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Showing results for "independent living scales".

  1. Appendixes A-E (pdf file)
    January 01, 2024 - Enhancement of Aging in Place: An Evolving Understanding of Person-Centered Dementia Care in Home … Enhancement of Aging in Place: An Evolving Understanding of Person-Centered Dementia Care in Home … [Preserving independent living]. … Abbreviation: CAPABLE = Community Aging in Place, Advancing Better Living for Elders intervention; CI … Preliminary data from community aging in place, advancing better living for elders, a patient- directed
    April 01, 2024 - A Roadmap for Research: The International Summit on Innovation and Technology in Care of Older People (IS-ITCOP) Project Description By harnessing the knowledge and skills of a diverse assembly of global experts in Long-Term Post-Acute Care (LTPAC) at a single conference, it is…
    June 01, 2010 - in the Scan Client Functioning Measures and Gaps Client Experience Measures and Gaps Program Performance … and Tools Appendix IV: List of Measures Appendix V: Tested Measures by DRA Domain Appendix VI: … Living Use history: Version dated April 13, 2005. … Psychometric Testing: Not specified Summary: Survey is conducted to evaluate the Granite State IndependentLiving Personal Care Services program, a program that provides consumer-directed personal care services
    October 20, 2014 - A qualitative study of a large-scale exercise in seeking to measure for improvement, not blame.
    October 01, 2002 - ; and 13 had no quality of life measures. … schools, State agencies, private agencies, veterans administration programs, charitable agencies and independentliving centers. 21 , 28 Home modification is also an important rehabilitation activity, but is outside … Independent living centers are typically community-based, with efforts devoted to environmental adaptations … Some independent living centers have begun to offer some health care services, and experts predict that
    guidelines (CPGs) and their derivatives, clinical decision support (CDS), electronic clinical quality measures
    April 17, 2018 - Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: USPSTF Recommendation Statement … Interventions to Prevent Falls in Community-Dwelling Older Adults US Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation … In 2014, 28.7% of community-dwelling adults 65 years or older reported falling, resulting in 29 million … (D recommendation) These recommendations apply to community-dwelling adults who are not known to have … The USPSTF recommends against vitamin D supplementation to prevent falls in community-dwelling adults
    March 01, 2011 - Effect Measures for Continuous Outcomes The two effect measures most often used for continuous outcomes … SMD is typically used when the outcome is measured using different scales. … calculating a weighted mean difference directly in the presence of missing SD data include sample size weights … The outcome was the measured change in parent-rated child behavior, and scales used to measure the … to measure the same outcome.
    March 01, 2011 - Effect Measures for Continuous Outcomes The two effect measures most often used for continuous outcomes … SMD is typically used when the outcome is measured using different scales. … calculating a weighted mean difference directly in the presence of missing SD data include sample size weights … The outcome was the measured change in parent-rated child behavior, and scales used to measure the … to measure the same outcome.
    January 01, 2017 - sedation will help patients remain alert and cooperative Assess sedation and delirium with structured scales
    January 01, 2024 - The Phase I survey questionnaire contained two scales, a demographic data sheet, and two open-ended … The investigator-developed modified Home Healthcare Nurse Job Satisfaction Scale (HHNJS) was used to measure … The HHNJS, is a 30-item Likert scale designed to measure nurse job satisfaction. … The ITS Scale was used to measure home healthcare nurses' intent to stay in their present job. … survey, including the validity of self-report data and the degree to which the instruments accurately measure
    June 01, 2010 - living, and meaningful quality of life. … Tool or Measure Set: Delaware Division of Developmental Disabilities Draft Performance Measures Data … Tool or Measure Set: Delaware Division of Developmental Disabilities Contracting Performance Measures … Return to Appendix III Contents   Idaho Tool or Measure Set: Performance Measures for the Idaho … Return to Appendix III Contents   Illinois Tool or Measure Set: Performance Measures for Illinois
    Next Steps . LHS Phase 1 Plan This draft proposal is a stakeholder-driven plan for how ACTS Collaborative participants and other stakeholders can take specific actions to build on the A and drive progress toward a shared CTS LHS Concept Demonstration learning health system (LHS) future vision. The proposed plan …
    Next Steps . LHS Phase 1 Plan This draft proposal is a stakeholder-driven plan for how ACTS Collaborative participants and other stakeholders can take specific actions to build on the A and drive progress toward a shared CTS LHS Concept Demonstration learning health system (LHS) future vision. The proposed plan …
    Next Steps . LHS Phase 1 Plan This draft proposal is a stakeholder-driven plan for how ACTS Collaborative participants and other stakeholders can take specific actions to build on the A and drive progress toward a shared CTS LHS Concept Demonstration learning health system (LHS) future vision. The proposed plan …
    Next Steps . LHS Phase 1 Plan This draft proposal is a stakeholder-driven plan for how ACTS Collaborative participants and other stakeholders can take specific actions to build on the A and drive progress toward a shared CTS LHS Concept Demonstration learning health system (LHS) future vision. The proposed plan …
    Next Steps . LHS Phase 1 Plan This draft proposal is a stakeholder-driven plan for how ACTS Collaborative participants and other stakeholders can take specific actions to build on the A and drive progress toward a shared CTS LHS Concept Demonstration learning health system (LHS) future vision. The proposed plan …
    Next Steps . LHS Phase 1 Plan This draft proposal is a stakeholder-driven plan for how ACTS Collaborative participants and other stakeholders can take specific actions to build on the A and drive progress toward a shared CTS LHS Concept Demonstration learning health system (LHS) future vision. The proposed plan …
    Next Steps . LHS Phase 1 Plan This draft proposal is a stakeholder-driven plan for how ACTS Collaborative participants and other stakeholders can take specific actions to build on the A and drive progress toward a shared CTS LHS Concept Demonstration learning health system (LHS) future vision. The proposed plan …
    Next Steps . LHS Phase 1 Plan This draft proposal is a stakeholder-driven plan for how ACTS Collaborative participants and other stakeholders can take specific actions to build on the A and drive progress toward a shared CTS LHS Concept Demonstration learning health system (LHS) future vision. The proposed plan …