December 11, 2015 - These criteria specify that the intervention needs to have
produced one or more positive behavioral … Provider
o burnout/exhaustion
o turnover
o resistance to D/I/QI intervention
3. … Intervention characteristics (complexity, manualized or not,
intensity/frequency/duration, adjustment … of intervention to fit context)
3. … Provider
• burnout/exhaustion
• turnover
• resistance to D/I/QI intervention
December 01, 2013 - ES-3
Hepatitis C Virus Infection Intervention ..................................................... … Readers are encouraged to read the detailed information on each
intervention that follows the Executive … However,
experts noted that early trials have shown that this intervention would not protect everyone … Clinical Pathway at Point of This Intervention
Patients who test positive for anti-HCV antibodies and … Clinical Pathway at Point of This Intervention
According to the U.S.
September 01, 2012 - Standardized intervention details reporting, including: specific breathing technique(s)
practiced (e.g … However, given that the exposure in question (breathing techniques with or
without other intervention … Standardized intervention details reporting, including: specific breathing technique(s)
practiced (e.g … components for the
duration of the intervention. … Given that the exposure in question (breathing techniques with or without other
intervention components
January 01, 2014 - Percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) or
angioplasty with stent deployment is currently the most … Intervention There is a lack of IVUS trial data on the influence of operator’s choice of balloon size … We also estimated the true relative effect between intervention
and control. … versus conventional
percutaneous coronary intervention. … Fractional flow reserve versus angiography
for guiding percutaneous coronary
April 01, 2013 - :
Adjunctive Devices for Patients With Acute Coronary
Syndrome Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention … 1
Adjunctive Devices for Patients With Acute Coronary
Syndrome Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary
Intervention … #42, Adjunctive Devices for Patients With
AcuteCoronary Syndrome Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention … Adjunctive Devices for Patients With Acute
Coronary Syndrome Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention … Dec Percutaneous Coronary Intervention PMID: 22379634.
January 01, 2009 - decision
Type … Status
o Links
January 01, 2015 - 3) do they suggest any change in the criteria we use to
determine whether an intervention is effective … We will also sort studies into intervention
and outcome categories to determine whether any meta-analysis … We will use the population, intervention,
comparison, outcome (PICO) framework to identify and organize … infection prevention and control
PAHPA = Pandemic and All-Hazards Preparedness Act
PICO = Population, Intervention … , patients, manufacturers, researchers,
payers, or other perspectives, depending on the technology/intervention
February 15, 2018 - Peer Reviewer 4
Generally, the conclusions for the home intervention
studies … Isn't that an intervention group? … Two were
positive single allergen intervention trials. … Two were positive single allergen
intervention trials. … not show any
evidence against single intervention measures to reduce
December 01, 2015 - This intervention has been diffusing for more than 2
years and, therefore, no longer meets criteria … They agreed on the potential of this intervention to reduce the burden of frequent
injections and to … Most experts opined that both
clinicians and patients would be likely to accept this intervention. … Key Expert Comments: Overall, experts commenting on this intervention opined that this
intervention … : Metabolic surgery for T2DM has evolved as a surgical intervention intended to
induce remission in
April 01, 2020 - We found no high-strength evidence for the effectiveness of any intervention to delay or prevent age-related … A few other interventions (vitamin B12 plus folic acid; nutraceuticals; one multimodal intervention using … Many interventions (e.g., nutraceuticals; one multimodal intervention using lifestyle advice and drug
November 06, 2012 - was not a
physical therapy intervention. … exercise (an active
intervention). … Does any intervention address *all*
outcomes? … Intensity of intervention
ranges from 1-5. Is this the number of visits /week? … In many studies, it is impossible to blind the patient to the
December 01, 2019 - evidence for effectiveness separately for each clinical condition, and within each condition, by type of intervention … We also evaluated the prevalence of intervention components across clinical conditions and the effectiveness
January 01, 2010 - ; age groups; women whose children were born preterm or with
developmental disorders; and others)
Intervention … between general versus targeted screening, timing of screening interventions, screening instruments,
January 01, 2010 - Did investigators have control over allocation and timing of the intervention? … Did investigators concurrently measure intervention and exposure status for intervention and comparison … Did investigators concurrently measure outcomes for intervention and comparison groups? … Evaluating non-randomised intervention studies. Health Technol Assess 2003;7(27):iii-x, 1-173. … Evaluating non-randomised intervention studies. Health Technol Assess 2003;7(27):iii-x,1-173.
August 01, 2013 - Analytic framework
of intervention: pharmacological or food supplement,
medical/surgical, sound technology … •
Sound treatment/
technologies … If future interventions
were to require more of this type of psychological
intervention, there would … Intervention
• Explain the dosing rationale for off-label medications. … An evaluation of two types of cognitive
intervention in the management of chronic tinnitus.
October 01, 2016 - Therefore,
it is of interest to systematically compare results across
different exposure/intervention … – How does the duration of the intervention or
exposure influence the effect of n-3 FA on the
outcomes … For trials that had groups with the same
intervention but with varying doses, we averaged the
outcome … One RCT examined
the effects of a postnatal maternal n-3 FA intervention
and found higher body mass … This observation would seem to
suggest that the apparent lack of effect of the intervention
on the
December 20, 2012 - We agree that patient blinding
(to the intervention assignment) is
difficult to achieve in these trials … We feel that the important variations in
patient and intervention characteristics
need to be clearly … We agree that a study that tests a
comprehensive intervention involving
multiple components may be … That is, the
first part is more descriptive of the intervention and details of
the study design. … The two most salient take home messages from this
CER are (1) the evidence on intervention efficacy
January 01, 2010 - , rather than to the decolonization intervention. … aureus SSI after a screening/decolonization intervention? … better or more accurate than
studies that reported low intervention fidelity. … Intervention C involved surveillance for
MRSA in hospital units that had transmission, as Intervention … (D) may not be
as effective as the unit level intervention (C).
July 01, 2011 - How To Update CERs
If new studies are published, new harms have emerged, a new more effective intervention … The identification of evidence on the
same intervention, comparator, and outcome as specified in a … the comparator
the outcome
Modify KQ with respect to a new PICO
element (population, intervention … When incorporating
evidence on a new intervention, outcome or subpopulation group, we suggest adding … Does the inclusion of grey literature
influence estimates of intervention
effectiveness reported
December 01, 2014 - Preliminary research supports a hypothesis that
earlier diagnosis and intervention may result in improved … One intervention, an investigational off-label use
of oxytocin, was evaluated by experts, but determined … The intervention is relatively low cost and
easily administered. … In the June 2014 Potential High-Impact Interventions report, this
intervention was deemed as having … presented
updates of recent data to experts and obtained new comments; experts commenting on this