March 01, 2014 - When determining the effectiveness of any training intervention, Kirkpatrick advocated examining four … The types of results depend on what the TeamSTEPPS intervention targeted. … trained and implemented briefs, call-outs, and check-backs during trauma resuscitation as your TeamSTEPPS intervention … issue being addressed by TeamSTEPPS will help ensure that the results can be linked to the training intervention … into small groups and identify (1) one or two measures you can use to assess whether your TeamSTEPPS intervention—CUS
April 01, 2018 - Each strategy contains practical materials to support adoption of the intervention within primary
care … Tell success stories about using the intervention. … The original intervention
materials were field tested with practices from across the United States. … The checklists will be helpful when first adopting the intervention
in practice. … The checklist will be helpful when first adopting the intervention in practice.
June 01, 2019 - Training leads to intervention. Intervention includes testing and leads to Phase III.
July 01, 2021 - another EvidenceNOW primary care initiative, is working with practices to increase screening and brief intervention … patient care, and produce data and insights to understand the state of primary care and opportunities for intervention
January 01, 2013 - cause of the fall has been determined, the care plan for the patient must be changed to incorporate an intervention … Slide 49
DO: Start a discussion of opportunities for change and action steps for Key Intervention 2:
May 21, 2013 - www.hospitalmedicine.org/ResourceRoomRedesign/RR_CareTransitions/CT_Home.cfm
RED (Re-Engineered Discharge)
The RED intervention … A Guide for When I Leave the Hospital
Providers can use this AHRQ guide, which is based on the RED intervention … Available at: http://www.patientsafety.org/page/transtoolkit/
The Care Transitions Intervention
January 01, 2016 - Objectives
Describe how MetroHealth used its TeamSTEPPS Action Councils to identify a need for a TeamSTEPPS intervention … collaborative TeamSTEPPS implementation between the OR and ICU
Discuss the use of the EHR in the TeamSTEPPS intervention … Present the results of the intervention thus far, as well as discuss plans for long-term sustainment
June 16, 2017 - or post-neurosurgical units
Inpatient rehab
Page 50
Action Plan
Discuss action steps for Key Intervention
March 01, 2023 - program and choose one or more interventions
Monitor and sustain antimicrobial stewardship
The intervention
December 01, 2015 - Implementing a Clinical Intervention
In addition to engaging physicians, the gap analysis helped the … improvement team identify the
clinical intervention they needed to make in the care process and the
December 01, 2017 - This was after we had an intervention to have institutional guidelines and, you know, clear guidelines … with minimum – with minimal nursing indication intervention but mostly physician. … We had a pre and post-intervention, three months of baseline and then nine months of intervention sustainability … What we found was, with the intervention, less catheters were placed and in some instances, up to 50 … , which was two weeks – the baseline was one week and the intervention two weeks and sustainability was
July 01, 2012 - For this intervention to improve the safety of LEP patients, you’ll use the site assessment you completed … You have to build in a change in the way things are done…that’s the intervention. … Then you test your intervention, on a small scale, to see if it needs any adjustment prior to implementing … If you plan to implement your TeamSTEPPS intervention in a large number of units, you may want to consult … It’s also a good idea to monitor your process during the intervention.
July 01, 2012 - For this
intervention to improve the safety of LEP patients, you’ll use the site
assessment you completed … You have to build in a change in the way things are done…that’s the
intervention. … Then you test your intervention, on a small scale, to see if it
needs any adjustment prior to implementing … If you plan to implement your TeamSTEPPS intervention in a
large number of units, you may want to consult … It’s
also a good idea to monitor your process during the intervention.
August 01, 2022 - Develop policies and procedures for team deployment, intervention and followup. … development includes active listening, crucial conversations, stress management techniques, crisis intervention
December 01, 2018 - User Testing Sessions
Prototype Implementation in 6 Sites
Pre-Post Analysis across all 9 sites (intervention
June 01, 2020 - This PSLL created a framework to improve intra- and interhospital transfers that can guide the intervention … with atraumatic intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) or subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) from 29 percent before intervention
May 01, 2015 - · [An oral or written agreement for chronic pain medication management may be useful]
Recommended Intervention … care is indicated, patient will be contacted within 48 hours for followup at XXX clinic]
Recommended Intervention
November 17, 2020 - Transforming Care for People Living with Multiple Chronic Conditions
Transforming Care for People Living with
Multiple Chronic Conditions
Arlene Bierman, M.D., M.S.
Director, Center for Evidence and Practice Improvement
Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
November 17, 2020
Why MCC?
• Common, Costly
• H…
September 01, 2022 - Through Safe Transitions
(Not reviewed)
(Not reviewed)
Summary of Evidence
CTI: Care Transition Intervention … Staff Education and Training
(Not reviewed)
(Not reviewed)
Summary of Evidence
Nonpharmacologic Intervention
April 01, 2024 - Unhealthy Alcohol Use Initiative , which is helping primary care practices implement screening, brief intervention … Adapting a community pharmacy intervention to improve medication safety.