July 01, 2017 - may distort the characteristics of the study subjects in ways that could increase the effect of the intervention … Time, effort, and system cost for the intervention: the time, effort, and cost to develop the service … Expertise or skill to implement the intervention: providers in the study have expertise and/or skills … Ancillary providers: the study intervention relies on ancillary providers who are not likely to be available … unlikely to affect the outcome; it is highly probable (>90%) that the clinical experience with the intervention
July 01, 2017 - may distort the characteristics of the study subjects in ways that could increase the effect of the intervention … Time, effort, and system cost for the intervention: the time, effort, and cost to develop the service … the skills and expertise likely to be available in general settings:
Training to implement the intervention … Expertise or skill to implement the intervention: providers in the study have expertise and/or skills … Ancillary providers: the study intervention relies on ancillary providers who are not likely to be available
September 22, 2014 - (<15 minutes of intervention contact), wait list, or no intervention. … intensity: high (>2 hours of intervention contact), moderate (0.5 to 2 hours of intervention contact … Intervention Characteristics
Intervention intensity was the only characteristic that clearly influenced … (intervention groups 1 and 3) vs. information-based approach (intervention groups 2 and 4), and high … (intervention group 1) vs. low (intervention group 3) intensity among skills-based interventions.
September 18, 2018 - several intervention characteristics (number of sessions and con-
tacts in the first year; intervention … Intervention: Intervention was out of scope. … Favors
Main Mode
(Total mo)
No. … Cell phone
intervention for you (CITY): a randomized,
controlled trial of behavioral weight loss
intervention … Obesity intervention in persons with spinal cord
June 09, 2020 - Comparators included no intervention, usual care, or a brief intervention. … Comparators included no intervention, usual care, or placebo. … The control intervention consisted of a minimal intervention in 30 trials, waitlist in 11 trials, and … A motivational intervention trial to reduce cocaine use. … multi-component brief intervention to reduce risky drug use.
April 06, 2023 - Intervention and comparison arms that do not allow for the evaluation of the independent contribution … of vitamin D, calcium, or both (e.g., studies assessing a multicomponent intervention that includes … comparison arm included all of the other intervention components except vitamin D). … Timing
KQ 1: Intervention duration of 1 month or longer.
KQ 2: Any duration. … KQ 1: Intervention duration of less than 1 month.
KQ 2: No exclusions.
September 21, 2021 - Intervention intensity was categorized as low (<2 con-
tacts during the intervention period), moderate … intensity (P = .03
for interaction) but not BMI category or intervention type. … Intervention
time point Mean (SD)
No. … Other factors could define intervention inten-
sity (eg, session duration or frequency or type of intervention … Does
behavioral intervention in pregnancy reduce
postpartum weight retention?
October 25, 2016 - Only 2 trials 36 , 43 reported adverse events related to a breastfeeding intervention. … Effect of primary care intervention on breastfeeding duration and intensity. … Breastfeeding/Total (%)
Risk Ratio
(95% CI)
Timing of intervention … Breastfeeding/Total (%)
Risk Ratio
(95% CI)
Timing of intervention … Breastfeeding/Total (%)
Risk Ratio
(95% CI)
Timing of intervention
September 22, 2014 - Evidence of benefit increases with intervention intensity. … Study Population, Setting, and Goals
Intervention Characteristics
Intervention Package … For details about intervention materials, contact Dr. Ralph J. … For details on intervention materials, contact Dr. … The 2 skill-based intervention groups were not statistically different from the 2 information-based intervention
July 18, 2023 - Harms reported in the short-term drug trials were similar in the intervention and control groups. … For treatment studies (KQ4 and KQ5), results were synthesized by intervention. … The first trial, in which intervention continued throughout a mean follow-up of 7.4 years, evaluated … Safety of a fat-reduced diet: the Dietary Intervention Study in Children (DISC). … Intervention: Study used an excluded intervention or screening approach.
June 04, 2020 - For an intervention to be feasible for primary care or primary care referral, it would need to be conducted … alone or as part of a larger multicomponent intervention on diet and nutrition, physical activity, sedentary … (e.g., wait-list control, usual care)
Minimal intervention (e.g., usual care limited to ≤15 minutes … of information or pamphlets)
Attention control (e.g., similar format and intensity of intervention … months postbaseline
Study designs
Randomized, clinical trials and nonrandomized controlled intervention
June 04, 2020 - For an intervention to be feasible for primary care or primary care referral, it would need to be conducted … alone or as part of a larger multicomponent intervention on diet and nutrition, physical activity, sedentary … (e.g., wait-list control, usual care)
Minimal intervention (e.g., usual care limited to ≤15 minutes … of information or pamphlets)
Attention control (e.g., similar format and intensity of intervention … months postbaseline
Study designs
Randomized, clinical trials and nonrandomized controlled intervention
June 04, 2020 - For an intervention to be feasible for primary care or primary care referral, it would need to be conducted … alone or as part of a larger multicomponent intervention on diet and nutrition, physical activity, sedentary … (e.g., wait-list control, usual care)
Minimal intervention (e.g., usual care limited to ≤15 minutes … of information or pamphlets)
Attention control (e.g., similar format and intensity of intervention … months postbaseline
Study designs
Randomized, clinical trials and nonrandomized controlled intervention
November 27, 2018 - Although the specific intervention goals
of the home visiting program varied by trial, trials described … All eligible trials reported their first
results during the intervention (1 year from baseline), at the … of the intervention, or within 1 year of completion of the interven-
tion. … score of 1.72 (intervention) vs 1.68 (comparator); higher scores
represent greater safety. … Summary of Evidence of Interventions to Prevent Child Maltreatmenta
February 29, 2024 - To the extent possible, we plan to describe the participant characteristics and major intervention … hypnosis
Broad public health or policy interventions
Use of ENDS as a cessation or prevention intervention … (no more than one single brief contact per year or brief written materials, such as pamphlets)
No intervention … Attention control
Wait list
Active intervention (more intensive than a single, brief contact … substances (e.g., alcohol or marijuana
KQ 3: Any adverse effect occurring after initiation of the intervention
November 15, 2018 - Do interventions for recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes improve health outcomes compared with no intervention … screening or alternative screening strategies
KQ 3: Comparison based on timing; sooner vs. later intervention … (i.e., starting intervention upon detection by screening vs. starting later based on clinical diagnosis … , placebo, usual care (can include minimal intervention), different treatment targets (e.g., glucose … , no intervention, placebo, usual care, waitlist, or attention controls (for lifestyle interventions)
November 15, 2018 - Do interventions for recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes improve health outcomes compared with no intervention … screening or alternative screening strategies
KQ 3: Comparison based on timing; sooner vs. later intervention … (i.e., starting intervention upon detection by screening vs. starting later based on clinical diagnosis … , placebo, usual care (can include minimal intervention), different treatment targets (e.g., glucose … , no intervention, placebo, usual care, waitlist, or attention controls (for lifestyle interventions)
November 15, 2018 - Do interventions for recently diagnosed type 2 diabetes improve health outcomes compared with no intervention … screening or alternative screening strategies
KQ 3: Comparison based on timing; sooner vs. later intervention … (i.e., starting intervention upon detection by screening vs. starting later based on clinical diagnosis … , placebo, usual care (can include minimal intervention), different treatment targets (e.g., glucose … , no intervention, placebo, usual care, waitlist, or attention controls (for lifestyle interventions)
March 19, 2024 - , there were no group differences between intervention and control groups (3.9% vs 3.5%; relative risk … group and 1 trial reported higher (statistically nonsignificant) mortality rates in the intervention … in either study. 1 , 21 One trial reported miscarriage or termination events prior to intervention … group compared with 38% in the control group (miscarriages/terminations [24 in the intervention group … ], and adoption of the child [7 in the intervention group vs 7 in the control group]). 1 , 21 , 25
January 01, 2010 - The results are reported only for the low-intensity and
high-intensity intervention groups combined, … (18 h) but not a high-intensity counseling intervention (10 h). … Summary of findings: intervention intensity vs. population risk and setting. … Randomized trial in family practice of a
brief intervention to reduce STI risk in young adults. … Intimate
partner violence and safer sex negotiation: effects of a gender-specific intervention.