February 01, 2016 - In addition, at least 7 different measures of
overdiagnosis were reported (19). … How differences in study characteris-
tics, measures, and methods affect estimates of overdi-
agnosis … They also had increased measures
of depression (mean score on the depression subscale
of the Hospital … studies)
Lower with FP result
(1 study)
No differences
(7 studies)
Conflicting results based
on measure … 2 systematic reviews
of 24 studies; 10
Fair Studies used different
outcome measures
October 01, 2018 - MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Mortality, morbidity, quality of life, screening and treatment
harms, and … than 3 points on the 0 to 100 36-Item Short Form Health Survey physical
and mental component summary scales … sofosbuvir/velpatasvir (4 trials) or sofosbuvir/ledispavir (3 trials)
associated with improvements in some measures … eg, less than 3 points on the 36-Item Short
Form Health Survey physical and mental component summary
scales … The dashed line indicates the overall measure of effect.
June 03, 2019 - originally conducted, the Swedish trials had impor-
tant flaws related to measurement of the primary outcome
measure … ters (for example, geographic areas, month or year of birth)
was likely to result in bias and whether measures … , autopsies, registries), and use
of independent blinded review of the cause of death are
important measures … Results of
intermediate measures from a population-based, randomized trial of mammo-
graphic screening … The epidemiology of mass breast cancer screening—a plea for
a valid measure of benefit.
July 01, 2009 - Although the Snellen eye
chart is widely used to measure visual acuity in primary
care settings, no studies … Validity of a survey question as a measure of visual
acuity impairment. … Variation in 4-month postop-
erative outcomes as reflected in multiple outcome measures. … quality of life, functional capacity (including
ability to drive and driving outcomes), and other measures … and negative predictive values,
areas under the receiver-operating characteristic curve, and other
April 13, 2015 - hemoglobin A1c and total cholesterol levels and BP. 55 There was also no difference in self-reported measures … screening is sparse, although limited evidence showed no clear long-term negative effects on psychological measures … Effect of screening for type 2 diabetes on population-level self-rated health outcomes and measures of
April 13, 2015 - hemoglobin A1c and total cholesterol levels and BP. 55 There was also no difference in self-reported measures … screening is sparse, although limited evidence showed no clear long-term negative effects on psychological measures … Effect of screening for type 2 diabetes on population-level self-rated health outcomes and measures of
June 09, 2020 - MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Sensitivity, specificity, drug use and other health, social,
and legal outcomes … Drug use severity was
analyzed as a standardized mean difference, given heterogeneity in
measurement scales … Outcomes: No measure of drug use reported
(KQs 1, 3, 4, 5); no measure related to sensitivity and specificity … Only 3 trials
reported on a measure of global function or well-being with no clear
effect. … Drug use
during pregnancy: validating the Drug Abuse
Screening Test against physiological measures.
February 01, 2011 - measures of sun
exposure; or total, which are cumulative estimates of sun
exposure. … Six case–control
studies included some measure of total sun exposure, either
during childhood, during … Four of 5 studies used only
a crude dichotomous measure of indoor tanning, and none
of these studies … Most
studies used crude measures of indoor tanning exposure. … Both of these studies, however, used only a crude
dichotomous measure of sunscreen use.
December 01, 2015 - Harms
As measures of the burden that a regular screening program imposes on a population, several … screening outcomes provided
implicit cross-validation, with the range of results from the models as a measure
December 01, 2015 - Harms
As measures of the burden that a regular screening program imposes on a population, several … screening outcomes provided
implicit cross-validation, with the range of results from the models as a measure
November 18, 2016 - MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Elevated blood lead level, morbidity, mortality, clinical
prediction tools … Other
outcomes were measures of diagnostic accuracy (KQ2) and harms
of testing (eg, anxiety, distress … characteristic (ROC) plots were created
using the metandiplot function.12,13 Forest plots without a sum-
mary measure
March 04, 2021 - Assessment (KQ 3) specifies how best to identify patients in need of behavioral intervention and to measure … usual" intake of specific food items, both to identify individual candidates for intervention and to measure … Completion rates for followup and outside referral are important implementation process measures. … Refining a tool to measure cues to action in encouraging health-promoting behavior—the CHAQ. … Lifestyle-specific outcome measures.
June 01, 2015 - There
was also no difference in self-reported measures of
general and diabetes-specific quality of life … screening is sparse, although
limited evidence showed no clear long-term negative
effects on psychological measures … Effect of screening for type 2 diabetes on population-level self-rated
health outcomes and measures of
February 01, 2014 - Other studies indicated no sta-
tistically significant changes in psychological or sexual ac-
tivity measures … Five refer-
ral models accurately estimated individual risk for BRCA
mutations, with most sensitivity measures … Limitations of stud-
ies included differences in designs and measures, dissimilar
comparison groups, … case–control,
No studies of other outcomes;
high loss to follow-up;
comparison groups and
measures … Well-
designed investigations using standardized measures and
enrolling participants that reflect the
January 01, 2010 - Does Counseling by Clinicians Improve Physical Activity? A Summary of the Evidence
Sedentary behavior (little to no recreational,
household, or occupational physical activity) is one
of the strongest risk factors for many chronic
diseases and conditions, including cardiovascular
disease, hypertension, d…
July 13, 2021 - MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Mortality, cardiovascular morbidity, diabetes-related
morbidity, development … history of prediabetes, overdiagnosis and overtreat-
ment, disutilities, patient-reported health status measures … No 2 studies used the
same outcome measures at similar time points. … trials did not find clinically important differences be-
tween the screening and control groups in measures … Effect of screening for type
2 diabetes on population-level self-rated health
outcomes and measures
January 01, 2010 - Ideally, behavior-change outcome
measures of interest in a particular behavioral review
are defined as … Assessment (KQ 3) specifies
how best to identify patients in need of behavioral
intervention and to measure … usual”
intake of specific food items, both to identify individual
candidates for intervention and to measure … Refining a tool to
measure cues to action in encouraging health-
promoting behavior—the CHAQ. … Lifestyle-specific outcome