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    January 01, 2022 - A Intervention A, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention B Intervention B, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention … C Intervention C, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention D Intervention D, Dose Received (Mean) Treatment … A, Baseline N Intervention A, Baseline Mean Score Intervention A, Baseline Variance Intervention A, … Intervention B, Baseline 95% CI Upper Limit Intervention C, Baseline N Intervention C, Baseline Mean … Score Intervention C, Baseline Variance Intervention C, Baseline 95% CI Lower Limit Intervention C,
    February 16, 2022 - A Intervention A, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention B Intervention B, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention … C Intervention C, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention D Intervention D, Dose Received (Mean) Treatment … A, Baseline N Intervention A, Baseline Mean Score Intervention A, Baseline Variance Intervention A, … Intervention B, Baseline 95% CI Upper Limit Intervention C, Baseline N Intervention C, Baseline Mean … Score Intervention C, Baseline Variance Intervention C, Baseline 95% CI Lower Limit Intervention C,
    January 01, 2022 - A Intervention A, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention B Intervention B, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention … C Intervention C, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention D Intervention D, Dose Received (Mean) Treatment … A, Baseline N Intervention A, Baseline Mean Score Intervention A, Baseline Variance Intervention A, … Intervention B, Baseline 95% CI Upper Limit Intervention C, Baseline N Intervention C, Baseline Mean … Score Intervention C, Baseline Variance Intervention C, Baseline 95% CI Lower Limit Intervention C,
    January 01, 2023 - A Intervention A, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention B Intervention B, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention … C Intervention C, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention D Intervention D, Dose Received (Mean) Treatment … A, Baseline N Intervention A, Baseline Mean Score Intervention A, Baseline Variance Intervention A, … Intervention B, Baseline 95% CI Upper Limit Intervention C, Baseline N Intervention C, Baseline Mean … Score Intervention C, Baseline Variance Intervention C, Baseline 95% CI Lower Limit Intervention C,
    January 01, 2023 - A Intervention A, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention B Intervention B, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention … C Intervention C, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention D Intervention D, Dose Received (Mean) Treatment … A, Baseline N Intervention A, Baseline Mean Score Intervention A, Baseline Variance Intervention A, … Intervention B, Baseline 95% CI Upper Limit Intervention C, Baseline N Intervention C, Baseline Mean … Score Intervention C, Baseline Variance Intervention C, Baseline 95% CI Lower Limit Intervention C,
    January 01, 2022 - A Intervention A, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention B Intervention B, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention … C Intervention C, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention D Intervention D, Dose Received (Mean) Treatment … A, Baseline N Intervention A, Baseline Mean Score Intervention A, Baseline Variance Intervention A, … Intervention B, Baseline 95% CI Upper Limit Intervention C, Baseline N Intervention C, Baseline Mean … Score Intervention C, Baseline Variance Intervention C, Baseline 95% CI Lower Limit Intervention C,
    January 01, 2023 - A Intervention A, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention B Intervention B, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention … C Intervention C, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention D Intervention D, Dose Received (Mean) Treatment … A, Baseline N Intervention A, Baseline Mean Score Intervention A, Baseline Variance Intervention A, … Intervention B, Baseline 95% CI Upper Limit Intervention C, Baseline N Intervention C, Baseline Mean … Score Intervention C, Baseline Variance Intervention C, Baseline 95% CI Lower Limit Intervention C,
    January 01, 2023 - A Intervention A, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention B Intervention B, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention … C Intervention C, Dose Received (Mean) Intervention D Intervention D, Dose Received (Mean) Treatment … A, Baseline N Intervention A, Baseline Mean Score Intervention A, Baseline Variance Intervention A, … Intervention B, Baseline 95% CI Upper Limit Intervention C, Baseline N Intervention C, Baseline Mean … Score Intervention C, Baseline Variance Intervention C, Baseline 95% CI Lower Limit Intervention C,
    October 01, 2011 - IPC as the Intervention. … IPC Within a Care Coordination Intervention. … Intervention group mortality was lower during Year 1, but not Year 2. … depression (106 intervention, 108 control) Katon et al., 2001 386 adults with Intervention included … Note: Intervention and control clinics were not comparable because intervention clinics already had
    September 01, 2015 - If the test shows that the intervention was successful, monitor intervention effectiveness, sustain positive … Define the aims of your TeamSTEPPS intervention. Design a TeamSTEPPS intervention. … Aims can be based on the process of the TeamSTEPPS intervention itself or on the outcomes of that intervention … Draft your TeamSTEPPS intervention. … Stated aims of the TeamSTEPPS intervention.
    January 01, 2012 - Example Intervention Text Example Patient-Facing Intervention Text: Screening for Abnormal Blood Glucose … and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Part 1, Screening General Information The example intervention text … Implementors of this artifact may want to customize the intervention text to meet their preferences. … Screening for Abnormal Blood Glucose and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: Part 1, Screening Intervention Text … listed on the next tab, are publicly available to artifact implementers if they elect to adjust the intervention
    September 01, 2011 - • Recognize that the PCMH is a practice-level intervention and account for clustering. … • Include as many intervention practices as possible. … , if the practices and patients in the intervention and comparison groups are similar before the intervention … Recognize that the PCMH is a practice-level intervention. … designers, and are determined by the type of intervention and its intensity.
    April 01, 2018 - Description of the Intervention 2. Description of the Intervention (continued) 3. … Assessment of the Intervention (continued) 4. Assessment of the Intervention 5. … The card intervention stool test rates for these practices are averaged along with the stool test rates … of the other intervention practices to produce the card intervention stool test mean. … , by screening modality and, for stool test rates, stool test intervention arm.
    March 01, 2022 - Length of Stay   Readmission   Mortality   Other   Intervention Type Case Management Author Comparison … The most common reason a described intervention was considered "not relevant" was because it was not … a hospital or health system-led intervention. … However, hospitals or health systems may not necessarily have a geriatrician to lead this intervention … Maximize expertise of current staff when identifying and implementing system-level intervention (e.g.
    October 01, 2019 - External cause codes: intent of injury, legal intervention/war Y35029A Legal intervention involving injury … encounter EXT024 External cause codes: intent of injury, legal intervention/war Y35049A Legal intervention … encounter EXT024 External cause codes: intent of injury, legal intervention/war Y35109A Legal intervention … External cause codes: intent of injury, legal intervention/war Y35499A Legal intervention involving … EXT024 External cause codes: intent of injury, legal intervention/war Y35831A Legal intervention involving
    November 01, 2013 - IQI 30 Percutaneous Coronary Intervention (PCI) Mortality Rate Cover Sheet AHRQ Quality Indicators … for ICD-10-CM/PCS Specification Inpatient Quality Indicators #30 (IQI #30) Percutaneous Coronary Intervention … AHRQ QI™ Proposed Coding for ICD-10-CM/PCS Specification IQI #30 Percutaneous Coronary Intervention … AHRQ QI™ Proposed Coding for ICD-10-CM/PCS Specification IQI #30 Percutaneous Coronary Intervention … &P of &N November 2013 Denominator IQI #30 Percutaneous Coronary Intervention
    July 01, 2014 - Post-Intervention Follow-up Survey for Hospital Staff … Reports Archive DATA VISUALIZATIONS DATA QUERY TOOLS Post-Intervention … ______________________________________ Your hospital is participating in the implementation of an intervention … Health Care New Mexico Department of Health logo Internet Citation: Post-Intervention
    March 01, 2014 - Design a TeamSTEPPS Intervention Step 5. … If the test shows that the intervention was successful, monitor intervention effectiveness, sustain positive … Define the aims of your TeamSTEPPS intervention. Design a TeamSTEPPS intervention. … Aims can be based on the process of the TeamSTEPPS intervention itself or on the outcomes of that intervention … Draft your TeamSTEPPS intervention.
    January 01, 2023 - Beebe, Lora Telephone Intervention-Problem Solving (TIPS) for schizophrenia … Telephone Intervention-Problem Solving (TIPS) for schizophrenia spectrum disorders: responses of stable … The long-term effects of cellular telephone-delivered telephone intervention problem solving (TIPS) for … Problem Solving (TIPS) Effect of a telephone intervention upon self-reported … The Long Term Effectiveness of Telephone Intervention Problem Solving (TIPS) - Final Report.
    January 20, 2006 - If the test shows that the intervention was successful, monitor intervention effectiveness, sustain positive … Define the aims of your TeamSTEPPS intervention. Design a TeamSTEPPS intervention. … Aims can be based on the process of the TeamSTEPPS intervention itself or on the outcomes of that intervention … Draft your TeamSTEPPS intervention. … intervention An implementation plan for both medical team training and for the TeamSTEPPS intervention