January 01, 2013 - When your hospital invests in a new program, quality
improvement intervention, or technology, leaders … • Resources needed to implement the intervention.
• Target population. … • Measures of health care quality likely to be affected by the intervention. … • Measures of health care utilization likely to be affected by the intervention. … • Shutdown costs for time-limited intervention or failures.
April 01, 2023 - The Intervention
6.H.2.a. Record Sharing
6.H.2.b. Patient Question Lists (a.k.a. … The Intervention
Health plans, medical groups, and physician practices can help patients improve their … Proponents believe that this intervention has the potential to increase compliance, improve patient safety … This intervention is simple, requires few resources, and is effective at generating communication and
June 01, 2021 - Caregivers
Sustaining Stewardship Program
General Implementation Tools
Choosing an Intervention
November 01, 2020 - Evaluation of a patient activation and empowerment intervention in mental health care. … Improving patients’ communication with doctors: a systematic review of intervention studies. … A feasibility study of the ASK (AskShareKnow) Patient-Clinician Communication Model(®) intervention in
March 01, 2021 - Components
Support Strategy
The Virginia Cooperative offers practice facilitation in an intensive intervention … Evaluation
The Virginia Cooperative is using a stepped-wedge design with three intervention cohorts … support), with practices stratified by geographic region and then randomized to a specific wedge and intervention
March 01, 2021 - Each cohort (wave) spans a 12-month intervention followed by a 6-month maintenance period, with data … In this design, care sites are enrolled and then randomly assigned to the intervention in cohorts, with … all sites receiving an intervention.
August 24, 2017 - In this module, we will determine opportunities for Key Intervention 1: “Analyze current state of fall … Slide 24
SAY: Here is an example of an Action Plan for Key Intervention 1, which is “Analyze current … This intervention was developed by a Team like you to decrease fall incidence in a hospital. … Complete as much of a draft Key Intervention 1 as possible. … ASK: What would be the steps to complete Key Intervention 1?
September 01, 2017 - In this module, we will determine opportunities for Key Intervention 1: “Analyze current state of fall … This intervention was developed by a Team like you to decrease fall incidence in a hospital. … Slide 25
Do: Start a discussion of action steps for Key Intervention 1, which is to analyze … Complete as much of a draft Key Intervention 1 as possible. … Ask: What would be the steps to complete Key Intervention 1?
December 01, 2023 - AHRQ in the Professional Literature
Pharmacist-led, checklist intervention did not improve adherence … Multicomponent pharmacist intervention did not reduce clinically important medication errors for ambulatory … Impact of a pharmacist intervention on DOAC knowledge and satisfaction in ambulatory patients.
April 01, 2016 - organization that is ready to focus on teamwork and safety is more likely to benefit from a TeamSTEPPS intervention … is important that your institution continually measure the ongoing effectiveness of the TeamSTEPPS intervention … This enables the institution to know whether the intervention is successful and to publicize that success
October 01, 2014 - The project will identify a case concerning the coverage of a technology or clinical intervention by … The intervention identified will pose concerns relative to cost, effectiveness, and/or cost-effectiveness—i.e
March 01, 2021 - Practices randomized to the educational outreach intervention learned about team-based implementation … Practices were randomized to one of four intervention arms of the study using a two-by-two factorial … NAPCRG, 2017]
Using the principles of academic detailing to develop a virtual educational outreach intervention
December 01, 2022 - Improving social needs intervention research: key questions for advancing the field . … A patient navigation intervention for drug-involved former prison inmates .
June 01, 2021 - Caregivers
Sustaining Stewardship Program
General Implementation Tools
Choosing an Intervention
June 01, 2021 - Caregivers
Sustaining Stewardship Program
General Implementation Tools
Choosing an Intervention
February 01, 2021 - Implementation (D&I) Projects , designed to support broad-based (often national) uptake of a proven intervention … ACTION III task orders is to increase understanding not only of whether a particular care delivery intervention
May 22, 2014 - A search of clinicaltrials.gov yielded 71 studies on the
Medicare population (any intervention). … interest that includes follow-up of
participants at least 18 months after the commencement of the intervention … include the first reported time
and 3, 6, 12, 18 months and later times after the commencement of the intervention … (http://www.ssa.gov/dibplan/dqualify4.htm)
Lifestyle interventions: Any intervention that included an … The final protocol should consider looking for and reporting on outcomes based on
intervention and
October 01, 2023 - Walsh received another AHRQ grant to test strategies to improve the national adoption of a pediatric intervention … Patient and Family Communication to Improve Diagnostic Safety Resilience , aims to adapt and test an intervention
March 01, 2013 - provide validation for each other and also create a solid foundation for drawing conclusions about the intervention … qualitative data can be incorporated into the study at the outset (for example, to help design the intervention … ); during the intervention (for example, to explore how participants experience the PCMH model); and … after the intervention (for example, to help explain the results).
March 01, 2013 - provide validation for each other and also create a solid
foundation for drawing conclusions about the intervention … qualitative data can be incorporated into the study at the outset (for example,
to help design the intervention … ); during the intervention (for example, to explore how participants
experience the PCMH model); and … after the intervention (for example, to help explain the results).