
Total Results: 481 records

Showing results for "injuries".

    March 19, 2024 - Maltreatment can lead to devastating effects, such as injury and death, and can also lead to long-term
    May 15, 2013 - outcomes include any harms requiring medical attention (e.g., nutritional deficiencies, musculoskeletal injuries
    March 12, 2021 - community *  preventive services, and environments not conducive to health increase the risk of disease and injury … alone contribute to more than a third of the premature deaths in the United States. 1 , 2 Disease and injury … health topics have been considered by both Task Forces including tobacco use, motor vehicle occupant injuries … Although the current burden of disease and injury remains high, improvements can be made through effective
    September 20, 2022 - family history of depression, prior episode of depression, other mental health conditions, a history of trauma … Web-Based Injury Statistics Query and Reporting System (WISQARS) Injury Mortality Reports, 2017. … 13. Hedegaard H, Curtin SC, Warner M.
    May 26, 2020 - contributor to 3 of the leading causes of death among young persons (aged 10 to 24 years): unintentional injuries … contributor to 3 of the leading causes of death among young persons (aged 10-24 years): unintentional injuries … of all deaths in young persons aged 10 to 24 years in the US resulted from 3 causes: unintentional injuries
    May 01, 2014 - Other risk factors for suicide include: childhood trauma; a family history of suicide; being discriminated … For veterans, risk factors include traumatic brain injury, PTSD, and other mental health conditions.
    July 01, 2013 - Evidence was in- sufficient for maternal weight gain and birth injury. … Evidence was insufficient for birth injury due to imprecision (low number of events and participants … For other in- jury outcomes (that is, brachial plexus injury and clavicular fractures), results were … estimate not reported because of heterogeneity 88 Cohort 2 515 �1.04 (�2.89 to 0.81)‡ 8 Maternal birth trauma … Clavicular fracture RCT 1 1030 0.35 (0.01 to 8.45) NA Cohort 1 389 0.02 (0.00 to 0.22)† NA Birth trauma
    January 01, 1996 - fractures in persons aged 45 or older are types that are related to osteoporosis. 2 Most of these injuries … counseling regarding preventive measures to reduce the risk of falls and the severity of fall-related injuries
    July 08, 2014 - Other harms of interventions include myocardial infarction, nerve injury, and hematoma. … Nerve Injuries, Infection, and Other Harms In the VACS, 3.8% of persons who had CEA (8 of 211) had … cranial nerve injuries with complete functional recovery. … The Mayo Asymptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy study reported a 1.1% rate of minor cranial nerve injury … important harms, such as nonfatal MI, permanent cranial nerve damage, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, wound
    July 08, 2014 - Other harms of interventions include myocardial infarction, nerve injury, and hematoma. … Nerve Injuries, Infection, and Other Harms In the VACS, 3.8% of persons who had CEA (8 of 211) had … cranial nerve injuries with complete functional recovery. … The Mayo Asymptomatic Carotid Endarterectomy study reported a 1.1% rate of minor cranial nerve injury … important harms, such as nonfatal MI, permanent cranial nerve damage, pulmonary embolism, pneumonia, wound
    July 01, 2002 - Harms of physical activity probably include musculoskeletal injuries, fall-related injuries, and cardiovascular … patients were overweight (average body mass index, 29.5 kg/m 2 ) and 9 percent smoked. 34 To avoid injury … report type of intervention, including the recommended intensity of physical activity, and also report injuries
    February 15, 2004 - HBV infection identified through screening may benefit from interventions designed to reduce liver injury
    December 04, 2017 - These fractures, also called osteoporotic or fragility fractures, can result from a minor fall or injury
    February 15, 2004 - HBV infection identified through screening may benefit from interventions designed to reduce liver injury
    January 23, 2014 - Perioperative complications including stroke, death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, cranial nerve injuries
    January 23, 2014 - Perioperative complications including stroke, death, nonfatal myocardial infarction, cranial nerve injuries
    April 12, 2022 - subtle (e.g., microaggressions) but are potentially traumatic events that, in the context of historic trauma … history of suicide or mental health disorders, previous suicide attempts, life stressors, history of trauma … Atlanta, GA: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control … J Child Adolesc Trauma . 2021;14(2):233-247. 12. Lu W. … Historical trauma and American Indian/Alaska Native youth mental health development and delinquency.
    June 26, 2018 - These fractures, also called osteoporotic or fragility fractures, can result from a minor fall or injury
    October 11, 2022 - subtle (eg, microaggressions) but are potentially traumatic events that, in the context of historic trauma … Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Injury Prevention and Control; 2011. … J Child Adolesc Trauma . 2021;14(2):233-247. 13. Lu W. … Historical trauma and American Indian/Alaska Native youth mental health development and delinquency. … WISQARS Fatal Injury Data Visualization. Accessed August 29, 2022.
    May 18, 2023 - including increased symptoms of depression and anxiety, and body image concerns Exercise-induced injury

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