … Goyal, Non-pharmacologic interventions to improve the sleep of
hospitalized patients: a systematic review
January 01, 2014 - Prior interventions designed to improve medication intensification have also had higher success
January 01, 2011 - Research has shown
that school-based interventions for major risks are often nominally effective or … Interventions
that use motivational interviewing and technology to enhance screening and counseling
August 01, 2006 - uncontrolled hypertension were identified and consented and providers were randomized to receive study interventions