October 01, 2014 - interventions, a few
participants reported fatigue, muscle soreness, or other mi-
nor musculoskeletal injuries
January 01, 2010 - Healthy People 2010 leading health indicators*
* Other leading health indicators include mental health, injury … interventions outside the
clinical setting intended to change risky behaviors;
reduce specific diseases, injuries … utilization or patient satisfaction) (KQ
4), and may also induce adverse effects, such as
increased injury
March 02, 2020 - reported no withdrawals due to adverse events; 1 trial reported a serious adverse event (grade 3 joint injury
November 07, 2023 - regional, and national incidence, prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354 diseases and injuries
October 11, 2022 - Similar numbers of adverse events, including attendance at minor injury units, walk-in centers, and accident … : 2 RCTs 53 , 58 (885)
No statistically significant differences on adverse events (such as minor injury
March 01, 2022 - intervention
participants and control groups on any adverse events, serious ad-
verse events, musculoskeletal injuries
November 22, 2023 - regional, and national incidence,
prevalence, and years lived with disability for 354
diseases and injuries
January 19, 2021 - pharmacotherapy in addition to the recent
outbreak of e-cigarette, or vaping, product use–associated lung
injury … Krishnasamy VP, Hallowell BD, Ko JY, et al;
Lung Injury Response Epidemiology/Surveillance
Task Force … Update: characteristics of a nationwide
outbreak of e-cigarette, or vaping, product
use–associated lung injury—United
March 01, 2016 - of VEGF inhibitors include endophthalmitis, uveitis, increased intraocular pressure, traumatic lens injury
September 01, 2009 - take up the
time available to discuss smoking cessation, or to address
an acute problem or a minor injury
February 01, 2018 - occurred in 3.1 percent of false positive surgeries
in the CA-125 ROCA arm and included: infection, injury … arm of the UKCTOCS.92 Major complications occurred in
3.5 percent of these surgeries and included: injury … breakdown, bowel obstruction, wound/supravaginal hematoma, infection, and pain with
readmission or … Ovarian Cancer 48 Kaiser Permanente Research Affiliates EPC
¶ Includes: anesthetic complications (1), injury … (20), cystitis/infection (11), discomfort (5), bruising (2), fainting (1), other (22)
‡‡ Includes: Injury
September 18, 2018 - fractures, serious injuries resulting from increased physical activity,
and an increased risk for eating
October 11, 2022 - Similar
numbers of adverse events, including attendance at minor injury
units, walk-in centers, and … Suicide: 2 RCTs53,58 (885) No statistically significant differences on adverse
events (such as minor injury
February 01, 2018 - occurred in 3.1 percent of false positive surgeries
in the CA-125 ROCA arm and included: infection, injury … arm of the UKCTOCS.92 Major complications occurred in
3.5 percent of these surgeries and included: injury … breakdown, bowel obstruction, wound/supravaginal hematoma, infection, and pain with
readmission or … Ovarian Cancer 48 Kaiser Permanente Research Affiliates EPC
¶ Includes: anesthetic complications (1), injury … (20), cystitis/infection (11), discomfort (5), bruising (2), fainting (1), other (22)
‡‡ Includes: Injury
August 23, 2022 - (MI) or stroke, revascularization, composite CVD outcomes, or harms of treatment (including muscle injury … , cognitive loss, incident diabetes, and hepatic injury) were included.
January 01, 1996 - responsible for about 25% of deaths from residential fires, causing some 1,000 fire-related deaths and 3,300 injuries
September 15, 2005 - reconstruction) and that prophylactic oophorectomy can cause infection, bleeding, urinary tract or bowel injury
November 01, 2013 - As a result, intermediate measures of target
end-organ injury, including physical alterations to the
December 15, 2009 - appropriate for use by communities and health care systems to promote health and to prevent disease, injury
March 01, 2016 - of VEGF inhibitors
include endophthalmitis, uveitis, increased intraocular pressure,
traumatic lens injury