January 01, 2011 - Studies [QUADAS] tool for studies
of diagnostic performance, and the Cochrane risk of bias
tool for intervention … design, anemia and
iron status indices, laboratory tests, reference standards,
background treatment, intervention … double, independent full-text
screening because they did not meet one or more of the
population, intervention
March 14, 2012 - Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol
Source: www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published Online: March 14, 2012
Evidence-based Practice Center Systematic Review Protocol
Project Title: Wireless Motility Capsule Versus Other Diagnostic Technologies for
Evaluating Gastroparesis and Cons…
December 03, 2019 - Disposition of Comments for CER 222: Achieving Health Equity in Preventive Services
Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report
Title: Achieving Health Equity in Preventive Services
Draft report available for public comment from June 19, 2019 to August 17, 2019.
Citation: Nel…
December 03, 2019 - Disposition of Comments for CER 222: Achieving Health Equity in Preventive Services
Comparative Effectiveness Review Disposition of Comments Report
Title: Achieving Health Equity in Preventive Services
Draft report available for public comment from June 19, 2019 to August 17, 2019.
Citation: Nelson HD, Cantor A…
December 26, 2012 - Han
Slide 1: Conceptual, methodological, and ethical problems
in communicating
in clinical
Paul Han, MD, MA, MPH
Center for Outcomes Research and Evaluation
Maine Medical
Slide 2: Communicating
uncertainty in clinical …
February 01, 2006 - Layout 1
Breast cancer is the second most common
malignancy in women. The American
Cancer Society estimated that in the United
States in 2005, 212,930 women would be
newly diagnosed as having breast cancer
and there would be 40,870 deaths due to
this disease. Because early breast cancer is
asymptomatic, th…
October 01, 2014 - unknown/not applicable when only one
study was available); the directness of the evidence linking
the intervention
October 05, 2011 - What published and unpublished studies have reported on the use and safety of this intervention?
January 01, 2013 - include
no active treatment, usual care (education), sham stimulation (placebo), or other therapy
intervention … Note that three studies reported diathermy intervention with
only a short length of followup (0 to 5 … First, we assumed that patients in each
intervention from each study had similar clinical characteristics
September 10, 2014 - statement that a single
investigator abstracted data from each study with quantitative
results and intervention … Does this mean that a second reviewer only reviewed
intervention articles with quantitative results? … these studies are looking for adverse events that cause significant
pain for patients or further intervention … issues identified by
the reviewer (clinically significant adverse events
and adverse events requiring intervention
February 01, 2014 - Institute Approach
The Gail/NCI approach considers multiple patient-important outcomes of a medical
intervention … Nonstatistical Uncertainty
It is difficult to convey statistical and nonstatistical uncertainty when the intervention
June 01, 2014 - of reviews
• Existing reviews were most useful when Key Questions and/or PICOTS-SD (population,
intervention … In an Overview, primarily only Cochrane
Intervention reviews should be included, but
other reviews
December 01, 2022 - diagnostic errors and harms, and the causal contributions of
modifiable systems factors amenable to policy intervention
January 01, 2008 - Were Outcome Assessors and/or Data Analysts Blinded to the Intervention Being Studied?
June 17, 2014 - It might be
helpful, with an eye towards intervention, if some of these were linked together. … Reviewer 11
(TEP) Findings
This section contains very helpful information about the transition intervention … Peer Reviewer
8 Next Steps
Unfortunately, many intervention studies, in general, follow no framework
August 01, 2012 - relevant
data, studies had to meet a specific, predefined set of
criteria related to population, intervention … The studies were heterogeneous
with respect to population, intervention (diagnostic test/
disease monitoring
October 01, 2012 - 2012
Case series of
ACEI +alkali-
inducing fruits and
vegetables OR oral
sodium bicarb OR
no intervention … clinic and their
248 patients with
moderate to advanced
Referral to a nephrologist 10 months Intervention
July 30, 2010 - change with surgery and in this way demonstrated the sensitivity of our methodology to the surgical intervention … It is conceivable that intervention with surgery may decrease the cardiovascular complications of diabetes