December 01, 2018 - We limited the patient population to those in a
hospital inpatient setting, given the target and roll … Category Criteria
Participants Adult patients (age >18yo) with acute C. difficile colitis in the inpatient … transplantation, probiotics, and other approaches to the
treatment of acute C. difficile colitis in the inpatient … Timing Acute or recurrent infection
Setting Acute inpatient setting.
January 01, 2010 - synthesize
comparative studies that examined the benefits or harms of
screening for MRSA carriage in the inpatient … or ambulatory patients (universal
screening), as well as screening strategies applied to
selected inpatient … The patient population included all ambulatory patients
(outpatients) and hospitalized patients (inpatients … the Key Questions
All ambulatory patients (outpatients) and all hospitalized
patients (inpatients … Settings
Inpatient (hospital wards and ICUs) and outpatient
(ambulatory clinics, urgent care centers
January 01, 2012 - Overall, the experts assumed that if POEM remains an inpatient procedure with
general anesthesia, the … The experts generally assume if POEM remains an inpatient procedure
with general anesthesia the impacts … Two experts stated that POEM could reduce health disparities because
of shorter inpatient stays, which … disrupt current models of patient
management by reducing the frequency of home-care visits for PN and inpatient
January 01, 2012 - of the health care system, including increased costs, a shift in
care setting from outpatient to inpatient … of the health care system, including increased costs, a shift in care setting from outpatient to
inpatient … intervention necessitates a shift from medical therapy at home to the
neurosurgical operating room and inpatient … recouped over
time because a rapid-action, efficacious drug might obviate the need for inpatient
August 05, 2010 - consequences of HSCT; quality of life (QOL)
All durations of follow-up will be included
Inpatient … cure; long term consequences of HSCT; QOL
All durations of follow-up will be included
Inpatient … chemotherapy
Remission, survival, cure
All durations of follow-up will be included
February 22, 2012 - Settings
Inpatient and outpatient
Analytical Frameworks
Figure 1 shows the analytical framework … Clinically staged
Unclear (method not reported)
Tumor histology
Treatment setting
Inpatient … Clinically staged
Unclear (method not reported)
Tumor histology
Treatment setting
May 01, 2014 - Briefly,
we included studies of adults with HF requiring inpatient
admission that recruited subjects … one trial (after verification with
trial investigators) that enrolled most participants during an
inpatient … admission but allowed enrollment up to 2 weeks
following an inpatient admission.30
We required studies … We considered “necessary”
to mean that a particular component (e.g., inpatient
education) was
January 01, 2019 - (e.g., complicated or uncomplicated diverticulitis, hospital setting)
• Any
• Inpatient … Minimum duration of follow-up = treatment duration (hospitalization, antibiotic use)
• Inpatient … No minimum duration of follow-up
• Hospitalization, unit stay, post-hospitalization
• Inpatient
January 14, 2024 - Settings include both ambulatory and inpatient clinical
practices, primary care and nonprimary specialties … Settings include both ambulatory and inpatient clinical practices, primary care and nonprimary
specialties … Raney et al.93 found that, among inpatient pediatric oncologists, increased time spent on
documentation … These include both ambulatory and inpatient clinical practices, primary care and
nonprimary specialties … Characterizing electronic health record
usage patterns of inpatient medicine
residents using event
April 01, 2021 - emergency department visits, and is commonly
encountered in primary care, other outpatient settings, and inpatient … treatment
initiation with long-term management among different settings [e.g., emergency department or
inpatient … and healthcare systems need more information about multimodal pain care options in
outpatient and inpatient
October 30, 2020 - Outcomes
Clinical Outcomes (All Key Questions)
Mortality (inpatient and 30-day). … setting
'aged hospital patient'/de OR 'hospital patient'/de OR hospitalis* OR hospitaliz* OR icu OR inpatient
April 01, 2021 - most common reason for emergency department visits, and is
commonly encountered in outpatient and inpatient … and healthcare systems need more information about multimodal pain care options in
outpatient and inpatient
April 01, 2014 - Two RCTs enrolled
exclusively children, and one RCT compared inpatient
versus outpatient preparation … Inpatient Versus Outpatient OMBP
One RCT and one retrospective NRCS compared inpatient
versus outpatient … Inpatient Versus Outpatient OMBP
The two studies (1 RCT and 1 NRCS) comparing inpatient
versus outpatient
October 11, 2019 - as a
readmission in Medicare’s Hospital Readmissions
Reduction Program, which lowers payments to
Inpatient … that during ECOPD refers to the initial
most acute phase of exacerbation (hospitalization
period for inpatients … and that during
ECOPD refers to the most acute phase of
exacerbation (hospitalization period for inpatients
October 11, 2019 - as a
readmission in Medicare’s Hospital Readmissions
Reduction Program, which lowers payments to
Inpatient … that during ECOPD refers to the initial
most acute phase of exacerbation (hospitalization
period for inpatients … and that during
ECOPD refers to the most acute phase of
exacerbation (hospitalization period for inpatients
October 19, 2020 - Outcomes Clinical Outcomes (All Key Questions)
• Mortality (inpatient and 30-day)
• Length of stay … setting 'aged hospital patient'/de OR 'hospital patient'/de OR
hospitalis* OR hospitaliz* OR icu OR inpatient
March 02, 2012 - in the analysis
Outpatient settings in which health care providers work, but not emergency room or inpatient … settings
We will exclude studies addressing inpatient or emergency department guideline or setting
October 01, 2007 - The
more quickly a patient started inpatient rehabilitation after a
stroke, the better the outcomes were … Measuring medical complexity
during inpatient rehabilitation after traumatic brain injury.
March 02, 2012 - the analysis
Outpatient settings in which health care
providers work, but not emergency room or
inpatient … settings
We will exclude studies addressing
inpatient or emergency department
guideline or setting
July 01, 2015 - for the medical and mental health care of
patients with SMI, including transitions of patients from inpatient … interventions of
Time frames All GQs
§ None
All GQs
§ None
Setting All GQs
§ Inpatient