June 04, 2012 - The intensity of the intervention was categorized by total patient contact time as low (1 to 30 minutes … interventions and few medium-intensity interventions involved primary care clinicians as the providers of the intervention … Furthermore, this study's use of a general low-fat diet intervention is inconsistent with current healthful … Overall, the most important factor for differences in effect sizes was intervention intensity.
June 15, 2012 - The intensity of the intervention was categorized by total patient contact time as low (1 to 30 minutes … interventions and few medium-intensity interventions involved primary care clinicians as the providers of the intervention … Furthermore, this study's use of a general low-fat diet intervention is inconsistent with current healthful … Overall, the most important factor for differences in effect sizes was intervention intensity.
April 15, 2009 - Promoting clinician intervention through education, resources, and feedback. … tobacco user identification system; providing education, resources, and feedback to promote clinician intervention
January 26, 2016 - Benefits of Early Detection and Intervention and Treatment
The USPSTF found adequate evidence that … Harms of Early Detection and Intervention and Treatment
The USPSTF found adequate evidence that the … group, suggesting that the control and intervention groups may have been different at baseline. … Two trials assessed minimal additional intervention beyond screening or feedback of screening results … Can a brief antepartum preventive group intervention help reduce postpartum depressive symptomatology
June 15, 2012 - The intensity of the intervention was categorized by total patient contact time as low (1 to 30 minutes … interventions and few medium-intensity interventions involved primary care clinicians as the providers of the intervention … Furthermore, this study's use of a general low-fat diet intervention is inconsistent with current healthful … Overall, the most important factor for differences in effect sizes was intervention intensity.
April 20, 2023 - Results will be stratified by study setting to assess whether results for IPV screening accuracy and intervention … by study setting to assess whether results for older or vulnerable adult abuse screening accuracy or intervention
August 05, 2011 - Timing of Intervention
Within 24 hours after birth.
August 08, 2005 - aspirin or other anti-platelet agents, lipid-lowering therapy, blood pressure treatment, or lifestyle intervention … divided equally into a control group that received "usual care" from their general practitioner and an intervention … At 12 months, significantly more men allocated to the intervention group had improved their maximum walking … More smokers in the intervention group had stopped smoking than had smokers in the control group, but … aspirin or other anti-platelet agents, lipid-lowering therapy, blood pressure treatment, or lifestyle intervention
August 08, 2005 - aspirin or other anti-platelet agents, lipid-lowering therapy, blood pressure treatment, or lifestyle intervention … divided equally into a control group that received "usual care" from their general practitioner and an intervention … At 12 months, significantly more men allocated to the intervention group had improved their maximum walking … More smokers in the intervention group had stopped smoking than had smokers in the control group, but … aspirin or other anti-platelet agents, lipid-lowering therapy, blood pressure treatment, or lifestyle intervention
February 24, 2022 - interventions are those in which the patient’s food insecurity was identified through healthcare and/or the intervention
February 24, 2022 - interventions are those in which the patient’s food insecurity was identified through healthcare and/or the intervention
July 01, 2005 - trials,
the USPSTF uses an analytic framework to describe the causal pathway between the preventive
intervention … If direct evidence linking the preventive
intervention to a health outcome is unavailable, the USPSTF … If we forge ahead with an intervention
(whether therapeutic, preventive, or even diagnostic) without
June 01, 2013 - Primary Care Interventions to Prevent Child Maltreatment
June 2013 Task Force FINAL Recommendation | 1
Understanding Task Force Recommendations
Primary Care Interventions to Prevent Child Maltreatment
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
(Task Force) has issued a final recommendation
statement on Primary C…
June 01, 2013 - Primary Care Interventions to Prevent Child Maltreatment
June 2013 Task Force FINAL Recommendation | 1
Understanding Task Force Recommendations
Primary Care Interventions to Prevent Child Maltreatment
The U.S. Preventive Services Task Force
(Task Force) has issued a final recommendation
statement on Primary C…
June 01, 2003 - follow-up study of 22,071 apparently healthy
U.S. male physicians who were randomized into one
of four intervention … Finnish smokers
over an average six years of follow-up.7 Subjects
were randomized into one of four intervention … No statistically significant effect on
pancreatic cancer risk was found in the intervention
groups that … 1743.
Routine Vitamin Supplementation to Prevent Cancer: Update of the Evidence
Study Design/intervention … PRIMARY RESULTS
Hennekens CH, et al.3
RCT, double-blinded, 2x2 factorial
design; intervention—4 groups
December 31, 2014 - Primary peritoneal and fallopian tube
cancer comprised 20 percent of cancer cases in the intervention … Among the 34,253 women in the intervention/screening group, 212 ovarian cancer cases and 118
ovarian … No reduction in ovarian cancer
mortality was observed in the intervention group compared with those … Stage at diagnosis was generally similar in the intervention and usual care groups, although there … was a nonstatistically significant reduction in the proportion of Stage IV tumors in the
October 01, 2015 - Nonpregnant Adults
Both intervention types (pharmacotherapy and be-
havioral interventions) are effective … smoking abstinence
from a baseline range of approximately 5% to 11%
in control groups to 7% to 13% in intervention … When an-
alyzed separately, behavioral counseling (the behav-
ioral intervention in most studies) was … NRT use were found; there
were no published trials on the use of bupropion SR or
varenicline as an intervention … The USPSTF clarified
that both intervention types (pharmacotherapy and be-
havioral interventions) are
October 13, 2016 - or both
KQ 4: Blood lead levels b
KQ 6: Anxiety or distress; inconvenience associated with intervention … outcomes and cognitive problems in offspring
KQ 6: Anxiety or distress; inconvenience associated with intervention
December 01, 2010 - prevalence of the screen-
ing condition may actually increase with age, the risk for
harm from the intervention … In
this analytic framework, the USPSTF specified a focus
on the intervention rather than the traditional … Clinical education or
behavioral counseling
Exercise or
physical therapy
Intervention … A multifactorial intervention to reduce the risk of falling among elderly people
living in the community … A multicomponent intervention to prevent delirium in hos-
pitalized older patients.
September 22, 2015 - Both intervention types (smoking cessation medications and behavioral
interventions) are effective;