AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: 7,088 records

Showing results for "initiatives".

  1. www.ahrq.gov/ncepcr/research-transform-primary-care/transform/cost/guide.html
    October 01, 2015 - transformation effort, such as changes in patient mix and co-occurring quality improvement or other initiatives … informative, it does not differentiate between the cost of PCMH transformation and other unrelated initiatives … can help to distinguish changes caused by transformation efforts versus other trends or co-occurring initiatives … Costs may be affected by co-occurring quality improvement or other initiatives whose activities overlap
  2. www.ahrq.gov/ncepcr/reports/cost-guide/practical-guide.html
    February 01, 2017 - transformation effort, such as changes in patient mix and co-occurring quality improvement or other initiatives … informative, it does not differentiate between the cost of PCMH transformation and other unrelated initiatives … can help to distinguish changes caused by transformation efforts versus other trends or co-occurring initiatives … Costs may be affected by co-occurring quality improvement or other initiatives whose activities overlap
  3. www.ahrq.gov/hai/tools/perinatal-care/modules/teamwork/assemble-fac-guide.html
    May 01, 2017 - The model features four elements for starting and sustaining initiatives: engage, educate, execute, and … four elements depict the primary means for engaging L&D unit team members to ensure perinatal safety initiatives … Help carry out initiatives. … differences in solution applicability, technical and adaptive work involve L&D unit team members in initiatives … Recruiting executives in these initiatives forges bonds and improves communication among hospital staff
  4. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/policymakers/chipra/demoeval/what-we-learned/implementation-guides/implementation-guide1/impguide1.pdf
    September 08, 2015 - By engaging stakeholders in your quality improvement (QI) initiatives, you can help ensure that the … The appendix provides more details about the particular stakeholder engagement initiatives Georgia, … The Important Role of Stakeholders Involving stakeholders in QI initiatives and activities can bring … – Staff from school-based health centers or other school-based health initiatives. … – Spillover effects to other child health care or QI initiatives.
  5. www.ahrq.gov/ncepcr/research-transform-primary-care/transform/final-impact/spread.html
    October 01, 2015 - These partners designed a statewide improvement model building on existing initiatives, including the … Arkansas Arkansas currently has two QI initiatives active at the State level that are stimulating the … Missouri The IMPaCT mission in Missouri was complicated by fragmentation in the State’s QI initiatives
  6. www.ahrq.gov/prevention/resources/chronic-care/clinical-community-relationships-eval-roadmap/ccre-roadmap1.html
    July 01, 2013 - The Roadmap complements and is consistent with other recent initiatives to improve the quality of health … include the "Triple Aim" of the Institute for Healthcare Improvement ( http://www.ihi.org/offerings/initiatives … of considering and accounting for the context in which research, quality improvement, and evaluation initiatives
  7. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/systems/hospital/engagingfamilies/howtogetstarted/Ways_To_Learn_More_508.docx
    May 21, 2013 - Available at: http://www.ihi.org/offerings/initiatives/paststrategicinitiatives/tcab/pages/default.aspx … Web site: http://www.npsf.org Speak Up Initiatives The Speak Up Initiatives is a national campaign launched
  8. www.ahrq.gov/ncepcr/reports/grants-impact/spreading-model.html
    February 01, 2017 - These partners designed a statewide improvement model building on existing initiatives, including the … Arkansas Arkansas currently has two QI initiatives active at the State level that are stimulating the … Missouri The IMPaCT mission in Missouri was complicated by fragmentation in the State’s QI initiatives
  9. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/evidencenow/results/research/recruitment-screening-ny.pdf
    October 01, 2015 - r r 14) Is your site participating in any research studies or receiving support for external QI Initiatives … Question "Is your site participating in any research studies or receiving support for external QI Initiatives … 14) Is your site participating in any research studies or receiving support for external QI Initiatives
  10. www.ahrq.gov/es/sops/resources/planning-tool/before-you-begin.html
    December 01, 2015 - Include team members whose work will be directly affected by the planned initiatives.
  11. www.ahrq.gov/sops/resources/planning-tool/before-you-begin.html
    December 01, 2015 - Include team members whose work will be directly affected by the planned initiatives.
  12. www.ahrq.gov/news/newsroom/case-studies/coe0607.html
    October 01, 2014 - Agencies' Abilities to Respond to Public Health Emergencies , presented an inventory of Federal agency IT initiatives
  13. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/cahps/news-and-events/events/20150122/4_zoe_vecchio_and_sandra_schultz.pdf
    February 11, 2015 - methodology) 2.Our goal is to involve and align our physicians with our patient and family experience initiatives
  14. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/quality-patient-safety/patient-safety-resources/resources/advances-in-patient-safety/vol3/Charles.pdf
    January 24, 2004 - facility in the world, thus greatly improving overall health care delivery and supporting patient safety initiatives … Data sharing initiatives and standards With CHCS II, the DoD can share health care data between providers … with the VA to leverage the benefits of electronic health records through joint information exchange initiatives … Underpinning many of the initiatives that support interagency sharing and interoperability is a health … systems discussed here were designed specifically to support military medicine, many of these EHR initiatives
  15. www.ahrq.gov/teamstepps/readiness/abouttips.html
    April 01, 2016 - Identify current safety and quality initiatives (e.g., Lean Six Sigma) that may be occurring within the … Identify measures that are being used for the safety and quality initiatives and determine whether any
  16. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/publications/files/hacrate2013_0.pdf
    October 01, 2015 - 6 Information regarding the CMS IQR Program is available at https://www.cms.gov/Medicare/Quality-Initiatives … HHS Action Plan to Prevent Healthcare-Associated Infections. 2009. http://www.hhs.gov/ash/initiatives … VA healthcare-associated infections activities/initiatives. … Because one is too many: Catholic Health Initiatives’ success in reducing preventable birth injuries … VA healthcare-associated infections activities/initiatives.
  17. www.ahrq.gov/ncepcr/research-transform-primary-care/transform/synthesis-report/themes.html
    October 01, 2015 - In addition, a number of financial incentives were reported as motivating transformation initiatives, … Other practices found that even if they did not have previous initiatives to build upon, the concept … medication dosing. 11 Competing Priorities Many institutions (particularly larger ones) had multiple initiatives … time and attention of clinicians and administrators, and PCMH transformation was only one of these initiatives … Foundation reported feeling overwhelmed by the number of changes that were required of them across initiatives
  18. www.ahrq.gov/ncepcr/reports/grants-transform/key-themes.html
    March 01, 2017 - In addition, a number of financial incentives were reported as motivating transformation initiatives, … Other practices found that even if they did not have previous initiatives to build upon, the concept … medication dosing. 11 Competing Priorities Many institutions (particularly larger ones) had multiple initiatives … time and attention of clinicians and administrators, and PCMH transformation was only one of these initiatives … Foundation reported feeling overwhelmed by the number of changes that were required of them across initiatives
  19. www.ahrq.gov/sites/default/files/wysiwyg/professionals/quality-patient-safety/quality-resources/tools/chtoolbx/choosing/choosing.doc
    September 12, 2013 - When assessing your costs, it is important to remember that quality measurement initiatives may reduce … Mental Health Quality Measures presents current initiatives in the development and use of mental health
  20. www.ahrq.gov/hai/tools/surgery/modules/sustainability/learn-from-defects-slides.html
    December 01, 2017 - 1990 1 Slide 8: AHRQ Safety Program for Surgery—Sustainability Sustaining your patient safety initiatives … Share updates on initiatives and success stories to maintain engagement.

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