January 01, 2021 - Yes Yes Yes Yes
Statin Use for the Primary
Prevention of CVD in Adults:
Clinician-Facing CDS Intervention … No Yes Yes Yes
Statin Use for the Primary
Prevention of CVD in Adults:
Patient-Facing CDS Intervention … https://cds.ahrq.gov/cdsconnect/artifact/statin-use-primary-prevention-cvd-adults-patient-facing-cds-intervention … https://cds.ahrq.gov/cdsconnect/artifact/statin-use-primary-prevention-cvd-adults-patient-facing-cds-intervention … https://cds.ahrq.gov/cdsconnect/artifact/statin-use-primary-prevention-cvd-adults-patient-facing-cds-intervention
January 01, 2021 - She underscored the importance of
designing an intervention that is generalizable, looking at what is
January 01, 2022 - Several WG members agreed with this approach, acknowledging that the intervention had not
changed, and
October 01, 2017 - , warnings, and interventions provided by this CDS artifact can be found in detail under “Potential Intervention … organization to properly identify populations of patients that require a specific message or clinical intervention … "
"Diagnosis: Atherosclerosis and Peripheral Arterial Disease"
"Procedure, Performed: Carotid Intervention … The CDS representation of the eCQM provides an intervention/recommendation/actions for each patient.
January 01, 2017 - Cholesterol Management Work Group
Meeting Summary
1:30 – 2:45 PM EST
· Welcome and Review of Agenda
· Demonstration of the CDS Connect Repository
· Demonstration of the CDS Connect Authoring Tool
· Next Steps and Close
CAMH welcomed the attendees to the August…
October 01, 2017 - , warnings, and interventions provided by this CDS artifact can be found in detail under “Potential Intervention … "Procedure, Performed: CABG Surgeries"
"Procedure, Performed: PCI"
"Procedure, Performed: Carotid Intervention … with the patient, to include a review of the benefits and harms of ASA therapy (this is included as an intervention
January 01, 2017 - logic (as the presence of “MI”, “Angina”, “IVD”, and several procedures such as CABG, PCI and Carotid Intervention
June 01, 2020 - June 2020 CDS Connect Work Group Call
June 2020 CDS Connect Work Group Call
Schedule Topic
3:00 – 3:02 • Roll Call, Michelle Lenox (MITRE)
3:02 – 3:05 • Review of the Agenda, Maria Michaels (CDC)
3:05 – 3:15 • Lessons Learned with CDS Connect: Use of Authoring Tool for Hypertension, Christopher d’A…
February 01, 2018 - warnings, and interventions provided by this CDS artifact can be found in
detail under “Potential Intervention … organization to properly identify populations of patients that require a
specific message or clinical intervention … Procedure, Performed: CABG Surgeries"
"Procedure, Performed: PCI"
"Procedure, Performed: Carotid Intervention
February 26, 2019 - Search All AHRQ Sites
Contact Us
Email Updates
February 01, 2018 - warnings, and interventions provided by this CDS artifact can be found in
detail under “Potential Intervention … organization to properly identify populations of patients that require a
specific message or clinical intervention … Procedure, Performed: CABG Surgeries"
"Procedure, Performed: PCI"
"Procedure, Performed: Carotid Intervention
October 01, 2017 - warnings, and suggested actions provided by this CDS artifact can be found in detail under “Potential Intervention … organization to properly identify populations of patients that require a specific message or clinical intervention … "Procedure, Performed: CABG Surgeries"
"Procedure, Performed: PCI"
"Procedure, Performed: Carotid Intervention
November 01, 2019 - Depending on the end user that will be interacting with the CDS as well as the intervention
action that
November 07, 2018 - Option 2:
• Develop logic, including inclusion and exclusion statements, and define the recommended intervention
January 01, 2022 - April 2022 CDS Connect Work Group Summary
Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Connect Work Group (WG)
Meeting Summary
April 21, 2022
3:00 – 4:00 pm ET
Attendees: 31 people, including 6 phone dial-ins
Organization Attendees
AHRQ Sponsors Edwin Lomatan, Mario Teran, Roland Gamache (3)
WG Members Alex Go…
January 01, 2022 - CDS Connect Work Group February 2022 Summary
Clinical Decision Support (CDS) Connect Work Group (WG)
Meeting Summary
February 17, 2022
3:00 – 4:00 pm ET
Attendees: 37 people, including 6 phone dial-ins
Organization Attendees
AHRQ Sponsors Mario Teran, Roland Gamache (2)
WG Members Alex Goel, Alison…
January 01, 2017 - Lowering the implementation burden requires adjusting weighing the
value of the CDS intervention for … effort required to identify
that population, as well as the potential unintended consequences of missed intervention … because the eCQM can be used to
hold providers accountable, portions of the target population for an intervention
December 01, 2017 - "A multifactorial intervention for hospital opioid management." J
Opioid Manag 10(5): 337-344.
January 01, 2015 - want to see if the measure improves in all their diabetic
patients or only in the ones for whom the intervention … Therefore the EHR needs to somehow identify patients for whom the
intervention was implemented (see … However, as our SME group has
discussed, our relatively simple intervention - increasing awareness … But for this specific
intervention, if we were to recommend something that required staff time we doubt
November 11, 2019 - organization to properly identify populations of patients that require a specific message or clinical intervention