May 01, 2021 - Summary of USPSTF Rationale
Rationale Assessment
Benefits of early detection
and intervention
and treatment … Harms of early detection
and intervention
and treatment
• Inadequate evidence, due to a lack of studies … and adoles-
cents with prediabetes return to normal glycemia or normal glu-
cose tolerance without intervention … Two previously mentioned intervention trials (n = 781)10,22
reported on harms associated with treatment … • Trials (both screening and intervention) focusing on health out-
comes such as mortality, cardiovascular
September 13, 2022 - children and adolescents with prediabetes return to normal glycemia or normal glucose tolerance without intervention … 2 , 7
Potential Harms
Because some youth with prediabetes may revert to normal glycemia without intervention … Two previously mentioned intervention trials (n = 781) 10 , 22 reported on harms associated with treatment … Trials (both screening and intervention) focusing on health outcomes such as mortality, cardiovascular … Harms of early detection and intervention and treatment
Inadequate evidence, due to a lack of studies
May 15, 2012 - This intervention resulted in a decrease in objectively measured skin pigment 12 months after the intervention … In these studies, the intervention reduced indoor tanning behavior by up to 35%. … A randomized controlled trial of an appearance-focused intervention to prevent skin cancer. … A randomized trial of a multicomponent intervention for adolescent sun protection behaviors. … A randomized intervention study of sun protection promotion in well-child care.
October 22, 2015 - conditions and the second (KQ 3) evaluates whether those benefits differ by subgroup or by timing of intervention … associated with hormone therapy and KQ 3 evaluates whether those harms differ by subgroup or by timing of intervention … of use; type, dose, and mode of delivery of hormone therapy; and comorbid condition) or by timing of intervention … therapy (e.g., intermediate outcomes, such as bone density and cholesterol level)
Duration of intervention
January 15, 2013 - Harms of Detection and Early Intervention
For IPV, the USPSTF found adequate evidence that the risk … No intervention studies were identified for elderly or vulnerable adults. … benefit from the intervention could apply to other populations as well. … Women in the intervention group had fewer recurrent episodes of IPV during pregnancy and postpartum ( … Abuse scores were significantly reduced in the intervention versus comparison groups.
October 20, 2016 - with reference standard (i.e., structured or semistructured clinical interview)
KQs 4, 5:
No intervention … Usual care
Attention control (e.g., intervention is similar in format and intensity but … on a different content area)
Minimal intervention (e.g., no more than one single brief contact per … year, brief written materials such as pamphlets)
Active intervention (e.g., comparators with … to calculate one or both
KQs 3, 5:
Serious harms at any time point after the screening or intervention
February 01, 2014 - The I statement accompanies a USPSTF decision not to recommend either in favor or against an intervention … Guyatt and colleagues state that the importance of the outcome the intervention prevents and the burden … of the intervention therapy are no different from benefits and harms. … must be higher when asymptomatic persons are encouraged by their physician to undergo a preventive intervention … than when patients seek help for a problem and are advised to undergo a diagnostic intervention or to
April 27, 2021 - Study Selection: Randomized clinical trials (RCTs) and nonrandomized controlled intervention studies … fewer annual cardiovascular-related hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease in the intervention … or no intervention. … Intervention: Study used an excluded intervention or screening approach. … Moderate for small benefit
Population: adults ≥65 y
Intervention: community-based intervention
July 18, 2023 - studies in children and adolescents showed no significant differences in harms between control and intervention … Two small, fair-quality supplement intervention trials (n = 74) examining flaxseed and fish oil in populations … The diet and physical activity counseling intervention trial did not mention harms, and the 3 supplement … Benefits of early detection and intervention and treatment
The USPSTF found inadequate direct evidence … Harms of early detection and intervention and treatment
The USPSTF found inadequate evidence to
November 24, 2020 - Intervention groups also demonstrated lower event rates for both myocardial infarction (pooled RR, 0.85 … Most findings favored the intervention group; however, group differences were generally very small and … Intervention settings
Most interventions took place in primary care settings. … Person delivering intervention
Most were nonclinicians, including nurses, registered dietitians … , duration of the intervention, whether there was in-person support, whether individual in-person or
May 01, 2021 - intensity: Varied from 15 to 120 minutes and consisted of <2 contacts to ≥12 contacts
• Who delivered the intervention … physiotherapists, and health coaches across different settings (eg, local community
fitness center)
• How the intervention
August 15, 2013 - universal) for impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or diabetes
KQs 3, 4, 6: Any intervention … for glycemic control; lifestyle modification
KQ 5: Any intervention for more stringent blood pressure …
KQ 1: No screening or alternative screening strategies
KQs 3, 4: No intervention … /usual care or interventions in individuals with advanced diabetes
KQ 5: Conventional intervention … KQ 6: No intervention
KQ 7: All of the above
KQs 1, 3, 5: Mortality
August 15, 2013 - universal) for impaired fasting glucose, impaired glucose tolerance, or diabetes
KQs 3, 4, 6: Any intervention … for glycemic control; lifestyle modification
KQ 5: Any intervention for more stringent blood pressure …
KQ 1: No screening or alternative screening strategies
KQs 3, 4: No intervention … /usual care or interventions in individuals with advanced diabetes
KQ 5: Conventional intervention … KQ 6: No intervention
KQ 7: All of the above
KQs 1, 3, 5: Mortality
August 18, 2016 - This figure illustrates the intervention pathway for the population of interest, namely children and … without specific interventions linked to clinical settings
Usual care, delayed intervention … for assessment of the independent contribution of the primary care—feasible or referable preventive intervention … for assessment of the independent contribution of the primary-care–feasible or referable preventive intervention … e.g., sexually transmitted diseases)
KQ 2: Any harms that result as an effect of the intervention
October 01, 2013 - The most intensive intervention focused on univer-
sal substance abuse and problem behavior prevention … One intervention mailed tailored
newsletters addressed to the student every 3 weeks; another
intervention … , across a
range of intervention characteristics (such as chart stickers,
checklists, and flowcharts) … However, the
USPSTF found 10 mostly fair-quality trials that included a
behavior-based intervention to … A
potential harm of intervention is the initiation of smoking.
February 07, 2023 - large U.S. trial (N=2,328) reported similar proportions of preeclampsia cases in the reduced visit intervention … The intervention group had a reduced number of prenatal visits during the second half of pregnancy plus … Maternal-fetal conditions necessitating a medical intervention resulting in preterm birth. … Benefits of early detection and intervention and treatment (based on direct or indirect evidence) … Harms of early detection and intervention and treatment
There is inadequate direct evidence on
December 14, 2021 - type 2 diabetes to metformin monotherapy, metformin plus rosiglitazone, or metformin plus a lifestyle intervention … Two previously mentioned intervention trials (n=781) reported on harms associated with treatment of youth … the metformin plus rosiglitazone group than in the metformin monotherapy or metformin plus lifestyle intervention … Trials (both screening and intervention) focusing on health outcomes such as mortality, cardiovascular … Harms of Early Detection and Intervention and Treatment
Inadequate evidence, due to a lack of studies
December 15, 2003 - Harms of Intervention
Treatment appeared reasonably safe. … Surgical intervention as a strategy for treatment of obesity. … Trial Special Intervention Group. … : 21%
F Control: 35%
53.2 yrs
52.3 yrs
Intervention … Study, Year
Intervention Setting
Intervention Delivery
February 01, 2013 - The primary intervention in-
cluded visits to the participant’s home by either a parapro-
fessional, … Main Results of Trials With Greater Than 50% Adherence to the Intervention*
Outcome Measure Intervention … 1 trial of a clinic-based
RCT Studies of adverse
effects were
lacking. … An
intervention to reduce environmental tobacco smoke exposure improves preg-
nancy outcomes. … Very preterm
birth is reduced in women receiving an integrated behavioral intervention: a