July 09, 1997 - Among interventions assessed, the one relevant to HIT is Òcomputerized communicationÓ to conduct self-help
January 01, 2023 - This project evaluated the impact of clinician-focused and patient/family-focused health information interventions
January 01, 2011 - By examining the incremental cost-effectiveness of increasingly intensive interventions, this project … Ultimately, the study will help determine whether ASC and TOP-CARE interventions are worth the additional
October 01, 1986 - Intervention: The interventions studied were: Group 1 did not receive a reminder (control group); Group
January 01, 2019 - In fact, many behavior management interventions (e.g., weight control) have used short-term intensive … interventions followed by long-term maintenance sessions (“boosters”).51-54 Some trials that applied … this
approach in online settings55,56 reported effectiveness of the booster interventions.57,58 … Internet-based physical activity interventions: a
systematic review of the literature. … A meta-analysis of web-delivered
tailored health behavior change interventions.
January 01, 2011 - Rand has planned two health information technology
(IT) interventions.
January 01, 2011 - One report tool used a dashboard to display the status of risk assessment, planned interventions, and … The dashboard that displayed the status of risk assessment, planned interventions, and outcomes used … designed with a clean visual display but did not provide enough detail about patient-specific risks and interventions
January 01, 2011 - Promising interventions have been developed for practices affiliated with hospitals and integrated delivery … guide and widely distribute it to other practices and communities interested in implementing similar interventions … Interventions to improve laboratory monitoring should address physician workflow issues and increase
January 01, 2010 - The CDS Consortium is developing a series of service-oriented CDS interventions focused on diabetes, … In the first two years of the project, the team developed the service-oriented CDS interventions and … In the next few years, the team will expand the interventions and continue to gather data and develop
August 29, 2013 - To…
▪ Turn clinical data into actionable
▪ Empirically test theoretically sound
interventions … using EHRs to improve
health care quality
▪ Disseminate successful interventions
“Blurring the … 134 practices: collaborative learning
▪ Practices use HIT/staff in new ways
▪ Complex interventions … – An additional 47,705 smoking cessation interventions* were delivered. … *Interventions include: counseling by provider, prescription for cessation medication, or referral to
January 01, 2011 - The interventions were designed to address how and
to whom special dental care needs are communicated … The interventions were: 1) a reminder to the patient delivered
by a PHR e-mail or, if e-mail was not … Specific Aims:
• Determine the effectiveness of integrated EMR-based interventions toward changing
January 01, 2010 - that clinicians screen all adult patients for obesity and offer intensive counseling and behavioral interventions
January 01, 2023 - Enabling Sleep Apnea Patient-Centered Care Via an Internet Intervention
Project Final Report ( PDF , 287.67 KB) Disclaimer
The findings and conclusions in this document are those of the author(s), who are responsible for its content, and do not necessarily represent …
January 01, 2023 - Settings
This research developed and evaluated three clinical decision support interventions
January 01, 2011 - Enabling Sleep Apnea Patient-Centered Care via an Internet Intervention
1 | Enabling SlEEp apnEa patiEnt-CEntErEd CarE via an intErnEt intErvEntion
AmbulAtory SAfety And QuAlity: enAbling PAtient-Centered CAre through
heAlth it (r18)
Enabling Sleep Apnea Patient-Centered Care via an
Internet Intervention
January 01, 2012 - Two health information technology (IT) interventions were developed in
the first phase of the project
January 01, 2023 - Delrahim-Howlett, Katia
Web-based assessment and brief intervention for alcohol use in women of childbearing potential: a report of the primary findings.
Delrahim-Howlett K, Chambers CD, Clapp JD, et al. Web-based assessment and brief intervention for alcohol use in w…
January 01, 2023 - technology, described the epidemiology and root causes of the errors, formulated quality-improvement interventions
January 01, 2010 - provided by PCDC and Open Door, offers a unique opportunity to investigate the efficacy of these
January 01, 2009 - Then, preliminary versions of the interventions were pilot tested
in Partners practices for 6-8 weeks … Feedback was used to optimize the
interventions. … usability surveys were given to physicians post-intervention to identify barriers to the
use of these interventions … Physicians in the clinics randomized to the interventions were alerted to the introduction of
the Smart … Interventions
The interventions consisted of two types: Smart Forms and Quality Dashboards.