
Total Results: 3,068 records

Showing results for "intervention".

    May 22, 2014 - A search of yielded 71 studies on the Medicare population (any intervention). … interest that includes follow-up of participants at least 18 months after the commencement of the intervention … include the first reported time and 3, 6, 12, 18 months and later times after the commencement of the intervention … ( Lifestyle interventions: Any intervention that included an … The final protocol should consider looking for and reporting on outcomes based on intervention and
    January 01, 2017 - SAY: The first intervention is to use a multidisciplinary and coordinated approach to ensure the use … The second key intervention is to prevent acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) through the use … The next intervention is to implement positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) greater than or equal to
    January 01, 2013 - University Westbury Pediatrics Wisconsin Dept. of Children & Families Winston-Salem CDSA, NC Early Intervention … Barriers to evaluation for early intervention services: parent and early intervention employee perspectives
    August 01, 2018 - 18 who were screened for tobacco use, and percentage of patients who received cessation counseling intervention … North Carolina All practices start as a control and receive the intervention at a randomized … Practices are randomized to three cohorts with phased intervention initiation and an external matched
    August 24, 2017 - In this module, we will determine opportunities for Key Intervention 1: “Analyze current state of fall … Slide 24 SAY: Here is an example of an Action Plan for Key Intervention 1, which is “Analyze current … This intervention was developed by a Team like you to decrease fall incidence in a hospital. … Complete as much of a draft Key Intervention 1 as possible. … ASK: What would be the steps to complete Key Intervention 1?
    July 01, 2022 - How do you document resolution or outcome of the intervention? … How do you document resolution or outcome of the intervention? … How do you document resolution or outcome of the intervention?
    February 01, 2023 - Room : ____________________ Directions: Monitor staff implementation and effectiveness of the Fall Intervention
    March 01, 2021 - and Maintenance) to examine two practice transformation approaches (i.e., standard versus enhanced intervention … collaborative sessions Access to e-learning modules and a CVD toolkit Practices randomized to an enhanced intervention … group also receive an enhanced practice transformation intervention consisting of optional patient engagement … qualitative data collection efforts are robust and involve practice facilitator field notes, a quarterly intervention
    May 17, 2017 - This step involves identifying a goal or purpose, formulating an intervention or theory for change, … If you ignore either source of information in your planning, you may choose an intervention that will … Depending on the nature of the intervention, you may want to break it down into a set of related but … For example:  Did the intervention succeed in reducing the time required to see a specialist? … The team can use data on the impact of the intervention to see if it is making progress towards the
    March 01, 2022 - Determining the cost of the decolonization intervention and the expected cost savings associated with … Product cost (D) [(Bathing Cost * Patient Days) + (Mupirocin Costb * Admissions)] * .79 = Dc Intervention
    December 01, 2017 - and evolving 3 Implement SSI Bundle ‹#› AHRQ Safety Program for Surgery – Implementation SAY: Intervention … Ask them about the obstacles that impede compliance with the intervention. … SAY: Be prepared to provide data that shows the compliance with intervention, or how many patients are … If the devices are all damaged, it is highly unlikely that the care team can comply with the intervention … If that coworker could answer a question or two about the team or intervention at a staff meeting, both
    December 01, 2017 - Monitor the behavior each shift to determine the effect of the intervention. … Revise the intervention based on your observations and staff feedback. … Attached are the following: Falls Assessment Report and suggestions for further assessment and/or intervention … Room : ____________________ Directions: Monitor staff implementation and effectiveness of the Fall Intervention
    January 01, 2004 - We performed a multicenter intervention study in five acute care hospitals to measure, characterize, … Following baseline observations, we developed a multifaceted educational intervention using grand rounds … Although the educational components of the intervention were given more frequently in the beginning … Barriers to Clinical Guideline Implementation 297 In-hospital evaluation Prior to the intervention … However, following the intervention period, most institutions achieved approximately the same degree
    May 01, 2017 - Remember that achieving the goals of the intervention rests with the team. … with different levels of experience, The team is tailored to include members based on the specific L&D intervention … , The team meets regularly, and The team has access to resources necessary for the intervention Slide … within the unit, whether the intervention is successful or must be delayed, and the general direction … Slide 22 SAY: Execute Execution of a sustainable intervention requires adaptive work.
    January 01, 2004 - -H- An error occurred that required an intervention necessary to sustain life. 110 A medication … Patients presenting in status asthmaticus are critically ill and require prompt intervention and rapid … • Establish intravenous access for rapid intervention if an adverse effect occurs. … It should be noted that if proactive intervention was taken and the patient did not experience a serious … Balancing the need to intervene against potential risks of intervention requires expert knowledge of
    June 01, 2020 - Real-time assessment or intervention.* Solicited patient reports Understanding of system-related … Real-time assessment or intervention.* Administrative billing data Detection of diagnostic safety-related … Real-time assessment or intervention.* Advanced data science methods, including natural language … Real-time assessment or intervention.* Table 1, continued Data Source Strengths Limitations … Intervention and investigation with minimal recall bias possible due to detection of safety concerns
    May 01, 2017 - We’ll see what that shapes up to be for an intervention. … Maybe it means we need to tweak our intervention a little bit. … Looks just like the slide when started our intervention. … You can see sort of the steps here where you started at 52 percent, tried an intervention, improved, … Tried another intervention. Now look, here we are at goal.
    January 01, 2009 - When your hospital invests in a new program, quality improvement intervention, or technology, management … This process was repeated for every intervention and area of cost savings; they found that the system … ;  Target population;  Measures of health care quality likely to be affected by the intervention … ; and  Measures of health care utilization likely to be affected by the intervention. …  Shutdown costs for time-limited intervention or failures.
    January 01, 2017 - An intervention to decrease catheter-related bloodstream infections in the ICU. … Collaborative cohort study of an intervention to reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia in the intensive … An intervention to decrease catheter-related bloodstream infections in the ICU. … Collaborative cohort study of an intervention to reduce ventilator-associated pneumonia in the intensive
    July 01, 2004 - that you know are likely to be on the minds of your front-line staff (e.g., time demands of a new intervention … • Your involvement is critical to help us ensure that: – We design an intervention that we can effectively … – We provide appropriate training and support for you to implement the intervention. … issues that you know are likely to be on the minds of your front-line staff (e.g., time demands of a new intervention

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