January 01, 2013 - Prescription, Over-the-counter, Medication, Dietary Supplements
Reproductive Prior Preterm Birth Infant … Reproductive Health:
•No method of birth control
•Unreliable birth control
•Prior Preterm Birth Infant … 4
•Two or more miscarriages in 3rd
•Prior Abortion
•Prior Stillbirth
•Prior Infant
May 01, 2009 - pharmacy dispensing system, researchers found that
medication turnaround time for very low birth
weight infants
January 01, 2021 - Findings from the study found the use of the tool reduced unnecessary blood culture utilization for infants
January 01, 2010 - Participants were non-
pregnant risky drinking women who were recruited from three separate Women Infant … cutoff was
selected based on the data linking 3 or more drinks per occasion in pregnancy to adverse infant
January 03, 2011 - Project 5 focused on premature
infants with complex medical needs and at risk for neuro
developmental … integrated
management component < Primary care delivery service networks)
5 Portable Personal Infants … Parents of premature
infants at risk for neurodevelopmental disorders were asked at
the time of discharge
January 01, 2011 - e-prescribing occur with equal probability in pediatric and adult medicine,
some of the unique needs of young infants … of a milliliter from the originally calculated dose in neonates, or 10ths of a
milliliter in larger infants … For example, one case was for a
5.86 kg, 6 month old infant, to receive lorazepam at a recommended dose
January 01, 2023 - Electronic Health Record/Electronic Medical Record Population: Adolescents and Young Adults , Children , Infants
January 01, 2019 - Research suggests that pregnant women and their infants
have improved outcomes with attention to risk … her
child – some effects lasting long after birth.1 Despite advancements in perinatal healthcare, infant … Stressful impact of depression on early mother–infant
relations. … Mother's stress, mood and emotional involvement with the infant: 3 months
before and 3 months after … Severe maternal psychopathology and infant-
mother attachment.
January 01, 2022 - Black women are approximately twice as likely to deliver a low birth-weight (LBW) infant as white women … States were alarmed in the early 1980’s when the
information surfaced that the country’s ranking in infant … AA women is critical to reaching a number of Healthy People 2030 objectives
including: 1) Maternal, Infant … , and Child Health: reducing the number of infant deaths (MICH-1.3) and preterm
live births (MICH-9.1 … Infant Mortality Statistics from the 2005 Period Linked Birth/Infant Death
Data Set. Natl.
June 01, 2014 - At the end of the study period, 85 percent of eligible infants had
received at least one dose compared … version of
BRIDGE-Wiz with the GRADE rating system for several guideline topics, including
Febrile Infant … RSV is a common wintertime virus that may cause significant health problems for premature
infants. … AAP guidelines identify infants
who are good candidates for the vaccine, and CDS can help ensure that … At the end of the study period, 85 percent of eligible infants had
received at least one dose compared
January 01, 2014 - Maternal and infant use of erythromycin and
other macrolide antibiotics as risk factors for infantile … Shortcomings in infant iron deficiency
screening methods.
January 01, 2013 - neurological effects (autism, multiple sclerosis), chronic diseases (diabetes, asthma), and
sudden infant … Another common
criticism was that, while an ethnically diverse range mothers and infants were prominently … Qualitative analysis of
mothers' decision--‐making about vaccines for infants: the importance of trust
March 01, 2013 - Question 5: Are there applications that allow parents to track vitals in NICU infants? … Question 5: Are there applications that allow parents to track vitals in NICU infants?
March 28, 2007 - e-Whiteboard (3)
• Also, the e-whiteboard couldn’t put up a little
magnetic teddy bear to denote infant
December 01, 2012 - participated in the RCT by completing the Web-
based assessment during a visit to a participating
Women, Infants
January 01, 2023 - Not all infants are appropriately screened for harmful or potentially fatal
disorders that are otherwise … health authorities can link vital
records data with newborn screening results to identify unscreened infants … To improve identification of
unscreened infants, we developed an algorithm to link records from Indiana … public health
newborn screening laboratory
results liked to HIE clinical
Missing names (infants
January 01, 2019 - For pregnant women, unmet
needs focused on being healthy/a good mother, childbirth, and infant care; … such roles include being the source of health insurance and having
experience with a disease or with infant … For pregnant women, these unmet needs focused around
being healthy, childbirth, infant care, and being … learning about newborn nursery or
delivery room policies, or identifying places to buy equipment for infants
January 01, 2023 - Quantitative , Retrospective Technology: Electronic Health Record/Electronic Medical Record Population: Infants
February 28, 2023 - African American and White Women
LBW Rate2 PTB Rate 2 Infant … Medications Prescription, Over-the-counter, Medication, Dietary Supplements
Reproductive Prior Preterm Birth Infant
February 28, 2023 - And certainly maternal mortality among African-American women and low
birth weight and infant mortality … To do a large study to show that birth outcomes, like low birth weight or infant
mortality, could really