
Total Results: 344 records

Showing results for "infants".

    January 01, 2008 - These vaccinations were overwhelmingly hepatitis B immunizations for liveborn infants.
  2. Ff 2009 Exhibit5 2 (pdf file)
    January 01, 2009 -  Giving birth (mothers) or being born (infants) accounted for 8.9 million hospitalizations in 2009
    April 01, 2010 - Similarly, combining our hospital data with CDC mortality data, we find that 74 percent of infant deaths … Inpatients under 45 years old (aged 1– 44) accounted for less than 6.0 percent of all hospital deaths, while infantsInfants under 1 year old had a death rate of 0.42 percent.
    December 01, 2013 - Infants younger than 1 year accounted for 5 percent of aggregate hospital costs and 11 percent of hospitalizations … The mean cost per stay for infants ($4,500) was less than half of the average for all stays. … Complication of device, implant or graft 6.0 12.9 12,200 18,500 5.6 Liveborn (newborn infant … Liveborn (newborn) infant: 2.6%: Growth in cost per stay: 2.6%, Growth in stays per population: minus
    January 01, 2005 - 5.344 2.0 0.018897 16,200 396 222 Hemolytic jaundice and perinatal jaundice (infant … Acute bronchitis 207.0 11.698 3.2 0.042052 10,500 451 218 Liveborn (newborn infant … 39 Cancer of blood (leukemia) 44.8 2.953 14.8 0.528885 90,700 5,048 221 Infant
    January 01, 2016 - consequences, such as lower educational attainment, unemployment, and poverty,4 teen mothers and their infants … pregnancy-induced hypertension and anemia, and they are more likely to deliver a preterm or low-birth-weight infant … Teen Childbearing and Infant Health. … download/childbearing-infant-health.pdf …
    January 01, 2008 - 41.4% 16% 14% All maternal discharges — 4,667 — 20.1 — — 8 Liveborn infant
    October 20, 2021 - ; incarcerated or strangulated Nonlaparoscopic 49495 Repair, initial inguinal hernia, full term infant … younger than age 6 months, or preterm infant older than 50 weeks postconception age and younger than … ; incarcerated or strangulated Nonlaparoscopic 49496 Repair, initial inguinal hernia, full term infant … younger than age 6 months, or preterm infant older than 50 weeks postconception age and younger than … ; incarcerated or strangulated Nonlaparoscopic 49492 Repair, initial inguinal hernia, preterm infant
    July 01, 2007 - gency fers fro transfe setting rate fo percen percen The hi hospit elderly 100,00 three t other a infantsInfants less than one year of age were the next highest group with 114.7 MRSA stays per 100,000 population
    July 01, 2007 - This was more than three times higher than for any other age group: 114.7 stays for infants, 19.2 for … Infants less than one year of age were the next highest group with 114.7 MRSA stays per 100,000 population
    February 01, 2018 - The lowest mean cost per stay was among infants ($5,900), followed by patients aged 18–44 years ($8,600 … contrast to mean costs, the rate of hospitalization consistently increased with patient age (excluding infantsInfants had the third highest rate of stays of all age groups at 210.8 per 1,000 population.
    January 01, 2016 - use.3 Substance use during pregnancy is associated with specific risks for mothers and their infants … abrupt cessation of prescription or illegal opioids at birth following repeated prenatal exposure.5 Infants … reports/statbriefs/sb193-Neonatal-Maternal-Hospitalizations-Substance-Use.pdf 2 care for these infants
    July 01, 2012 - 2.8 million hospital stays for which obesity was either a principal or secondary diagnosis (excluding infants … obesity to stays with obesity as a secondary diagnosis and stays with no mention of obesity, excluding infant … Mean cost per stay, dollars 5 $13,200 $12,400 $10,000 $11,700 $10,200 $10,700 1 Infant
    March 01, 2012 - million hospital stays for which obesity was either a principal or secondary diagnosis (excluding infants … obesity to stays with obesity as a secondary diagnosis and stays with no mention of obesity, excluding infant … 9.7% 94.2% 89.8% Mean cost per stay, dollars5 $13,200 $12,400 $10,000 $11,700 $10,200 $10,700 1 Infant
    March 01, 2012 - Liveborn (newborn infant) was the most common reason for hospitalization, accounting for more than 3.9 … PROJECT Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality Highlights ■ Liveborn (newborn infant … Overall, the hospitalization rate increased with age—with the exception of infants, who had a high hospitalization
    January 01, 2007 - 8.9 4.4 -40 Perinatal (newborns) 196 260 100.0 100.0 33 Liveborn (newborn infant
    January 01, 2007 - Respiratory failure 3.3 7.8 8.8 3.6 52.8 Perinatal (newborns) Liveborn (newborn infant
    March 01, 2013 - Among infants (under age 1 year), prophylactic vaccinations and inoculations were the most frequent … hospitalization rate for stays with enteral and parental nutrition, the fourth most frequent procedure among infants
    October 01, 2013 - ■ Compared to adults aged 18–44 years, infants had a lower rate and older adults had a higher rate … Across all ADE causes, infants younger than 1 year had rates that were 83 to 97 percent lower than those
    January 01, 2013 - Liveborn (newborn infant) was the most common reason for hospitalization, accounting for more than 3.9 … Highlights Liveborn (newborn infant) was the most common reason for hospitalization in 2010 … Overall, the hospitalization rate increased with age—with the exception of infants, who had a high hospitalization

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