January 01, 2010 - This research is one of the first theoretically driven text message interventions for improving medication
January 01, 2011 - patient harm.2 Most of the literature documenting the success of health information technology
(HIT) interventions … high rates of medication
discrepancies we found, our study underscores the importance of developing interventions … Designing interventions that integrate
well within provider workflow and that will be subsequently be
January 01, 2011 - common, allowing for repetitive dental provider opportunities to offer tobacco cessation counseling and interventions
January 01, 2002 - Summary: Settings: A large private teaching hospital Intervention: Give hypothetical interventions
wards and therefore, Òwas comparatively low expenses we have achieved on average 14 nursing and medical interventions
January 01, 2014 - counseling).11-13 Explanations for the failure of dentists to consistently provide smoking
cessation interventions … more up-to-
date and accurate information about the elements of the PHS Guideline, and facilitate
interventions … Interventions for tobacco
cessation in the dental setting.
January 01, 2010 - To test the impact of these interventions on clinician behavior using a randomized
controlled trial … with twoarms: a) delivery of triggering intervention; and b) delivery of
triggering and training interventions … drug regimen review, a
computerized decision support system, a geriatric service, and educational interventions … Two trials that used education-type interventions among Canadian clinicians practicing
in ambulatory … We decided to offer the interventions in
both CD format (using Articulate e-learning software) and the
January 01, 2010 - A Risk Based Approach to Improving Management of Chronic Kidney Disease - 2010
Project Name
A Risk Based Approach to Improving Management of Chronic Kidney Disease
Principal Investigator
Sequist, Thomas D.
Brigham and Women's Hospital
Funding Mechanism
January 01, 2010 - Feedback of Intensifying Treatment (FIT) Data to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease
Grant Final Report
Grant ID: R18HS17031
Feedback of Intensifying Treatment (FIT) Data to Reduce
October 01, 1999 - Evaluation of a computer-assisted antibiotic-dose monitor
Authors: Evans RS, Pestotnik SL, Classen DC, Burke JP Journal: Ann Pharmacother Publication Date: 1999 Oct Volume: 33 Issue: 10 Pages: 1026-31 HIT Description: Computerized decision-support system for monitoring antibiotic doses and patient re…
June 07, 2000 - A clinical decision support system for prevention of venous thromboembolism: effect on physician behavior
Authors: Durieux P, Nizard R, Ravaud P, Mounier N, Lepage E Journal: JAMA Publication Date: 2000 Jun 7 Volume: 283 Issue: 21 Pages: 2816-21 HIT Description: Computer-based clinical decision suppo…
January 01, 2010 - Enhancing Self-Management of Type 2 Diabetes With an Automated Reminder and Feedback System
1 | Enhancing SElf-ManagEMEnt of typE 2 DiabEtES With an
autoMatED REMinDER anD fEEDback SyStEM
2010 Grant Summary
Enhancing Self-Management of Type 2 Diabetes With an
Automated Reminder and Feedback System
Principal In…
September 01, 2012 - This research is one of the first theoretically driven text message interventions for improving medication
January 01, 2012 - Trial of the CarePartner Program for Improving the Quality of Transition Support - 2012
Project Name
Trial of the CarePartner Program for Improving the Quality of Transition Support
Principal Investigator
Piette, John D.
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
January 01, 2011 - Virtual Continuity and its Impact on Complex Hospitalized Patients' Care - 2011
Project Name
Virtual Continuity and its Impact on Complex Hospitalized Patients' Care
Principal Investigator
Smith, Kenneth J.
University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh
Funding M…
January 01, 2013 - enhanced care in the community
Programmatic priority area
Senior Centers as a Venue
for Health IT Interventions … Provision of Care in the Community
Senior Centers as a Venue for Health IT Interventions
Blood Pressure
January 01, 2015 - Effect of patient reminder/recall interventions on immunization
rates: A review. JAMA.
January 01, 2011 - A Longitudinal Telephone and Multiple Disease Management System to Improve Ambulatory Care
1 | A LongitudinAL teLephone And MuLtipLe diseAse MAnAgeMent systeM to
iMprove AMbuLAtory CAre
AmbulAtory SAfety And QuAlity ProgrAm: imProving mAnAgement of
individuAlS with ComPlex heAlthCAre needS through heAlth it (r18)…
March 01, 2009 - Percentage of Alerts or Reminders That Resulted in Desired Action
Percentage of Alerts or
Reminders That Resulted
in Desired Action
Determining the frequency in which a given alert or
reminder is executed may help assess its effectiveness.
This measure might be implemented in the
following instances:
• For e…
January 01, 2011 - Using Health Information Technology to Improve Transitions of Complex Elderly Patients from Skilled Nursing Facilities to Home
1 | Using HealtH information tecHnology to improve transitions of complex
elderly patients from skilled nUrsing facilities to Home
AmbulAtory SAfety And QuAlity ProgrAm: imProving mAnAgemen…