
Total Results: 685 records

Showing results for "inpatient".

    January 15, 2015 - Importantly, inpatient hospitalization for SMI has been recognized as one of the major cost contributors … We recommend AHRQ to include literature of costs of inpatient hospitalizations among SMI (p.1). … On page 13, patient involvement in treatment should include both inpatient treatment AND outpatient … This is correct, but the QMs address outpatient treatment except for the one that is specified as inpatient … For example, care on an inpatient unit may be delivered in a high quality manner but if patient’s degree
    January 01, 2018 - accountable care arrangements are using more than one EHR system; for example, a hospital may use an inpatient … has achieved a lower cost of care, which was within the Medicare minimum savings rate, and decreased inpatient … In a Health Affairs blog, the authors state that ACOs assume that ED utilization and inpatient stays … medication reconciliation or telephonic or home visits within one week following discharge from an inpatient
    January 01, 2018 - accountable care arrangements are using more than one EHR system; for example, a hospital may use an inpatient … has achieved a lower cost of care, which was within the Medicare minimum savings rate, and decreased inpatient … In a Health Affairs blog, the authors state that ACOs assume that ED utilization and inpatient stays … medication reconciliation or telephonic or home visits within one week following discharge from an inpatient
    September 13, 2012 - However, Baillargeon recommends that all correctional facilities offer standard outpatient or inpatient … survey of mental health services provided in U.S. prisons indicated that 77 percent provide access to inpatient … escapes, assaults, and self-injurious behavior from occurring. 19 In cases where a jail does not provide inpatient … options may vary from facility to facility (e.g., jail to prison or prison to prison), but include inpatient
  5. PEPTIC ULCER #11 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - Overall, the experts assumed that if POEM remains an inpatient procedure with general anesthesia, the … The experts who commented generally assumed that if POEM remains an inpatient procedure with general … Two experts stated that POEM could reduce health disparities because of shorter inpatient stays, which … disrupt current models of patient management by reducing the frequency of home-care visits for PN and inpatient
  6. #05 DEPRESSION (pdf file)
    January 01, 2012 - of the health care system, including increased costs, a shift in care setting from outpatient to inpatient … of the health care system, including increased costs, a shift in care setting from outpatient to inpatient … intervention necessitates a shift from medical therapy at home to the neurosurgical operating room and inpatient … care would be recouped over time because a rapid-action, efficacious drug might obviate the need for inpatient
  7. #05 DEPRESSION (pdf file)
    October 01, 2014 - of the health care system, including increased costs, a shift in care setting from outpatient to inpatient … health care system, including markedly increased costs, a shift in care setting from outpatient to inpatient … intervention necessitates a shift from medical therapy at home to the neurosurgical operating room and inpatient … care would be reduced over time because a rapid-action, efficacious drug might obviate the need for inpatient
  8. Title (pdf file)
    September 13, 2012 - However, Baillargeon recommends that all correctional facilities offer standard outpatient or inpatient … survey of mental health services provided in U.S. prisons indicated that 77 percent provide access to inpatient … Published Online: September 13, 2012 cases where a jail does not provide inpatient … options may vary from facility to facility (e.g., jail to prison or prison to prison), but include inpatient
  9. S13 (pdf file)
    October 01, 2007 - uncertain validity of diagnostic outcomes is a problem, especially when claims databases are used.10 Inpatient
    February 22, 2012 -  Settings ○ Inpatient and outpatient III. … staged □ Unclear (method not reported) ○ Tumor histology ○ Treatment setting ○ Outpatient ○ Inpatient … o Unclear (method not reported) • Tumor histology • Treatment setting o Outpatient o Inpatient
    August 01, 2013 - However, experts in the field recommend that all correctional facilities offer standard outpatient or inpatient … survey of mental health services provided in U.S. prisons indicated that 77 percent provide access to inpatient … = Maudsley Violence Questionnaire; N = number of subjects; NOSIE = Nurses’ Observational Scale for Inpatient
    July 01, 2012 - Inpatient use b. Emergency department use c. Overall costs 6. … Directness SOE Domain– Precision Effect Estimate (Range or 95% CI) Economic Outcomes: Hospital Inpatient … We judged the SOE as low for an association between PCMH and lower health care use (combination of inpatient
    October 01, 2016 - , 200654 Educational/skill building (psychoeducation targeted for support persons) Primary care (inpatient … , 200955 Educational/skill building (psychoeducation targeted for support persons) Primary care (inpatient … crisis intervention) Emergency department Wingate, 200517 Behavioral/skill building Primary care (inpatient … Organization Data System Name AHRQ - Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Nationwide Inpatient … Sample (NIS) AHRQ - Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) Kids' Inpatient Database (KID)
    May 01, 2014 - We classified the place of service as fol- lows: Inpatient = 21; Outpatient and ER = 22 or 23; Office … Across the different service settings where echocardiogra- phy was performed, the inpatient setting had … 34,818,846 27,389,511 1.27 34,540,243 27,299,766 1.27 14,716,634 12,001,070 1.23 914,387 886,907 1.03 Inpatient
    May 14, 2013 - practice regarding anesthesia or sedation Patients undergoing procedures in any setting, including inpatient … surgery or procedure) Note: the outcomes of interest are short-term (perioperative) Setting Inpatient
    May 22, 2008 - getting in and out of bed or chairs, walking, and using the toilet), presence of depression, mortality, inpatient … 658,575 47.1 (2.45) Mortality 322,295 16.1 (1.47) 324,732 23.2 (1.71) Days in: Inpatient
  17. S89 (pdf file)
    October 01, 2007 - VSD site began creating dynamic data files that were updated weekly with vaccine, and outpatient and inpatient … exposure, and (3) outcomes of interest (ie, all designated diagnoses received in either the outpatient or inpatient
    March 01, 2021 - utilization Any treatment-related resource utilization, including elevation of care (e.g., outpatient to inpatient
    March 01, 2021 - utilization Any treatment-related resource utilization, including elevation of care (e.g., outpatient to inpatient
    May 14, 2013 - or  sedation   • Patients  undergoing  procedures  in  any  setting,  including  inpatient … Note:  the  outcomes  of  interest  are  short-­‐term  (perioperative)   Setting   • Inpatient

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