September 02, 2013 - morbidity, mortality, and quality of life); timing (duration of followup); and setting (primary, specialty, inpatient
October 01, 2011 - This demonstrates a lack of
appreciation to the continuum of care, LTAC, Inpatient
rehabilitation, … patients are not
initially treated at home, but rather in another institutional setting,
such as inpatient … ischemic CVA conversion to
hemorrhagic CVA, and risk of an acute MI occurring following
CVA during inpatient … Inpatient
rehabilitation is now part of the hospital continuum and has
considerable medical capabilities … which patients receive care following acute
strokes and myocardial infarctions, including hospitals, inpatient
May 01, 2023 - costs detailed by intervention component;
generally, these studies reported only overall costs from inpatient … aims to contribute
to the development of a research agenda for evaluating nutrition interventions in inpatient … predominately conducted in populations with gastrointestinal and head and
neck cancers, and included both inpatient … route or timing of nutrition interventions within
gastrointestinal and head and neck cancers in the inpatient
May 01, 2023 - costs detailed by intervention component;
generally, these studies reported only overall costs from inpatient … aims to contribute
to the development of a research agenda for evaluating nutrition interventions in inpatient … predominately conducted in populations with gastrointestinal and head and
neck cancers, and included both inpatient … route or timing of nutrition interventions within
gastrointestinal and head and neck cancers in the inpatient
July 01, 2023 - Additionally, “health care settings” is defined as
acute inpatient settings and long-term care settings … satisfaction
o Noninfectious adverse healthcare-
associated outcomes (hospital-
acquired pressure injuries, inpatient … location
Outcome occurring longer than a year after
discharge from index hospital/nursing home
Setting Inpatient
December 23, 2014 - How sustainable are prevention practices in health care (outpatient, hospital inpatient, extended care … system outcomes: no specific time requirement
Healthcare facilities: outpatient, inpatient … intermediate process measures
Healthcare facilities: outpatient, inpatient … Epidemiological features of Clostridium difficile-associated disease among inpatients at children's hospitals … National point prevalence of Clostridium difficile in US health care facility inpatients, 2008.
December 23, 2014 - How sustainable are prevention practices in health care (outpatient, hospital
inpatient, extended care … Timing Variable
Setting Healthcare facilities: outpatient, inpatient,
extended care. … Variable, generally from 4 weeks to several
Setting Healthcare facilities: outpatient, inpatient … Epidemiological features of Clostridium
difficile-associated disease among inpatients
at children's … National point prevalence of Clostridium
difficile in US health care facility inpatients,
January 01, 2017 - discovered during emergency CS): 0% (0/149) vs. 0.67% (1/150)
RR 0.34 (95% CI 0.01 to 8.17) *For the inpatient … 2/19)
RR 0.22 (95% CI 0.01 to 4.33) NR NR
Henry 2013
Fair Outpatient Foley catheter vs. inpatient … (10.1) vs. 32.4 (16.9)
MD -11.10 (95% CI -16.61 to -5.60)
Total length of stay (reported as "Total inpatient … NR NR NR NR NR
Kuper, 2018
Fair Foley catheter (outpatient) vs. oxytocin plus Foley catheter (inpatient … Foley catheter (inpatient) Total time from start of cervical ripening (placement of Foley catheter) until
April 30, 2014 - Twenty-four RCTs comparing alternative active OMBP strategies (including 1 RCT comparing inpatient vs
January 01, 2010 - social
functioning; improved quality of life; return to duty (military)
Setting(s): Outpatient and inpatient
January 01, 2023 - visits
Emergency, 1+ 3382.0 3.1% 1812.2 3.5% 2137.2 4.6% 3444.2 5.1% 14690.1 2.8%
Inpatient … visits #
Emergency, 1+ 2541.8 2.4% 1328.0 2.6% 1712.0 3.7% 2924.9 4.3% 5686.6 1.1%
Inpatient … visits
Emergency, 1+ 4987.2 4.6% 2632.2 5.1% 2970.3 6.4% 4768.6 7.0% 19330.8 3.6%
Inpatient … # Received includes ED records, inpatient records, autopsy records, and death certificates. … , 5+ 9.4% 10.5% 8.8% 13.6% 22.5%
Other visits
Emergency, 1+ 2.0% 2.7% 2.8% 4.2% 16.9%
December 01, 2011 - PM Page 2
(c) How sustainable are prevention practices in health
care (outpatient, hospital inpatient … The findings apply to general adult inpatients. … Confronting Clostridium difficile in
inpatient health care facilities. … Interventions to
improve antibiotic prescribing practices for hospital
inpatients. … Prospective,
randomized inpatient study of oral metronidazole
versus oral metronidazole and rifampin
June 29, 2019 - acute, chronic, cancer)
● Age, sex, race/ethnicity, income, and geography (urban, rural)
● Settings (inpatient … conditions (e.g., housing status, social contacts, employment)
o patient setting (e.g., outpatient, inpatient … ethnicity groups; care setting (e.g., home, primary care,
outpatient clinic, emergency department, inpatient … Opioid-Related Inpatient Stays and
Emergency Department Visits Among Patients Aged 65 Years and Older
July 08, 2021 - ED = emergency department; IDS = integrated delivery system; IP = inpatient; KQ=Key Question; LHS = learning … caregivers for KQ3
• Health systems
• Hospitals
• Providers
All KQ:
Patients receiving inpatient … Providers providing inpatient care
Interventions KQ 1-3:
• Remotely delivered synchronous medical … -like outpatient population (including ED) (see
Appendix B for a list of included countries)
Inpatient … Controlled trial
ED Emergency Department
EHR Electronic health record
IDS Integrated delivery system
IP Inpatient
February 10, 2010 - We included all CathPCI patients > 65 years undergoing an inpatient intracoronary stent procedure between … ACC-NCDR® data are limited to a single episode of care we used the research-identifiable Medicare 100% inpatient … cause’ was extrapolated in 19,132 (90%) deaths using the algorithm described above, and included 8451 inpatient … registries (range=1.3%/year to 4.3%/year)(23-27,33,34) is likely due to higher risk in our elderly, inpatient … improvement tool and undergo rigorous quality control, 40 while the Medicare claims database captures all inpatient
April 01, 2022 - inpatient, vs. other outpatient interventions) and of
fetal surveillance when a prostaglandin is used … shoulder dystocia (with
single-balloon catheters) when compared with the
same intervention in the inpatient … with catheters (double-balloon or single-balloon) in
the outpatient setting and dinoprostone in the
inpatient … findings on—
o misoprostol and double-balloon catheters
(comparing each in the outpatient versus
November 01, 2019 - consistent with CDI -- excluded
D2: Pathway
Before pathway Begin CDI diff pathway if inpatient … services within UPHS to implement the CDI treatment algorithm recommendations
in a UPHS system-wide inpatient … information services, the clinical
decision support committee, and potentially others such as the inpatient … yes Do ICU and Inpatient treat differently inpatient
vs outpatient vs emergency room setting;
“Inpatient … Patients on extended vancomycin for
CDI diagnosed outside of MUSC will need this
continued at inpatient
June 15, 2010 - interval
• Settings: These will include studies with patients from primary care, outpatient, and
inpatient … interval
• Settings: These will include studies with patients from primary care, outpatient, and
inpatient … interval
• Settings: These will include studies with patients from primary care, outpatient, and
inpatient … interval
• Settings: These will include studies with patients from primary care, outpatient, and
inpatient … • Settings: These will include CPG recommendations for patients from primary care,
outpatient, and inpatient
November 01, 2007 - The following data sources and methods were used:
Inpatient: Billing claims for inpatient ICD-9- … CM Diagnoses, ICD-9-CM Procedure, and CPT codes
Outpatient: Billing claims for non-inpatient ICD-9 … Only based on information from inpatient data sources. … Inpatient: One or more hospitalizations with a primary discharge diagnosis of diabetes (ICD-9 code … Based on outpatient or inpatient claim for cancer or cancer-related care using the
following ICD-
December 29, 2020 - analyses based on route of administration and study settings (e.g., home, outpatient,
emergency room, and inpatient