August 01, 2022 - CANDOR
Family-Centered Rounds Toolkit
MATCH Toolkit
NICU Toolkit
Pressure Injury … Over the next few days, it is clear that he has suffered a significant brain injury due to the lack of
July 22, 2022 - “The use of multiple wires
and cords for equipment
pose the greatest threat for
injury in this hospital … I
tripped over a wire…which
caused [an injury] that took
over a year to heal.”
January 01, 2021 - Patient outcome variables
Patient falls and injury falls
• Patient falls/1,000 patient days. … • Injury falls/1,000 patient days. … • Percent of patients with suspected deep tissue injury.
Table 1. … • Percent of patients with hospital-acquired suspected deep tissue injury. … percent of
patients with hospital-acquired pressure ulcers stages III and IV, as well as fall and injury
January 01, 2020 - Nerve injury not elsewhere classified at birth, and
Birth trauma not elsewhere classified.24
Many … of these injuries to neonates may be preventable.25
Birth trauma—injury to neonate per 1,000 … Overall Rate: In 2013, the birth trauma-neonatal injury rate was 1.9 per 1,000 live births. … Between 2004 and 2013, birth trauma-neonatal injury rates fell for all racial/ethnic groups, except for … Birth Trauma Rate—Injury to Neonate: Technical Specifications.
July 01, 2004 - Webster’s New World Dictionary defines safety as “the condition of being free
from harm, injury, or … examining the second most frequent postoperative
complication, the first and most frequent, postoperative wound … care postoperative stays has shifted the diagnostic location for a large percentage
of postoperative wound … reliable proxies for this event in the administrative claims, our ability to
identify postoperative wound … A study of
medical injury and medical malpractice: an overview.
January 01, 1995 - or unfolding error
An opportunity to interrupt or correct an action or event before there is harm or injury … It allows for one to take steps to interrupt or correct an action or event before there is harm or injury
August 01, 2017 - Patients’ and doctors’ attitudes to amount of information given after unintended injury during treatment
July 11, 2017 - Larkin avoided injury and was taken to the hospital before
the situation became critical.
December 01, 2017 - reengineer the system to catch holes before they line up, and end system gaps that lead to a patient injury
January 01, 2003 - Assessing patient safety risk
before the injury occurs: an introduction to socio-
technical probabilistic
January 01, 2004 - With disease, injury, or illness, the diagnosis is often obvious and may involve
no more than simple
April 08, 2014 - The fourth indication is the healing of open wounds that are close to the groin area. … , such as a motor vehicle accident where they have an injury to the spinal cord. … Assisting healing with a perineal or sacral wound in certain patients. … or multiple traumatic injuries, such as multiple fractures, and you worry that, again, movement will … Wound care nurses, we talked about, the pressure associated with the Foley catheter is helping.
September 01, 2015 - our overall efforts in patient safety, and as part of the National Action Plan for health-associated
June 04, 2008 - Paul Barach, BSc, MD, MPH
There is growing recognition that the risks and hazards of injury … of hospital
physical environments contributes to medical errors, increased rates of infection and injuries … design of the physical environment is a contributing
factor, have a substantial cost in lives and injury … For damages and injuries resulting from structural
failures, water migration (mold and mildew), and
August 01, 2017 - An adverse event is defined as an injury resulting from health care management, rather than the underlying … from a rural hospital recommended “Organize the paperwork with separate categories to clearly define ‘wound
January 01, 2020 - practitioners may devote a visit to evaluating highly concerning
conditions (e.g., traumatic brain injury … Motor scores on the functional independence
measure after pediatric spinal cord injury.
January 01, 2024 - Preventable diagnostic errors in fatal cervical spine injuries: a nationwide register-based study from … Diagnostic error in the emergency department: follow up of patients with minor trauma in the outpatient … Scand J Trauma Resusc Emerg Med 2017 Feb 14;25(1):13. … Adv Wound Care (New Rochelle) 2013 Dec;2(10):588-592. … acceptability, and preliminary effect of a novel deliberate practice intervention to reduce diagnostic error in trauma
January 01, 2004 - This reflects their focus on immediate
treatment and stabilization of an acute illness or injury.
November 01, 2016 - We work to prevent the leading cause of illness, injury, disability, and death.
July 01, 2018 - unanticipated event in a health care setting resulting in death or serious physical or psychological injury