January 01, 2025 - contrast extravasation,2 anesthesia-
related complications (0.2% for hemodynamic instability6), and injury … Frequency of acute kidney injury following intravenous
contrast medium administration: a systematic
January 01, 2011 - culminate in
significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury … culminate
in significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury
January 01, 2011 - culminate in
significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury … culminate
in significant costs attributable to greater health-care needs, more frequent unintentional injury
December 01, 2021 - appointment for routine care as soon as
Adults who needed care right away for an illness, injury … activity at least five times a week
Children who needed care right away for an illness, injury
November 01, 2018 - Labor & Delivery Adverse & Near-Miss Events
Number of live-born full-term neonates with birth trauma … (injury) / Total number live-born full-term neonates = Rate of Neonatal Birth Trauma
January 01, 2019 - 51.9% in 2013 67.7% in 2017 -9.5 0.006
Surgical Safety Home health care patients whose surgical
wound … single measure that was not changing over time
examines long-stay nursing home patients who experience injuries … 2017 -2.1 0.018
Falls Long-stay nursing home patients experiencing
one or more falls with major injury
July 01, 2019 - dominated by ranching and energy enterprises, which generate a disproportionate number of worksite injuries … how to work with patients who are chronic opioid users, incorporating elements of pain psychology and trauma-informed
January 01, 2024 - cesarean rates may be examined for an association with postpartum
hemorrhage or unintentional injuries … to be specific for
0.1487 + 0.1980, 0.7886 (0-
PSI #14: Post-operative
wound … Alternative codes evaluated
1.0931 + 1.4021
0.6600 (0-13.6126)
excluding clavicle, brachial
nerve injury … deliveries
N = 506,674
665.0 before labor
665.1 during labor
674.1 dehiscence/disruption
of uterine wound … Maternal birth trauma
Use AHRQ definition PSI 18
and 19?
October 01, 2016 - dominated by ranching and energy enterprises, which
generate a disproportionate number of worksite injuries … to work with
patients who are chronic opioid users, incorporating elements of pain psychology and trauma
December 01, 2013 - are at risk for zinc deficiency and may need
– Poor growth, diarrhea, impaired wound … ■ BPD, even in the absence of overt brain injury, is a risk factor for neurodevelopmental delay. … ■ Peristomal skin must be protected from mechanical trauma due to use of aggressive adhesives,
improper … stenosis may be caused by intraoperative damage to cricoid, tracheostomy placed
too high, mucosal trauma … – Gastric or esophageal trauma during placement.
December 01, 2013 - are at risk for zinc deficiency and may need
– Poor growth, diarrhea, impaired wound … ■ BPD, even in the absence of overt brain injury, is a risk factor for neurodevelopmental delay. … ■ Peristomal skin must be protected from mechanical trauma due to use of aggressive adhesives,
improper … stenosis may be caused by intraoperative damage to cricoid, tracheostomy placed
too high, mucosal trauma … – Gastric or esophageal trauma during placement.
December 01, 2013 - diarrhea are at risk for zinc defciency and may need
– Poor growth, diarrhea, impaired wound … ■ BPD, even in the absence of overt brain injury, is a risk factor for neurodevelopmental delay. … ■ Peristomal skin must be protected from mechanical trauma due to use of aggressive adhesives,
improper … stenosis may be caused by intraoperative damage to cricoid, tracheostomy placed
too high, mucosal trauma … – Gastric or esophageal trauma during placement.
January 01, 2024 - The report estimated more than a
million injuries and nearly 100,000 deaths attributable to medical
June 03, 2021 - testing and treatment.27 This overutilization contributes to harm, with aggressive
testing mistakes and injuries
June 03, 2021 - testing and treatment.27 This overutilization contributes to harm, with aggressive
testing mistakes and injuries
January 01, 2002 - Adverse events including device-
related deaths and serious injuries must be reported to the FDA and
April 06, 2008 - • Could the Problem Statement issue result in death or serious injuries to individuals?
January 01, 2025 - Two hospitalizations (1.5%) were the result of injuries that were unrelated to home
care. … 120
Decline resulting from
patient's condition
Complication of earlier
New diagnosis Injury … benefit will be provided in
those visits (e.g., an agency cannot simply increase the frequency of wound
January 01, 2015 - Are you a medical, a surgical, a cardiothoracic, coronary, other such as the neuro critical care, trauma … physiologically unstable because of ongoing and progressive multi-system organ dysfunction or acute kidney injury … an indwelling urinary catheter related to the use of paralytics, sedative, hypnotics or orthopedic trauma … 10:00 o’clock your patient is unsedated on [inaudible 00:29:16] fall they have a catheter but their injury
December 01, 2017 - Are you a medical, a surgical, a cardiothoracic, coronary, other such as the neuro critical care, trauma … physiologically unstable because of ongoing and progressive multi-system organ dysfunction or acute kidney injury … an indwelling urinary catheter related to the use of paralytics, sedative, hypnotics or orthopedic trauma … 10:00 o'clock your patient is unsedated on [inaudible 00:29:16] fall they have a catheter but their injury