November 02, 2022 - Study
Nurse sensemaking for responding to patient and family safety concerns.
Citation Text:
Groves PS, Bunch JL, Cannava KE, et al. Nurse sensemaking for responding to patient and family safety concerns. Nurs Res. 2021;70(2):106-113. doi:10.1097/nnr.0000000000000487.
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March 17, 2021 - Commentary
The morbidity and mortality conference: opportunities for enhancing patient safety.
Citation Text:
Lazzara EH, Salisbury M, Hughes AM, et al. The morbidity and mortality conference: opportunities for enhancing patient safety. J Patient Saf. 2022;18(1):e275-e281. doi:10.1097/pt…
November 03, 2015 - Study
Characteristics associated with requests by pathologists for second opinions on breast biopsies.
Citation Text:
Geller BM, Nelson HD, Weaver DL, et al. Characteristics associated with requests by pathologists for second opinions on breast biopsies. J Clin Pathol. 2017;70(11):947-95…
January 22, 2016 - Study
Emerging Classic
Association of nurse engagement and nurse staffing on patient safety.
Citation Text:
Carthon MB, Hatfield L, Plover C, et al. Association of nurse engagement and nurse staffing on patient safety. J Nurs Care Qual. 2019;34(1):40-46. doi:10.…
February 12, 2020 - Study
Serious adverse events in pediatric procedural sedation before and after the implementation of a pre-sedation checklist.
Citation Text:
Librov S, Shavit I. Serious adverse events in pediatric procedural sedation before and after the implementation of a pre-sedation checklist. J Pai…
April 14, 2021 - Study
The relationship between the learning and patient safety climates of clinical departments and residents' patient safety behaviors.
Citation Text:
Silkens MEWM, Arah OA, Wagner C, et al. The Relationship Between the Learning and Patient Safety Climates of Clinical Departments and Re…
January 26, 2022 - Study
Analysis of risk factors for patient safety events occurring in the emergency department.
Citation Text:
Alsabri M, Boudi Z, Zoubeidi T, et al. Analysis of risk factors for patient safety events occurring in the emergency department. J Patient Saf. 2022;18(1):e124-e135. doi:10.1097…
April 14, 2021 - Study
ASK ME!-Routine measurement of patient experience with patient safety in ambulatory care: a mixed-mode survey
Citation Text:
Stahl K, Groene O. ASK ME!—Routine measurement of patient experience with patient safety in ambulatory care: A mixed-mode survey. PLoS ONE. 2021;16(12):e0259…
November 16, 2022 - Study
Morbidity and mortality conference in emergency medicine residencies and the culture of safety.
Citation Text:
Aaronson E, Wittels KA, Nadel ES, et al. Morbidity and Mortality Conference in Emergency Medicine Residencies and the Culture of Safety. West J Emerg Med. 2015;16(6):810-7…
October 27, 2021 - Review
The impact of "missed nursing care" or "care not done" on adults in health care: a rapid review for the Consensus Development Project.
Citation Text:
Willis E, Brady C. The impact of “missed nursing care” or “care not done” on adults in health care: A rapid review for the Consensu…
December 02, 2020 - Study
A qualitative study of prescribing errors among multi-professional prescribers within an e-prescribing system.
Citation Text:
Alshahrani F, Marriott JF, Cox AR. A qualitative study of prescribing errors among multi-professional prescribers within an e-prescribing system. Int J Clin…
February 16, 2022 - Study
Team cognition in handoffs: relating system factors, team cognition functions and outcomes in two handoff processes.
Citation Text:
Wooldridge AR, Carayon P, Hoonakker PLT, et al. Team cognition in handoffs: relating system factors, team cognition functions and outcomes in two hand…
August 10, 2022 - Study
Publication of inspection frameworks: a qualitative study exploring the impact on quality improvement and regulation in three healthcare settings.
Citation Text:
Weenink J-W, Wallenburg I, Leistikow I, et al. Publication of inspection frameworks: a qualitative study exploring the i…
September 23, 2020 - Study
Missed opportunities for diagnosis: lessons learned from diagnostic errors in primary care.
Citation Text:
Goyder CR, Jones CHD, Heneghan CJ, et al. Missed opportunities for diagnosis: lessons learned from diagnostic errors in primary care. Br J Gen Pract. 2015;65(641):e838-e844. d…
April 23, 2012 - Study
Hospital staff nurses' shift length associated with safety and quality of care.
Citation Text:
Stimpfel AW, Aiken LH. Hospital staff nurses' shift length associated with safety and quality of care. J Nurs Care Qual. 2013;28(2):122-129. doi:10.1097/NCQ.0b013e3182725f09.
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April 24, 2018 - Study
Work-hour restrictions as an ethical dilemma for residents.
Citation Text:
Carpenter RO, Austin MT, Tarpley JL, et al. Work-hour restrictions as an ethical dilemma for residents. Am J Surg. 2006;191(4):527-32.
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September 23, 2020 - Review
Culture of safety: impact on improvement in infection prevention process and outcomes.
Citation Text:
Braun B, Chitavi SO, Suzuki H, et al. Culture of Safety: Impact on Improvement in Infection Prevention Process and Outcomes. Curr Infect Dis Rep. 2020;22(12):34. doi:10.1007/s1190…
January 06, 2017 - Study
Medication errors involving oral chemotherapy.
Citation Text:
Weingart SN, Toro J, Spencer J, et al. Medication errors involving oral chemotherapy. Cancer. 2010;116(10):2455-2464. doi:10.1002/cncr.25027.
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June 23, 2021 - Study
Experience of learning from everyday work in daily safety huddles: a multi-method study.
Citation Text:
Wahl K, Stenmarker M, Ros A. Experience of learning from everyday work in daily safety huddles—a multi-method study. BMC Health Serv Res. 2022;22(1):1101. doi:10.1186/s12913-022-…
July 27, 2022 - Study
Crossover of the patient satisfaction surveys, adverse events and patient complaints for continuous improvement in radiotherapy department.
Citation Text:
Cucchiaro SÉ, Princen F, Goreux JË, et al. Crossover of the patient satisfaction surveys, adverse events and patient complaints…