January 01, 2021 - Evidence on Primary Care Transition Strategies
Intervention Outcomes
Primary care notifications when … literature on hospital-based interventions, the studies that primarily included only a
single focused intervention
July 01, 2021 - The use of home-based educational and environmental intervention delivered by lay health educators would … grantees charged with testing how to use the pediatric ED use measure chose to focus on primary care, the intervention … Impact of a household environmental intervention delivered by lay health workers on asthma symptom control
June 01, 2020 - Acute care patient portal intervention: portal use and patient activation. … Acute care patient portal intervention: portal use and patient activation .
October 01, 2023 - These findings are guiding the development of an educational intervention to decrease non-prescription … Currently 40 sites are enrolled and carrying out the intervention.
November 01, 2023 - findings from the 2022 AHRQ systematic review on Telehealth for Women's Preventive Services and identify intervention … delivery (and thus patient outcomes) often entails addressing issues beyond the benefits or harms of an intervention … how best to implement a given clinical service (e.g., details around implementation of a service or intervention
October 01, 2014 - stratification methodology to assign members to three tiers, each associated with a different level of intervention … Health assessments provide baseline measures for members before intervention.
November 01, 2019 - Skip to main content
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April 13, 2018 - Review the Intervention and Training Materials
Before you implement Warm Handoff Plus, the practice … The checklist will be helpful when first adopting the intervention in practice.
January 01, 2016 - of the engagement of both leaders and front-line staff in this work
Present MHA's efforts to assess intervention … TeamSTEPPS®
Improving Patient Safety Culture
Slide ‹#›
Comprehensive Unit Based Safety Program (CUSP)
An intervention
August 24, 2018 - Intervention: Experiences with HHNYC
Now I’d like to ask you some questions specifically about the HealthyHearts … Was the intervention intensive enough?
January 01, 2016 - n=20
85% Goal
G6A: If Tobacco Screen Positive, In-Office
Intervention … G6A: If Tobacco Screen Positive, In-Office Intervention Done?
November 01, 2017 - The first goal of measurement is to determine the efficacy of each intervention. … measurement is to monitor outcome trends to recognize when thresholds of concern are reached that require intervention
October 01, 2016 - Some use additional assessments for
psychosocial factors that signal the need for a higher level of intervention … Visit workflow and
tasking is adapted to incorporate more intensive intervention that addresses these
September 01, 2017 - Slide 49: Action Plan
Discuss action steps for Key Intervention 2. … Images: A sample Action Plan is shown with Key Intervention 2 circled in red.
January 01, 2004 - When determining the effectiveness of any training intervention,
Kirkpatrick advocated examining four … The types of results
depend on what the TeamSTEPPS intervention targeted. … and
implemented briefs, call-outs, and check-backs during trauma
resuscitation as your TeamSTEPPS intervention … issue being addressed by TeamSTEPPS
will help ensure that the results can be linked to the training
intervention … into small groups and identify (1) one or two measures you
can use to assess whether your TeamSTEPPS intervention
June 01, 2021 - antibiotic-associated adverse
event or other problems associated with antibiotic prescribing
− The Intervention … staff-safety-assessment.docx
September 01, 2020 - team
Conduct site assessment
Define challenge, opportunity, or improvement
Define goal of your intervention … Planning, training, and implementation
Define TeamSTEPPS intervention
Develop plan for determining … intervention effectiveness
Develop implementation plan
Gain leadership commitment to plan
August 01, 2005 - The
champions you identify will be responsible for driving and sustaining the change your
intervention … members are trained in the use of a specific communication tool but physicians do not use it,
the intervention … staff in your practice/the practice you support who are acting as the
champions of the TeamSTEPPS intervention … Positive teamwork behaviors and improvements in processes and outcomes that result from
your TeamSTEPPS intervention
September 01, 2021 - study design that will simultaneously
test both an implementation strategy and effectiveness of
the intervention
January 01, 2014 - Some referral types are listed here, but the list
is not exhaustive: Part C, Early Intervention Program … Denominator Exclusions
Patients who have already received or are receiving therapy, intervention, or … Missed opportunities in the referral of high-risk
infants to early intervention. … Missed opportunities in the referral of high-risk
infants to early intervention. … Missed opportunities in the referral of high risk
infants to early intervention.