AHRQ's Mission

The purpose of the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality is to enhance the quality, appropriateness, and effectiveness of health services, and access to such services through the establishment of a broad base of scientific research and through the promotion of improvements in clinical and health system practices, including the prevention of diseases and other health conditions.


Total Results: 148 records

Showing results for "initiatives".

  1. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/Resources/Webinars/2021/v2021%20QI%20Software%20Release.pdf
    January 01, 2021 - AHRQ Quality Indicators Software: v2021 ICD-10-CM/PCS Release Webinar, August 2021 AHRQ Quality Indicators Software: v2021 ICD-10-CM/PCS August 2021 Announcements • This webinar will be recorded and available on the AHRQ QI website - http://ww…
  2. Document (pdf file)

    January 01, 2006 - Document 28345 Federal Register / Vol. 71, No. 94 / Tuesday, May 16, 2006 / Notices Topics to be discussed during this meeting will include strategies to improve Native American Health (including ‘‘indigenous’’ peoples of the U.S. and the Pacific Islands), Information Technology’s Role in Health Care, and Edu…
  3. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/Modules/PSI/V43/Composite_User_Technical_Specification_PSI_4.3.pdf
    August 01, 2011 - AHRQ Quality Indicators Quality Indicator User Guide: Patient Safety Indicators (PSI) Composite Measures Version 4.3 Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 540 Gaither Road Rockville, MD 20850 http://www.qualityindicators.ah…
  4. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/Resources/Webinars/2016/AHRQ_QI_ICD10_Webinar_Transcript.pdf
    January 01, 2016 - patient care, which is listed as quality performance improvement, population health, public health initiatives
  5. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/Modules/IQI/V2021/Parameter_Estimates_IQI_v2021.pdf
    July 01, 2021 - Inpatient Quality Indicators (IQI) Parameter Estimates, v2021 AHRQ Quality IndicatorsTM Inpatient Quality Indicators (IQI) Parameter Estimates, v2021 Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 5600 Fishers Lane Rockv…
  6. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/Modules/PDI/PDI_Composite_Development.pdf
    March 01, 2008 - AHRQ Quality Indicators AHRQ Quality Indicators Pediatric Quality Indicators Composite Measure Workgroup Final Report Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Quality Indicators (AHRQ QI) Pediatric Quality Indicators (PDI) Composite Measure Workgroup Final Report March 2008 PDI Composite M…
  7. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/ICD10/Prevention_Quality_Indicators_Appendices2.xlsx
    November 01, 2013 - Prevention Quality Indicators Appendices Cover Sheet AHRQ Quality Indicators™ (AHRQ QI™) Proposed Coding for ICD-10-CM/PCS Specification Prevention Quality Indicators (PQI) Appendices November 2013 Prepared by: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 54…
  8. AHRQ Slide Template (ppt file)

    January 01, 2005 - AHRQ Slide Template Day 1: Session III Implications of ICD-9-CM Coding Rules for Measuring QIs Presenters: Patrick Romano, UC Davis Rita Scichilone, American Health Information Management Association AHRQ QI User Meeting September 26-27, 2005 Overview Topics Overview ICD-9-CM coding practices Coding and indic…
  9. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/FAQs_Support/FAQ_QI.aspx
    February 01, 2016 - Using AHRQ Quality Indicators Why do the draft ICD-10 specifications for the PSIs seem to classify cases as surgical that were previously classified as medical in ICD-9-CM PSI specifications, thereby increasing the denominator for “perioperative” and “postoperative” PSIs? — New! AHRQ u…
  10. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/FAQS_Support/FAQ_QI.aspx
    February 01, 2016 - Using AHRQ Quality Indicators Why do the draft ICD-10 specifications for the PSIs seem to classify cases as surgical that were previously classified as medical in ICD-9-CM PSI specifications, thereby increasing the denominator for “perioperative” and “postoperative” PSIs? — New! AHRQ u…
  11. C.16.6.D004 (pdf file)

    May 20, 2013 - C.16.6.D004 Quarterly Newsletter May 20, 2013, ISSUE 2 Contents: 1. Feature Story 2. User Spotlight 3. Contact Information 1. Feature Story Release of AHRQ Quality Indicators™ Software for Windows and SAS Version 4.5 The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) announces the release o…
  12. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/Resources/AHRQ_MapIT_FY2018_Installation_Instructions.pdf
    October 01, 2014 - [1] AHRQ MapIT Software User’s Guide Version 5 (as of 2018) Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention U.S. Department of Health and Human Services Prepared by: Battelle 505 King Avenue Columbus, OH 43201 [2] O…
  13. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/Modules/PSI/PSI_Composite_Development.pdf
    March 01, 2008 - Patient Safety Quality Indicators Composite Measure Workgroup Final Report AHRQ Quality Indicators Patient Safety Quality Indicators Composite Measure Workgroup Final Report Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Quality Indicators (AHRQ QI) Patient Safety Indicators (PSI) Composite Meas…
  14. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Archive/News2005.aspx
    September 30, 2006 - NEWS from 2005 December 1 2005 – Release of the AHRQ QI Windows ® Application Version 2.0 and Prevention Quality Indicators FY2006 Update (SAS ® ONLY) November 23 2005 – Call for Nominations September 8 2005 – Release of the AHRQ QI Windows Application Version 1.0 September 2 2005 – Release of the AHRQ QI W…
  15. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/Resources/Publications/2012/Appendix_1B_Details_of_Expert_Panel_Calls.pdf
    January 01, 2012 - Themes from HCBS Expert Call Discussions 11/24/09 1 Themes from HCBS Expert Call Discussions This document is organized into three sections. The first section summarizes panelists’ comments about the validity of the indictors as a set and concerns about their use. The second section lists factors that pane…
  16. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/Resources/Publications/2013/C.14.10.D001_REVISED.pdf
    January 01, 2013 - C.14.10.D001 REVISED AHRQ Quality Indicators AHRQ ICD-10-CM/PCS Conversion Project Prepared for: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services 540 Gaither Road Rockville, MD 20850 http://www.qualityindicators.ahrq.gov Contract No. HHSA2…
  17. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/Modules/IQI/IQI_Composite_Development.pdf
    March 01, 2008 - Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality AHRQ Quality Indicators Inpatient Quality Indicators Composite Measure Workgroup Final Report Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Quality Indicators (AHRQ QI) Inpatient Quality Indicators (IQI) Composite Measure Workgroup Final Report March 2008 …
  18. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/ICD10/PDI%2012%20Central%20Venous%20Catheter-Related%20Blood%20Stream%20Infection%20Rate.xlsx
    January 01, 2012 - PDI 12 Central Venous Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infection Rate Cover Sheet AHRQ Quality Indicators™ (AHRQ QI™) Proposed Coding for ICD-10-CM/PCS Specification Pediatric Quality Indicators #12 (PDI #12) Central Venous Catheter-Related Blood Stream Infection Rate November 2013 Prepared by: Agency for Hea…
  19. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/Resources/Presentations/2005/2005AHRQQI_Mahkorn_PQI_to_Assess_Program_Performance_in_Medicaid_Managed_are.ppt
    January 01, 2005 - Using AHRQ Prevention Quality Indicators to Assess Program Performance in Medicaid Managed Care Using AHRQ Prevention Quality Indicators to Assess Program Performance in Medicaid Managed Care Sandra K. Mahkorn MD, MPH, MS Chief Medical Officer Wisconsin Medicaid Objectives Why use Prevention QIs? Using AHRQ Prev…
  20. qualityindicators.ahrq.gov/Downloads/Modules/PDI/v2018/TechSpecs/PDI_10_Postoperative_Sepsis_Rate.pdf
    June 01, 2018 - AHRQ Quality Indicators™ (AHRQ QI™) ICD-10-CM/PCS Specification v2018 Prepared by: Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality U.S. Department of Health and Human Services www.qualityindicators.ahrq.gov NUMERATOR Postoperative sepsis cases (secondary diagnosis) per 1,000 surgery discharges for patients ages 17 …

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