
Total Results: 344 records

Showing results for "infants".

  1. Ff 2009 Exhibit4 3 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - The overwhelming majority of these stays were for liveborn infants.
    January 01, 2015 - Infant ED visits accounted for an event greater share (21.3 percent) of admitted pediatric ED visits … For example, infants aged younger than 1 year and children aged 1–4 years had higher rates of ED visits … ■ In 2015, the population rate of ED visits for acute bronchitis among infants was nearly 5 times … Among infants aged younger than 1 year, the rate of ED visits for acute bronchitis was 59.5 per 1,000 … Infants younger than 1 year had the highest rate of ED visits for influenza among pediatric age groups
    January 01, 2009 - atherosclerosis $15.3 $18.2 $13.4 $10,900 $14,500 $16,100 -1.1% Liveborn (newborn infant … There were 135 hospital stays for liveborn (newborn infants) for every 10,000 population. … This diagnosis had the lowest average cost per stay ($4,900) after liveborn (newborn infants).
    March 01, 2013 - PROJECT Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Highlights ■ Liveborn (newborn infant … The most common reason for hospitalization was liveborn (newborn infant), which accounted for 3.8 million … The overall hospitalization rate increased with age with the exception of infants, whose high hospitalization … pregnancy and childbirth were three of the top five reasons for Medicaid stays: liveborn (newborn infant … Liveborn (newborn infant) was the most common diagnosis for stays billed to Medicaid, private insurance
  5. Section4 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2008 - myocardial infarction 9.5 12.5 11.6‡ 4.2 4.1 3.2 1.9 Liveborn infant … ) Congestive heart failure ($10,500) Complication of device, implant or graft ($16,800) Liveborn infant …  The greatest number of discharges was for liveborn infants (4.3 million). … This diagnosis had the lowest average cost per stay ($5,100) after liveborn infants. … The overwhelming majority of these discharges were liveborn infants.
  6. Ff 2009 Section4 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 - $14,800 8.8% Coronary atherosclerosis $15.3 $18.2 $13.4 $10,900 $14,500 $16,100 -1.1% Liveborn (newborn infant … heart failure Complication of device, implant or graft Acute myocardial infarction Liveborn (newborn infant …  There were 135 hospital stays for liveborn (newborn infants) for every 10,000 population. … This diagnosis had the lowest average cost per stay ($4,900) after liveborn (newborn infants). 4.2 … The overwhelming majority of these stays were for liveborn infants.
    January 01, 2009 - 2009 1997-2009 All stays 34,679 39,435 1,278 1,284 1%‡ Liveborn (newborn infant … Liveborn (newborn infant) (4.2 million stays) was the most common diagnosis and accounted for more than … Since 1997, the rate of stays for newborn infants has remained stable (from 139 in 1997 to 135 in 2009
    September 01, 2013 - The most common reason for hospitalization was liveborn (newborn infant), which accounted for 3.8 million … Highlights Liveborn (newborn infant) remained the most common reason for hospitalization in … in thousands Stays per 10,000 population All stays 38,591 1,239 Liveborn (newborn infant … The overall hospitalization rate increased with age with the exception of infants, whose high hospitalization … Liveborn (newborn infant) was the most common diagnosis for stays billed to Medicaid, private insurance
  9. Section4 3 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2008 - The overwhelming majority of these discharges were liveborn infants.
  10. Section3 3 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2008 - PERCENT OF DISCHARGES WITH A PROCEDURE RANK When procedures related to childbirth and liveborn infants …  Blood transfusion was the most common procedure for both genders when childbirth and liveborn infant
  11. Section2 3 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 - 7,501 42.6 32.3 47.9 5 4 Pregnancy and childbirth 5,022 21.6 0.0 16 Liveborn (newborn infant … conditions for men and women in the hospital in addition to conditions related to childbirth and newborn infants
  12. 5Diag (pdf file)
    November 08, 1999 - $40,000 $44,000 $48,000 $52,000 $56,000 $60,000 Spinal Cord Injury Infant Respiratory Distress
  13. 5Admiss (pdf file)
    November 03, 1999 - Infant Birth (Liveborn) Coronary Atherosclerosis Pneumonia Congestive Heart Failure Heart Attack
    January 01, 2012 - The rate of hospitalization was highest among infants, which included hospital births (newborns), at … With the exception of infants, the hospitalization rate increased with age from 21.1 stays per 1,000 … Adults aged 18–44 years had the shortest average length of stay (3.6 days), followed by infants and … Average cost per stay was lowest for infants ($5,000) and highest for adults aged 45–84 years ($12,900 … Neonatal stays constituted 91.9 percent of hospital stays among infants aged < 1 year.
  15. Section5 9 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2007 - 233 5.8 11.0 177 Perinatal (newborns) 1,274 1,974 100.0 100.0 55 Liveborn (newborn infant …  Liveborn (newborn infant) discharges grew 55 percent.
  16. Ff 2009 Section1 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 -  While older age was generally associated with higher hospitalization rates, infants younger than … 1 year of age experienced the highest rates of hospitalization: 11,799 hospitalizations per 10,000 infants … in 1997 and 10,977 hospitalizations per 10,000 infants in 2009. … These high rates of hospital stays occur because nearly all births happen in the hospital and some infants
    January 01, 2012 - from U.S. hospitals in 2012 was for children aged 17 years and younger, the majority of whom were infants … newborns.1 Between 2008 and 2012, the rate of hospitalization decreased by 0.6 percent per year among infants … this same time period, average annual growth in mean hospital costs per stay was 6.7 percent for infants … Among children’s stays, 3.9 million were for infants being born and 104,700 were for maternal stays … ta ys o r C os ts Characteristic 15–17 years 10–14 years 5–9 years 1–4 years Newborns and infants
    January 01, 2007 - When combined with stays for newborn infants, these hospitalizations accounted for one-quarter of all … Infant hospitalizations increased to 4.7 million in 2007, a 21-percent increase since 1997. … The use of tube feeding during infant hospitalizations increased 219 percent, compared with a 16-percent … growth in all infant discharges.
    March 01, 2013 - Infants younger than 1 year accounted for 5.3 percent of the U.S. population aged 17 years and younger … Pediatric ED visits by expected primary payer, 2010 Figure 2 shows that two-thirds of ED visits for infants … 15–17 years: 25.0% and 47.8%). 3 The most frequent ICD-9-CM diagnosis within this CCS category for infants … Acute bronchitis was the most frequent reason for ED visits resulting in admission for infants younger … diagnoses. 2 The most frequent, non-mutually exclusive ICD-9-CM diagnoses within this CCS category for infants
    January 01, 2008 - Diagnoses by Payer (PDF) HIGHLIGHTS Conditions related to pregnancy, childbirth, and liveborn infants … Medicaid accounted for 41 percent of all liveborn infant discharges in 2008.

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