
Total Results: 2,766 records

Showing results for "interventions".

    January 01, 2011 - This study integrated interventions that target patients, providers, and the overall practice system … Achieved) Work with the practice-based research network to disseminate and track the use of effective interventions
    January 01, 2023 - Scope: Wrong-patient errors remain a threat to patient safety, requiring evidence-based interventions … Photo interventions significantly decreased WP orders versus control; between-group differences were … Photo Display in Epic, with and without patient photos available. 7 Study Interventions. … Non-Study Interventions and Potential Contamination. … Analyses of Interventions Overall and by Photo Availability.
    March 01, 2007 - Interventions with therapist support had a larger mean effect size than interventions without therpist
    January 01, 2012 - that clinicians screen all adult patients for obesity and offer intensive counseling and behavioral interventions
    January 01, 2012 - Promising interventions have been developed for practices affiliated with hospitals and integrated delivery … guide and widely distribute it to other practices and communities interested in implementing similar interventionsInterventions to improve laboratory monitoring should address physician workflow issues and increase
    January 01, 2009 - This will permit evaluation of the effectiveness of alert-generated interventions, as well as the effectiveness … of other interventions currently in implementation to improve medication safety. … (Achieved)  Reduce the incidence of ADEs through process- or technology-based interventions. … The scope of drug interventions was narrowed to include only the top three high-risk drug categories
    May 23, 2013 - fall or fall-related injury and providing details to help nurses plan and communicate risk-specific interventions … The “Interventions” Plan Detail: • An empty circle indicates the patient was found to be at risk … The “Interventions” Details • If the patient is not at risk for falls, the “N/A” message will display … CP-CDS Tool Mouse Hover Message for Interventions that Were “Done” • If the circle is not filled … CP-CDS Tool Mouse Hover Over Message for Interventions that Were “Not Done” 5.
    February 15, 2008 - Educate Is Patient Able to Participate in Fall Prevention Implement Plan with Risk- Specific interventions … Implement Additional Interventions for Surveillence No Yes Implement one or both plans based … Reviewing the Care Plan Status: Interventions The empty icon indicates the patient has risk factors … Help you to know which patients are at risk for falls, the status of your patient assessments and interventions … determine what to communicate to your CNA partners about patients risk for falling, the status of the interventions
    September 21, 2009 - How can we develop interventions that maximize outcomes? 2. … How do we test which interventions have any utility? 3. … How do we test which interventions have the most ‘bang for the buck’ 4.
    January 01, 2008 - Vision rehabilitation services - individualized therapeutic interventions and counseling designed to … restore functioning, safety and self-sufficiency to people with vision loss - include such interventions … Pre and post service functional assessments for the following vision rehabilitation interventions: … Most participants received one intervention with the numbers of interventions ranging between 1 and … In a second step, the number of service hours in the different interventions was entered. 3.
    January 01, 2005 - Quasi-Experiemental Studies in Medical Informatics Quasi-experiments are studies that aim to evaluate interventions … quasi-experimental study designs that yield more convincing evidence for causal links between medical informatics interventions
    January 01, 2011 - (PeRC) is evaluating the impact of clinician-focused and patient/family-focused health information interventions … technology to engage adolescents and families with clinicians in health decisions, and will inform future interventions … study to better understand decisionmaking at the point of care and generate hypotheses to inform interventions … as part of a nested cohort study to understand in greater detail the impact of the decision support interventions
    January 01, 2011 - (PeRC) is evaluating the impact of clinician-focused and patient/family-focused health information interventions … technology to engage adolescents and families with clinicians in health decisions, and will inform future interventions … qualitative study to better understand decisionmaking at the point of care and generate hypotheses to inform interventions … as part of a nested cohort study to understand in greater detail the impact of the decision support interventions
    January 01, 2010 - The study compares two interventions against a usual care control. … The interventions are designed to address how and to whom special dental care needs are communicated. … The interventions are: 1) a reminder to the patient delivered primarily via a PHR e-mail or, if e-mail … Specific Aims: Determine the effectiveness of integrated EMR-based interventions toward changing
    January 01, 2007 - fully realizing the promise of CDS: having the best available clinical knowledge well-organized for CDS interventions … outlines the full set of tasks necessary to create a robust infrastructure in which to develop CDS interventions
    January 01, 2010 - returning after hospital discharge is widely acknowledged, little has been done to implement and evaluate interventions … This project will implement and evaluate two health information technology interventions aimed at improving … Development Award, will continue his long-term career goal of implementing and evaluating informatics-based interventions
    May 15, 2004 - Intervention:  Web based discussion forms, chat rooms, voice bulletin board systems along with complex interventions … , partly because peer-to-peer communities have been evaluated only in conjunction with more complex interventions
    December 01, 1992 - accurately doctors record laboratory investigations on computer and compare the effectiveness of three interventions … and a total of 7983 patient contacts were analyzed in an urban health centre Intervention:  The three interventions
    June 01, 1989 - Cost effectiveness of two interventions for reducing outpatient prescribing costs Authors: 
    January 01, 2010 - visits and unnecessary hospital readmissions. ( Achieved ) Develop a tool to assess care coordination interventions … The 2007 EPC systematic evidence review included a review of systematic reviews of care coordination interventions … The Atlas is geared towards three main audiences: 1) evaluators of interventions or demonstration projects … anyone wishing to evaluate the practice of care coordination or its effects outside the context of interventions

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