March 01, 2021 - Domains include: internal practice context, intervention experience with the cooperative, and experience
March 01, 2021 - Domains include: external context/environment, internal practice context, and intervention experience
March 01, 2021 - how certain factors shaped or altered the external support that they provided to practices during the intervention
March 20, 2014 - groups and use the scenario above to identify (1) one or two measures to
assess whether the TeamSTEPPS intervention
December 01, 2023 - AHRQ in the Professional Literature
Pharmacist-led, checklist intervention did not improve adherence … Multicomponent pharmacist intervention did not reduce clinically important medication errors for ambulatory … Impact of a pharmacist intervention on DOAC knowledge and satisfaction in ambulatory patients.
March 01, 2021 - of patients ages 18 and older who were screened for tobacco use and received a cessation counseling intervention
February 01, 2021 - Implementation (D&I) Projects , designed to support broad-based (often national) uptake of a proven intervention … ACTION III task orders is to increase understanding not only of whether a particular care delivery intervention
February 01, 2024 - For Project 2, the aims were to:
Evaluate whether a meta-cognitive intervention using a structured … period to pre-intervention period. … An intervention bundle combining mindfulness, changes to the physical space, diagnostic assistive tools … Further, each intervention is accompanied by a concept model that shows stages of implementation for … Acute care patient portal intervention: portal use and patient activation .
December 09, 2015 - groups and use the scenario above to identify (1) one or two measures to
assess whether the TeamSTEPPS intervention
November 01, 2016 - patients ages 18 and older who
were screened for tobacco use and received a cessation counseling
November 01, 2020 - Evaluation of a patient activation and empowerment intervention in mental health care. … Improving patients’ communication with doctors: a systematic review of intervention studies. … A feasibility study of the ASK (AskShareKnow) Patient-Clinician Communication Model(®) intervention in
March 01, 2020 - The Intervention
6.J.3. Benefits of These Interventions
6.J.4. … The Intervention
Health plans, medical groups, and physician practices can play two important roles
April 01, 2018 - reporting, a focus on health, understanding of context, and development of a common lexicon for QI intervention … consistent use of a core set of outcomes measures, more robust study designs, more complete reporting of intervention
March 01, 2021 - Practices randomized to the educational outreach intervention learned about team-based implementation … Practices were randomized to one of four intervention arms of the study using a two-by-two factorial … NAPCRG, 2017]
Using the principles of academic detailing to develop a virtual educational outreach intervention
November 01, 2017 - Updates on Key Project Components
Support Strategy
Each participating practice will receive a 1-year intervention … • Academic detailing (expert consultation) visits, at the
start and midpoint of the intervention, … The number of contacts per practice (“dose”) of
facilitation intervention will be correlated with the
March 01, 2010 - need to have the title of Practice Facilitator for your organization in order to lead a TeamSTEPPS intervention … .
The Practice Facilitator
As the Practice Facilitator leading your TeamSTEPPS intervention:
It is … your
Change Team
Module 1: Introduction
As the Practice Facilitator leading your TeamSTEPPS intervention … Your Change Team should be multi-disciplinary, and the members should be able to help you drive your intervention
January 20, 2006 - When determining the effectiveness of any training intervention, Kirkpatrick advocated examining four … The types of results depend on what the TeamSTEPPS intervention targeted. … For example, if you trained and implemented briefs and check-backs as your TeamSTEPPS intervention, you … issue being addressed by TeamSTEPPS will help ensure that the results can be linked to the training intervention … into small groups and identify (1) one or two measures you can use to assess whether your TeamSTEPPS intervention
November 01, 2019 - assessments to determine areas in which harm related to antibiotic prescribing could be avoided with intervention … Use the results from this section to assess your PA and PPRF practice and to determine if the type of intervention … clinicians
☐ Rounds with teams
☐ Note in medical record
☐ Other:
☐ N/A
Where do you document AS intervention
December 01, 2017 - FMP Approaches
Living Space Inspection for all residents
Falls Assessment, Intervention Plan and … who trigger a Falls RAP but have not actually fallen in the past 180 days, do not complete the Falls Intervention … Falls Intervention Monitor
In a nursing home, routine supervision of front line staff may not provide
October 01, 2014 - The project will identify a case concerning the coverage of a technology or clinical intervention by … The intervention identified will pose concerns relative to cost, effectiveness, and/or cost-effectiveness—i.e