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    January 01, 2011 - Virtual Continuity and its Impact on Complex Hospitalized Patients' Care - 2011 Project Name Virtual Continuity and its Impact on Complex Hospitalized Patients' Care Principal Investigator Smith, Kenneth J. Organization University of Pittsburgh at Pittsburgh Funding M…
    January 01, 2008 - intervention However, patients with SAPS II < 60 did not differ in mortality risk between the two interventions … However, patients with SAPS II < 50 did not differ in mortality risk between the two interventions. … ICUs could have initiated quality improvement interventions designed to reduce mortality independent … to compare use of tele-ICU technology with less expensive, but also powerful, quality improvement interventions
    January 01, 2011 - common, allowing for repetitive dental provider opportunities to offer tobacco cessation counseling and interventions
    January 01, 2011 - A Longitudinal Telephone and Multiple Disease Management System to Improve Ambulatory Care 1 | A LongitudinAL teLephone And MuLtipLe diseAse MAnAgeMent systeM to iMprove AMbuLAtory CAre AmbulAtory SAfety And QuAlity ProgrAm: imProving mAnAgement of individuAlS with ComPlex heAlthCAre needS through heAlth it (r18)…
    January 01, 2014 - counseling).11-13 Explanations for the failure of dentists to consistently provide smoking cessation interventions … more up-to- date and accurate information about the elements of the PHS Guideline, and facilitate interventionsInterventions for tobacco cessation in the dental setting.
    January 01, 2011 - patient harm.2 Most of the literature documenting the success of health information technology (HIT) interventions … high rates of medication discrepancies we found, our study underscores the importance of developing interventions … Designing interventions that integrate well within provider workflow and that will be subsequently be
    January 01, 2010 - Feedback of Treatment Intensification Data to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk - 2010 Project Name Feedback of Treatment Intensification Data to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk Principal Investigator Selby, Joe Organization Kaiser Foundation Research Institute Fu…
    January 01, 2010 - Using Health Information Technology to Improve Transitions of Complex Elderly Patients from Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) to Home - 2010 Project Name Using Health Information Technology to Improve Transitions of Complex Elderly Patients from Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) to Home Princi…
    January 01, 2011 - Improving Otitis Media Care with Electronic Health Record (EHR)-based Clinical Decision Support and Feedback - 2011 Project Name Improving Otitis Media Care with Electronic Health Record (EHR)-based Clinical Decision Support and Feedback Principal Investigator Forrest, Christopher …
    September 01, 2012 - This research is one of the first theoretically driven text message interventions for improving medication
    March 01, 2009 - Percentage of Alerts or Reminders That Resulted in Desired Action Percentage of Alerts or Reminders That Resulted in Desired Action Determining the frequency in which a given alert or reminder is executed may help assess its effectiveness. This measure might be implemented in the following instances: • For e…
    January 01, 2010 - To test the impact of these interventions on clinician behavior using a randomized controlled trial … with twoarms: a) delivery of triggering intervention; and b) delivery of triggering and training interventions … drug regimen review, a computerized decision support system, a geriatric service, and educational interventions … Two trials that used education-type interventions among Canadian clinicians practicing in ambulatory … We decided to offer the interventions in both CD format (using Articulate e-learning software) and the
    January 01, 2011 - Using Health Information Technology to Improve Transitions of Complex Elderly Patients from Skilled Nursing Facilities to Home 1 | Using HealtH information tecHnology to improve transitions of complex elderly patients from skilled nUrsing facilities to Home AmbulAtory SAfety And QuAlity ProgrAm: imProving mAnAgemen…
    December 01, 2000 - Intensive care unit telemedicine: alternate paradigm for providing continuous intensivist care Authors:  Rosenfeld BA, Dorman T, Breslow MJ, Pronovost P, Jenckes M, Zhang N, Anderson G, Rubin H Journal:  Crit Care Med Publication Date:  2000 Dec Volume:  28 Issue:  12 Pages:  3925-31 HIT Description:  Telem…
    January 01, 2015 - Effect of patient reminder/recall interventions on immunization rates: A review. JAMA.
    January 01, 2012 - Using Health Information Technology to Improve Transitions of Complex Elderly Patients from Skilled Nursing Facilities to Home AMBULATORY SAFETY AND QUALITY PROGRAM: IMPROVING MANAGEMENT OF INDIVIDUALS WITH COMPLEX HEALTHCARE NEEDS THROUGH HEALTH IT (R18) 1 | USING HEALTH INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY TO IMPROVE TRA…
    January 01, 2010 - Using Health Information Technology to Improve Transitions of Complex Elderly Patients from Skilled Nursing Facilities to Home 1 | Using HealtH information tecHnology to improve transitions of complex elderly patients from skilled nUrsing facilities to Home 2010 Grant Summary Using Health Information Technology t…
    January 01, 2010 - A Risk Based Approach to Improving Management of Chronic Kidney Disease 1 | A Risk BAsed AppRoAch to impRoving mAnAgement of chRonic kidney diseAse 2010 gRAnt summARy A Risk Based Approach to Improving Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Principal Investigator: Sequist, Thomas D., M.D., M.P.H. Organization…
    January 01, 2010 - Feedback of Treatment Intensification Data to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk 1 | Feedback oF TreaTmenT InTensIFIcaTIon daTa To reduce cardIovascular dIsease rIsk 2010 Grant Summary Feedback of Treatment Intensification Data to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease Risk Principal Investigator: Selby, Joseph, …
    January 01, 2013 - A Risk-Based Approach to Improving Management of Chronic Kidney Disease - Final Report Grant Final Report Grant ID: R18HS018226 A Risk-Based Approach to Improving Management of Chronic Kidney Disease Inclusive Project Dates: 09/30/09 – 07/31/13 Principal Investigator: Thomas D. Sequist MD, MPH Team Membe…

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