October 01, 2015 - in October 2015:
Addition of information relevant to ambulatory and managed care encounters
Expanded injury … Postoperative pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis
PSI 13 Postoperative sepsis
PSI 14 Postoperative wound … dehiscence
PSI 15 Accidental puncture or laceration
PSI 16 Transfusion reaction
PSI 17 Birth trauma-injury … to neonate
PSI 18 Obstetric trauma-vaginal delivery with instrument
PSI 19 Obstetric trauma-vaginal … PDI 09 Postoperative Respiratory Failure Rate
PDI 10 Postoperative Sepsis Rate
PDI 11 Postoperative Wound
October 01, 2015 - in October 2015:
Addition of information relevant to ambulatory and managed care encounters
Expanded injury … Postoperative pulmonary embolism or deep vein thrombosis
PSI 13 Postoperative sepsis
PSI 14 Postoperative wound … dehiscence
PSI 15 Accidental puncture or laceration
PSI 16 Transfusion reaction
PSI 17 Birth trauma-injury … to neonate
PSI 18 Obstetric trauma-vaginal delivery with instrument
PSI 19 Obstetric trauma-vaginal … PDI 09 Postoperative Respiratory Failure Rate
PDI 10 Postoperative Sepsis Rate
PDI 11 Postoperative Wound
October 01, 2014 - CANDOR
Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit
MATCH Toolkit
NICU Toolkit
Pressure Injury … If unsure whether it is a pressure ulcer, get help from the wound care nurse or another experienced clinician … Typically, this comprehensive evaluation is performed by an "outside" expert such as a wound nurse or … Therefore, consider performing a comprehensive skin assessment every 3 months with a wound care nurse … Pressure ulcers may take several days to develop after a severe pressure injury.
October 01, 2014 - CANDOR
Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit
MATCH Toolkit
NICU Toolkit
Pressure Injury … If unsure whether it is a pressure ulcer, get help from the wound care nurse or another experienced clinician … Typically, this comprehensive evaluation is performed by an "outside" expert such as a wound nurse or … Therefore, consider performing a comprehensive skin assessment every 3 months with a wound care nurse … Pressure ulcers may take several days to develop after a severe pressure injury.
October 01, 2014 - CANDOR
Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit
MATCH Toolkit
NICU Toolkit
Pressure Injury … If unsure whether it is a pressure ulcer, get help from the wound care nurse or another experienced clinician … Typically, this comprehensive evaluation is performed by an "outside" expert such as a wound nurse or … Therefore, consider performing a comprehensive skin assessment every 3 months with a wound care nurse … Pressure ulcers may take several days to develop after a severe pressure injury.
October 01, 2014 - CANDOR
Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit
MATCH Toolkit
NICU Toolkit
Pressure Injury … If unsure whether it is a pressure ulcer, get help from the wound care nurse or another experienced clinician … Typically, this comprehensive evaluation is performed by an "outside" expert such as a wound nurse or … Therefore, consider performing a comprehensive skin assessment every 3 months with a wound care nurse … Pressure ulcers may take several days to develop after a severe pressure injury.
October 01, 2014 - CANDOR
Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit
MATCH Toolkit
NICU Toolkit
Pressure Injury … If unsure whether it is a pressure ulcer, get help from the wound care nurse or another experienced clinician … Typically, this comprehensive evaluation is performed by an "outside" expert such as a wound nurse or … Therefore, consider performing a comprehensive skin assessment every 3 months with a wound care nurse … Pressure ulcers may take several days to develop after a severe pressure injury.
June 01, 2023 - (even venous thromboembolism prophylaxis) because it can potentially cause devastating neurological injury
June 01, 2023 - of regional analgesia in the setting of anticoagulation to avoid the potential risk of neurological injury
October 01, 2023 - to falls, the presence of fall assistance, presence of fall assistance by patient harm, type of fall injury
October 01, 2023 - to falls, the presence of fall assistance, presence of fall assistance by patient harm, type of fall injury
June 01, 2023 - of regional analgesia in the setting of anticoagulation to avoid the potential risk of neurological injury
June 01, 2023 - (even venous thromboembolism prophylaxis) because it can potentially cause devastating neurological injury
January 01, 2012 - Project to reduce the risk of falls among veterans receiving inpatient treatment for traumatic brain injury
December 01, 2012 - Under 65 with physical disabilities:
All others who are under age 65 (e.g., traumatic brain injury
September 07, 2019 - These methods are often referred to by various names such as Targeted Injury Detection Systems and
June 01, 2023 - (even venous thromboembolism prophylaxis) because it can potentially cause devastating neurological injury
June 01, 2023 - of regional analgesia in the setting of anticoagulation to avoid the potential risk of neurological injury
December 17, 2020 - outpatient opioid prescriptions in the calendar year -6.0
Home health care patients whose surgical wound … hospice care team -0.3
Long-stay nursing home patients experiencing one or more falls with major injury
January 10, 2022 - allows individuals and teams to take steps to interrupt or correct an action or event before harm or injury … risk or unfolding error
An opportunity to interrupt or correct an action or event before harm or injury