January 01, 2014 - While multiple approaches have attempted to improve
this behavior, results of interventions have been … Resultantly, there is significant need to test low-cost
means to individualize interventions, focusing … In response to improvements in and the rapid adoption of mobile technologies,
interventions have begun … Significance
Relatively few interventions have paired mobile phone delivery with tailored messaging … While potentially labor-intensive,
researchers must improve the individualization of interventions
February 20, 2014 - Medication Management Problem module is now
available on your tablet to help guide assessment and interventions … Reports +
o Reports group interventions
o E-mail notification to patient’s care manager
• Registration … • Sites already receiving patient care transition
information requested interventions turned off. … ► Demonstrated CDS facilitated care transition processes of
care by use of targeted information interventions … eligible patients.
After Thought
• Despite some implementation issues, the
information interventions
January 01, 2023 - Research indicates that problem-solving interventions are among the most effective treatments to improve
January 01, 2011 - returning after hospital discharge is widely acknowledged, little has been done to implement and evaluate interventions … This project is implementing and evaluating two health information technology (IT) interventions aimed … Development Award, will continue his long-term career goal of implementing and evaluating informatics-based interventions
February 01, 2007 - Assessment of education and computerized decision support interventions for improving transfusion practice
January 01, 2012 - PeRC) has evaluated
the impact of clinician-focused and patient/family-focused health information interventions … technology (IT) to engage adolescents and families with
clinicians in health decisions, and inform future interventions … study to better understand decisionmaking at the point of care and generate
hypotheses to inform interventions
January 01, 2010 - returning after
hospital discharge is widely acknowledged, little has been done to implement and evaluate interventions … This project will implement and evaluate two health information technology interventions aimed
at improving … Development Award, will continue his long-term career goal of implementing and evaluating
informatics-based interventions
January 01, 2012 - (Ongoing)
• Assess the impact of the interventions in improving quality of care. … QUALITY (R18)
2012 Activities: The phase of the research focused on interventions … In 2012, the focus was on interventions to encourage use of the PHR among those
patients who had signed … To measure the effectiveness of the interventions to encourage PHR use, 369 patients were followed to
January 01, 2023 - The researchers concluded that ConnectCare lays the groundwork for similar interventions, but that further … panel discussed efforts to improve adult depression diagnosis and treatment using digital healthcare interventions
January 01, 2010 - self-administered, cost-efficient methods for conducting alcohol assessments and delivering targeted
January 01, 2023 - This will permit evaluation of the effectiveness of alert-generated interventions, as well as the effectiveness … of other interventions currently in implementation to improve medication safety (for example, computerized
June 01, 2005 - Purpose of Study: To assess the impact and cost-effectiveness of two email provider reminder interventions … Quality of Care and Patient Safety Outcome: Both interventions significantly increased patient recognition
January 01, 2011 - Research has shown that school-based interventions for major risks are often nominally effective or ineffective … Interventions that use motivational interviewing and technology to enhance screening and counseling of
January 01, 2011 - returning after hospital discharge is widely
acknowledged, little has been done to implement and evaluate interventions … This project is implementing and evaluating two health information technology (IT) interventions aimed … Development Award, will continue his long-term career goal of implementing and evaluating
informatics-based interventions
January 01, 2012 - returning after hospital discharge is widely
acknowledged, little has been done to implement and evaluate interventions … management of tests with pending results at hospital discharge
with two health information technology (IT) interventions … Development Award, will continue his long-term career goal of implementing and evaluating
informatics-based interventions
January 01, 2012 - Specific Aims:
• Determine the use and acceptability of the active versus passive CDS interventions … (Upcoming)
• Determine the effectiveness of the active versus passive CDS interventions toward changing … (Upcoming)
• Determine the impact of the active versus passive CDS interventions upon reducing adverse
January 01, 2023 - to help individuals exercise their freedom to participate in novel scientific research and clinical interventions
January 01, 2023 - Developing a framework for conducting economic evaluations of community-based health information technology interventions … study describes a framework for conducting economic analyses for health information technology (HIT) interventions … , in the context of three interventions that are currently being implemented in a community-based health … We show that if the HIT interventions were to redirect only 10% of low-severity emergency room encounters
January 01, 2023 - Technology-based interventions focused on dietary behavior change can allow users to engage with culturally-relevant … Innovative interventions are needed to engage children and interest them in health- promoting behaviors
January 01, 2024 - Abraham, Joanna
Machine learning-augmented interventions in perioperative … Machine learning-augmented interventions in perioperative care: A systematic review and meta-analysis