June 01, 2017 - the work
Key Points (“know how”) For example, information that is critical to the job, may prevent injury
December 01, 2022 - appointment for routine care as soon as needed
Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury … activity at least five times a week
Children who needed care right away for an illness, injury
June 01, 2022 - patients can suffer adverse outcomes and even fatal complications, and clinicians can be exposed to injury
October 11, 2017 - 5811
14 *Obesity/ 256788
15 *Respiratory Insufficiency/ 25610
16 *Scoliosis/ 20526
17 *Spinal Cord Injuries
May 01, 2015 - The number of hospitalizations for unintentional injury and asthma also decreased after implementation … PMID: 23690385
The authors compared emergency care usage for any reason, asthma, and unintentional injury … As a comparison, emergency care use for unintentional injury had been increasing before and during implementation
February 01, 2017 - The number of hospitalizations for unintentional injury and asthma also decreased after implementation … PMID: 23690385
The authors compared emergency care usage for any reason, asthma, and unintentional injury … As a comparison, emergency care use for unintentional injury had been increasing before and during implementation
December 01, 2020 - state-specific data on preventive health practices
and risk behaviors linked to chronic diseases, injuries … are patient’s age, sex, race, and
ethnicity; patient’s expressed reason for visit; intentionality of injury … include mode of arrival, waiting time,
duration of time in the ED, initial vital signs, and cause of injury … from each family in the house and collects data on
topics including health status and limitations, injuries … decedent’s residence, place of birth, educational
attainment, underlying and multiple causes of death, injury
January 01, 2011 - culminate in
significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury … culminate
in significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury
January 01, 2011 - culminate in
significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury … culminate
in significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury
December 01, 2017 - CANDOR
Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit
MATCH Toolkit
NICU Toolkit
Pressure Injury … Pulmonary Embolism or Deep Vein Thrombosis Rate *
PSI 13: Postoperative Sepsis *
PSI 14: Postoperative Wound … PSI 15: Unrecognized Abdominopelvic Accidental Puncture or Laceration *
PSI 18-‐19: Obstetric Trauma … PDI 09: Postoperative Respiratory Failure
PDI 10: Postoperative Sepsis
PDI 11: Postoperative Wound
October 01, 2016 - dominated by ranching and energy enterprises, which
generate a disproportionate number of worksite injuries … to work with
patients who are chronic opioid users, incorporating elements of pain psychology and trauma
November 01, 2018 - of Labor & Delivery Adverse & Near-Miss Events
Number of live-born full-term neonates with birth trauma … (injury) / Total number live-born full-term neonates = Rate of Neonatal Birth Trauma
Statistics Tip
February 01, 2012 - culminate in
significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury … culminate
in significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury
February 01, 2012 - culminate in
significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury … culminate
in significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury
August 01, 2017 - Factors that prompted families to file medical malpractice claims following perinatal injuries. … All trauma surgeons are not created equal: Asymmetric distribution of malpractice claims risk. … J Trauma 2010 Sep; 69(3):549-54.
13 Kohanim S, Sternberg P Jr, Karrass J, et al.
October 23, 2013 - Impact of
pediatric critical illness and injury on families: a systematic literature review.
May 08, 2008 - Applying IOM’s six domains of quality
to language services
• Safety: Avoiding injuries to patients
September 01, 2020 - not be harmed by the care that is intended to help them, and they should remain free from accidental injury
October 23, 2013 - Impact of
pediatric critical illness and injury on families: a systematic literature review.
March 01, 2016 - Effective Crisis Management
Living a Culture of Patient Safety Policy and Brochure
Medically Induced Trauma … portfolio aims to
identify risks and hazards that lead to medical errors and find ways to prevent patient injury … Medically Induced Trauma Support Services (MITSS) Tools for Building a Clinician
and Staff Support Program … www.mitsstools.org/tool-kit-for-staff-support-for-healthcare-organizations.html
Medically Induced Trauma