March 01, 2021 - Individualizing Cancer Screening in Older Adults
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A Narrative Review and Framework for Future Research Table of Contents Preface Abstract Introduction Clinical Examples Illust…
December 01, 2010 - prevalence of the screen-
ing condition may actually increase with age, the risk for
harm from the intervention … In
this analytic framework, the USPSTF specified a focus
on the intervention rather than the traditional … Clinical education or
behavioral counseling
Exercise or
physical therapy
Intervention … A multifactorial intervention to reduce the risk of falling among elderly people
living in the community … A multicomponent intervention to prevent delirium in hos-
pitalized older patients.
September 23, 2014 - These limitations imply that the study may have been underpowered and the intervention effects attenuated
September 23, 2014 - These limitations imply that the study may have been underpowered and the intervention effects attenuated
December 01, 2014 - These limitations imply that the study may have
been underpowered and the intervention effects attenu
September 05, 2017 - Share to Facebook
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Final Recommendation Statement
Vision in Children Ages 6 Months to 5 Years: Screening
September 05, 2017
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. govern…
May 01, 2021 - Intervention
groups in most studies received 30 to 60 mg of elemental iron daily;
1 study used 20 mg,
June 15, 2016 - created microsimulation models of CRC developed within the National Cancer Institute–funded Cancer Intervention … Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) Model Registry. … Mandelblatt JS, Cronin KA, Bailey S, et al; Breast Cancer Working Group of the Cancer Intervention and
June 15, 2016 - created microsimulation models of CRC developed within the National Cancer Institute–funded Cancer Intervention … Cancer Intervention and Surveillance Modeling Network (CISNET) Model Registry. … Mandelblatt JS, Cronin KA, Bailey S, et al; Breast Cancer Working Group of the Cancer Intervention and
September 27, 2022 - Share to Facebook
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Evidence Summary
Syphilis Infection in Nonpregnant Adolescents and Adults: Screening
September 27, 2022
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government.…
April 01, 2001 - Share to Facebook
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Recommendations and Rationale
Skin Cancer: Screening, April 2001
April 01, 2001
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They…
May 27, 2014 - not find evidence of direct maternal
health benefits, preventing preeclampsia could reduce med-
ical intervention … Operative intervention in delivery is associated
with compromised early mother-infant interaction.
January 01, 2015 - Those studies had 1 or more fatal flaws, includ-
ing inadequate randomization or lack of intervention … Some studies had unclear intervention fidelity (that is,
they did not record postintervention 25-[OH] … of cause specific
death: systematic review and meta-analysis of observational cohort
and randomised intervention … meet inclusion criteria but
was pulled for contextual question(s): 180
Wrong population: 249
Wrong intervention
December 01, 2013 - Procedure Manual Section 1. Overview of U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Structure and Processes
Table of Contents
April 18, 2023 - Share to Facebook
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Final Recommendation Statement
Skin Cancer: Screening
April 18, 2023
Recommendations made by the USPSTF are independent of the U.S. government. They should not be constru…
January 11, 2016 - will be overdiagnosed. 6 Modeling studies conducted in support of this recommendation by the Cancer Intervention … long-term benefits and harms of immediate treatment versus observation or surveillance with delayed intervention
March 30, 2015 - and 269 articles were excluded for the following reasons: 61 due to wrong population, 21 due to wrong intervention … analytic framework, which outlines the evidence areas covered in the review, including the populations, intervention
March 30, 2015 - and 269 articles were excluded for the following reasons: 61 due to wrong population, 21 due to wrong intervention … analytic framework, which outlines the evidence areas covered in the review, including the populations, intervention
October 28, 2014 - Placebo)
Patients Receiving Intervention, n
Results in Levothyroxine vs.
September 22, 2015 - Both intervention types (smoking cessation medications and behavioral
interventions) are effective;