September 01, 2022 - the CDS logic that generates
the display of CDS interventions and suggested actions. … At a very high level, the inclusion and
exclusion logic generate the following interventions and suggested … Educational interventions: links to relevant recommendation statements, original
references to the … Reflect the CQL-generated interventions and suggested actions in the health
IT user interface. … , carotid interventions).
September 01, 2022 - the CDS logic that generates
the display of CDS interventions and suggested actions. … At a very high level, the inclusion and
exclusion logic generate the following interventions and suggested … Educational interventions: links to relevant recommendation statements, original
references to the … Reflect the CQL-generated interventions and suggested actions in the health
IT user interface. … , carotid interventions).
September 01, 2021 - the provider regarding the effectiveness
of existing treatments and the benefits and risks of future interventions … The key factors include subjective and
objective findings, along with recorded treatments and interventions … regarding the effectiveness of existing
treatments and the benefits and risks of potential future interventions … Pain Management
Summary with the patient, including the patient’s pain management goal and
potential interventions … the provider regarding the effectiveness of existing treatments and the
benefits and risks of future interventions
January 01, 2022 - Example Intervention Text
Example Patient-Facing Intervention Text: Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes: Part 1, Screening
General Information
The example intervention text shown below is embedded in the Clinical Quality Language (CQL) files for the Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Part One: Screening artifact.
January 01, 2023 - Example Intervention Text
Example Patient-Facing Intervention Text: Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes: Part 1, Screening
General Information
The example intervention text shown below is embedded in the Clinical Quality Language (CQL) files for the Prediabetes and Type 2 Diabetes Part One: Screening artifact.
May 01, 2020 - The key factors include subjective and objective
findings, along with recorded treatments and interventions … provider regarding the
effectiveness of existing treatments and the benefits and risks of future interventions … Pain Management
Summary with the patient, including the patient’s pain management goal and
potential interventions … provider regarding the effectiveness of existing treatments
and the benefits and risks of future interventions … management, and to provide relevant patient-
specific information that could be considered when choosing interventions
January 01, 2023 - The key factors include subjective and objective findings, along with recorded treatments
and interventions … regarding the
effectiveness of existing treatments and the benefits and risks of potential future interventions … Pain Management
Summary with the patient, including the patient’s pain management goal and
potential interventions … the provider regarding the effectiveness of existing treatments and the
benefits and risks of future interventions … management, and to provide relevant patient-specific information
that could be considered when choosing interventions
January 01, 2022 - 10
Other Health Scenarios Can Be Supported with Customization of the Coded Expression ...... 12
CDS Interventions … CDS Interventions and Suggested Actions
The CDS logic that generates the display of CDS interventions … Clinicians should offer or refer patients with prediabetes to effective
preventive interventions.” … In addition,
other types of interventions may be indicated for pregnant patients. … Reflect the CQL-generated interventions and suggested actions in the
health IT user interface.
September 01, 2022 - 10
Other Health Scenarios Can Be Supported with Customization of the Coded Expression ...... 12
CDS Interventions … CDS Interventions and Suggested Actions
The CDS logic that generates the display of CDS interventions … Clinicians should offer or refer patients with prediabetes to effective
preventive interventions.” … In addition,
other types of interventions may be indicated for pregnant patients. … Reflect the CQL-generated interventions and suggested actions in the
health IT user interface.
September 01, 2022 - The key factors include subjective and
objective findings, along with recorded treatments and interventions … regarding the effectiveness of
existing treatments and the benefits and risks of potential future interventions … Pain Management
Summary with the patient, including the patient’s pain management goal and
potential interventions … the provider regarding the effectiveness of existing treatments and the
benefits and risks of future interventions … management, and to provide relevant patient-specific information
that could be considered when choosing interventions
January 01, 2024 - The key factors include subjective and objective findings, along with recorded treatments
and interventions … regarding the
effectiveness of existing treatments and the benefits and risks of potential future interventions … Pain Management
Summary with the patient, including the patient’s pain management goal and
potential interventions … provider
regarding the effectiveness of existing treatments and the benefits and risks of future
interventions … management, and to provide relevant patient-specific information
that could be considered when choosing interventions
January 01, 2019 - These
interventions include alerts, which are commonly associated with CDS, but also include order … CDS intervention,
(2) expressing one or more of the newest USPSTF “A” or “B” recommendations as CDS
interventions … As mentioned previously, the interventions generated by the CDS Connect preventive health
CQL logic … are fairly general in nature, since most organizations will want to develop
interventions that are specific … scan should research the identified
clinical domain, relevant evidence-based sources, existing CDS interventions
September 01, 2021 - 10
Other Health Scenarios Can Be Supported With Customization of the Coded Expression ..... 12
CDS Interventions … of making an appointment with
her primary care clinician to discuss her risk factors and possible interventions … CDS Interventions and Suggested Actions
The CDS logic that generates the display of CDS interventions … If a patient meets the inclusion criteria and does not meet the exclusion criteria, the following
interventions … In
addition, other types of interventions may be indicated for pregnant women.
January 01, 2012 - PowerPoint Presentation
Decision Support to Improve Childhood
Obesity Management
Jeremy Michel, MD, MHS
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia & ECRI Institute
Work I will be discussing was indirectly funded by the American Beverage Foundation through an unrestricted grant t…
January 01, 2024 - the CDS logic that generates
the display of CDS interventions and suggested actions. … At a very high level, the inclusion and
exclusion logic generate the following interventions and suggested … Educational interventions: Provide links to relevant recommendation statements, link to the
US Preventive … Reflect the CQL-generated interventions and suggested actions in the health
IT user interface. … , carotid interventions).
September 18, 2019 - Statin Use
Data Requirements: Statin Use for the Primary Prevention of CVD in Adults: Patient-Facing CDS Intervention
This spreadsheet was created to assist with integration efforts (i.e., integrating the interoperable logic with a health IT system). It provides details about each clinical concept included in the CDS…
January 01, 2023 - the CDS logic that
generates the display of CDS interventions and suggested actions. … At a very high level, the
inclusion and exclusion logic generate the following interventions and suggested … Educational interventions: links to relevant recommendation statements, link to the USPSTF
statin guideline … Reflect the CQL-generated interventions and suggested actions in the health
IT user interface. … , carotid interventions).
June 01, 2019 - Search All AHRQ Sites
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January 01, 2024 - FHIR DSTU2 Data Requirements
FHIR DSTU2 Data Requirements: Healthy Diet and Physical Activity for CVD Prevention
This spreadsheet was created to assist with integration efforts (i.e., integrating the interoperable logic with a health IT system). It provides details about each clinical concept included in the CDS exp…
January 01, 2022 - FHIR DSTU2 Data Requirements
FHIR DSTU2 Data Requirements: Healthy Diet and Physical Activity for CVD Prevention
This spreadsheet was created to assist with integration efforts (i.e., integrating the interoperable logic with a health IT system). It provides details about each clinical concept included in the CDS exp…