
Total Results: 770 records

Showing results for "inpatient".

    December 29, 2020 - analyses based on route of administration and study settings (e.g., home, outpatient, emergency room, and inpatient
    December 01, 2019 - Medicare covers ORYGB or LRYGB, open or laparoscopic DS, or laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding in an inpatient
    December 01, 2019 - Twenty-four RCTs comparing alternative active OMBP strategies (including 1 RCT comparing inpatient vs
    December 01, 2019 - Healthcare Safer IV: Interventions to Prevent Nonventilator Hospital-acquired Pneumonia (NV-HAP) for Inpatients
    December 01, 2019 - Healthcare Safer IV: Interventions to Prevent Nonventilator Hospital-acquired Pneumonia (NV-HAP) for Inpatients
    November 01, 2007 - The following data sources and methods were used: Inpatient: Billing claims for inpatient ICD-9- … CM Diagnoses, ICD-9-CM Procedure, and CPT codes Outpatient: Billing claims for non-inpatient ICD-9 … Only based on information from inpatient data sources. … Inpatient: One or more hospitalizations with a primary discharge diagnosis of diabetes (ICD-9 code … Based on outpatient or inpatient claim for cancer or cancer-related care using the following ICD-
    November 01, 2017 - Healthcare Safer IV: Interventions to Prevent Nonventilator Hospital-acquired Pneumonia (NV-HAP) for Inpatients
    August 01, 2012 - characteristics (e.g., age, diagnostic criteria, severity of illness, comorbidities, concomitant medications, inpatient … The majority of studies were multicenter (n = 70, 56 percent) and involved inpatients (n = 62, 50 percent … Almost half the studies involved hospitalized patients (inpatient treatment) (62 of 125 studies) or … mixed inpatient and outpatient populations (26 studies); relatively few studies examined only outpatient … As such, we judge the results of this report to be applicable to patients in outpatient and inpatient
    January 01, 2023 - Analytic Framework ED = emergency department; IDS = integrated delivery system; IP = inpatient … age(or their caregivers for KQ3 KQ4) Health systems Hospitals Providers All KQ: Patients receiving inpatient … Providers providing inpatient care Interventions KQ 1-3: Remotely delivered synchronous medical services … -like outpatient population (including ED) (see Appendix B for a list of included countries) Inpatient … Controlled trial ED Emergency Department EHR Electronic health record IDS Integrated delivery system IP Inpatient
    January 01, 2010 - despite the use of an electronic flag denoting the need for isolation precautions in the records of inpatients … Finally, the commentators also noted the importance of the setting for MRSA screening, including inpatient … This systematic review will focus on hospitalized patients (inpatients) and ambulatory patients (outpatients … comparative effectiveness review will evaluate the benefits and harms of a MRSA-screening strategy in both inpatient … Settings O Inpatient: hospital wards and intensive care units.
    June 27, 2011 - provided primarily in certain settings (in the United States, these settings include the home, special inpatient … significant percentage of patients who have serious and advanced disease, such as cancer centers, medicine inpatient … Settings We will address all settings, both inpatient and outpatient, with a specific focus on … We will also address QI interventions that occur within inpatient or outpatient palliative care programs
    January 01, 2024 - Healthcare Safer IV: Interventions to Prevent Nonventilator Hospital-acquired Pneumonia (NV-HAP) for Inpatients
    February 01, 2024 - Healthcare Safer IV: Interventions to Prevent Nonventilator Hospital-acquired Pneumonia (NV-HAP) for Inpatients
    March 03, 2014 - Many SMI patients require inpatient hospitalization at multiple times in their lives, and emergency … measures for SMI, no single measure or metric is used consistently across all treatment sites (e.g., inpatient … Timeframes § Short term (≤ 6 months), intermediate term, and long term (≥12 months) § TBD Setting § Inpatient
    October 01, 2024 - Healthcare Safer IV: Interventions to Prevent Nonventilator Hospital-acquired Pneumonia (NV-HAP) for Inpatients
    August 24, 2012 - Peer Reviewer #3 Results Also, the paragraph on page 25 on the implementation of the Medicare Inpatient … (For example, paying a doctor and hospital jointly for an inpatient procedure is very different from … Inpatient mortality decreased but so did length of stay. … If not, inpatient mortality is somewhat meaningless and its limitations should be pointed out. … The LTACH project noted an increase of one FTE per 1000 inpatient days, possibly due to ³the need for
    December 01, 2019 - provided primarily in certain settings (in the United States, these settings include the home, special inpatient … significant percentage of patients who have serious and advanced disease, such as cancer centers, medicine inpatient … Settings We will address all settings, both inpatient and outpatient, with a specific focus on the … We will also address QI interventions that occur within inpatient or outpatient palliative care programs
    November 18, 2023 - , we have defined our time periods of interest as acute (within 72 hours of surgery or during the inpatient … We will also separate inpatient surgery (or patients admitted after surgery) from outpatient surgery … days up to ≤3 months Post-operative period 3-12 months  Other timing Setting   Perioperative (inpatient … Most Frequent Principal Diagnoses for Inpatient Stays in U.S. Hospitals, 2018. … Overview of Operating Room Procedures During Inpatient Stays in U.S. Hospitals, 2014.
    December 01, 2019 - Many SMI patients require inpatient hospitalization at multiple times in their lives, and emergency department … measures for SMI, no single measure or metric is used consistently across all treatment sites (e.g., inpatient … Timeframes Short term (≤ 6 months), intermediate term, and long term (≥12 months) TBD Setting Inpatient
    August 01, 2022 - E-2 Author, Year, Study Design Study Setting (Outpatient, Inpatient, ED) Intervention(s) … E-7 Author, Year, Study Design Study Setting (Outpatient, Inpatient, ED) Intervention(s) … from included studies: KQ 2, triptans Author, Year, Study Design Study Setting (Outpatient, Inpatient … E-10 Author, Year, Study Design Study Setting (Outpatient, Inpatient, ED) Intervention(s) … effect of heat and cold therapy on the intensity of nitrate induced migraine type headache in cardiac inpatients

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