
Total Results: 197 records

Showing results for "independent living scales".

    January 11, 2016 - Studies of anxiety and pain used different outcome measures. … In addition, at least 7 different measures of overdiagnosis were reported. 19 Estimates differed in … Author, Year (Reference) Study Design Population Comparisons (Number of Participants) Measures … systematic reviews of 24 studies; 10 observational studies Fair Studies used different outcome measures … . 1 systematic review of 20 observational studies of pain Fair Studies used different outcome measures
    April 17, 2023 - However, no benefit in symptom severity measures was found (pooled mean difference in change, −1.0 [ … Four trials examined screening only in older adults and only 1 trial used a depression measure that … of suicide risk screening.62 Although absolute scores were higher on 2 of the 3 suicidal ideation measures
    May 01, 2021 - The mean or median baseline AHI (or similar measure) for most trials was in the severe OSA range (AHI … Results shown as a mean difference in scores for each sleep-related QOL measure are provided in eFigure … Summary of Pooled Findings from Positive Airway Pressure Treatment Studies Outcome measure No. of trials … its construct validity (ie, authors have expressed uncertainty regarding whether it is an accurate measure … Predictors of sleep-disordered breathing in community-dwelling adults: the Sleep Heart Health Study.
    January 01, 2016 - B *Falls Prevention: Interventions for Community-Dwelling Adults Age 65 Years and Older at Increased … Risk The USPSTF recommends exercise or physical therapy to prevent falls in community-dwelling adults … B *Falls Prevention: Vitamin D in Community-Dwelling Adults Age 65 Years and Older at Increased Risk … The USPSTF recommends vitamin D supplementation to prevent falls in community-dwelling adults age 65 … risk assessment in conjunction with comprehensive management of identified risks to prevent falls in community-dwelling
    January 01, 2016 - B *Falls Prevention: Interventions for Community-Dwelling Adults Age 65 Years and Older at Increased … Risk The USPSTF recommends exercise or physical therapy to prevent falls in community-dwelling adults … B *Falls Prevention: Vitamin D in Community-Dwelling Adults Age 65 Years and Older at Increased Risk … The USPSTF recommends vitamin D supplementation to prevent falls in community-dwelling adults age 65 … risk assessment in conjunction with comprehensive management of identified risks to prevent falls in community-dwelling
    January 01, 2012 - Given the infrequent occurrence of DDH, multicenter studies of interventions that measure functional … Studies designed to identify valid and reliable radiological outcomes of DDH as proxy measures of functional
    April 11, 2016 - All other health utility weights were applied multiplicatively to that baseline. … The next most sensitive parameter to both measures is the RR for hemorrhagic stroke (cases 13 and 14) … Life-years are an important measure because they incorporate differences in the expected length of life … Quality-adjusted life-years are an important measure because they incorporate both expected length- and … Utility scores for chronic conditions in a community-dwelling population.
    April 11, 2016 - All other health utility weights were applied multiplicatively to that baseline. … The next most sensitive parameter to both measures is the RR for hemorrhagic stroke (cases 13 and 14) … Life-years are an important measure because they incorporate differences in the expected length of life … Quality-adjusted life-years are an important measure because they incorporate both expected length- and … Utility scores for chronic conditions in a community-dwelling population.
    September 18, 2018 - Main Outcomes and Measures: Health outcomes, weight loss or weight loss maintenance, reduction in obesity-related … maintenance interventions and selected based on an above-normal BMI (eg, ≥25) or other weight-related measure … weight loss and maintenance trials (n = 7120), with 14 showing no differences between groups on any measure … Although weight loss medication studies reported improvements on obesity-specific QOL measures, comparative … Second, the review did not include continuous intermediate outcomes (eg, continuous measures of blood
    March 01, 2013 - development or validation of an accepted standard would allow more accurate assessment of perfor- mance measures
    March 02, 2020 - Main Outcomes and Measures: Mortality, morbidity, quality of life, screening and treatment harms, and … than 3 points on the 0 to 100 36-Item Short Form Health Survey physical and mental component summary scales … eg, less than 3 points on the 36-Item Short Form Health Survey physical and mental component summary scales … The dashed line indicates the overall measure of effect.  … Dashed lines indicate the overall measures of effect; overall estimates were from mixed-effects models
    September 01, 2002 - reporting radiographically verified, nontraumatic fracture outcomes, because fractures are a stronger measure … caffeine; not walking for exercise; lack of ambulation; inability to rise from a chair; poor scores on 2 measures … Bone Density Tests Several technologies are available to measure bone density,55-58 although correlations … risk is determined not only by bone density, but also by bone characteristics that are difficult to measure … Meta-analysis of how well measures of bone mineral density predict occurrence of osteoporotic fractures
    January 01, 1996 - self-reported consumption may be subject to bias, reported changes in drinking correlated with objective measures
    January 01, 2001 - 5 for interme- diate or health outcomes, respectively), and the associ- ation between intermediate measures … measured by a DNA probe) are often used in studies as indicators of efficacy; health out- comes are measures … Beware of surrogate outcome measures. Int J Tech Assess Health Care 1996;12:238–46. 20.
    January 01, 2015 - Among community- dwelling persons who are older than 65 years with sub- clinical hypothyroidism, the … disease, coronary artery dis- ease or congestive heart failure, and atrial fibrillation); fractures; measures … varied from >3.5 to >5.5 mIU/L) using various doses of levo- thyroxine (mean, 50.0 to 109.7 μg/day) on measures … defined as TSH levels >3.5 and <10 mIU/L [21] or TSH levels >5.5 mIU/L [27]) versus placebo and various measures … Norway and United Kingdom Levothyroxine associated with no effect on quality of life using various measures
    November 15, 2009 - mammography screening programs. 36 Most were cohort studies, and 24 used validated psychological measurement scales … Harms of mammography screening have been identified, but their magnitude and effect are difficult to measure … Association between mammography timing and measures of screening performance in the United States.
    July 05, 2005 - results are associated with social consequences, anxiety, and labeling, but these harms are difficult to measure … framework in the Figure shows the target populations, interventions, and intermediate and health outcome measures … OR exclusion criteri$ OR main outcome measures OR standard of care) AND ( OR … Do effect measures capture preferences or utilities?
    July 05, 2005 - results are associated with social consequences, anxiety, and labeling, but these harms are difficult to measure … framework in the Figure shows the target populations, interventions, and intermediate and health outcome measures … OR exclusion criteri$ OR main outcome measures OR standard of care) AND ( OR … Do effect measures capture preferences or utilities?
    January 01, 1996 - infants randomized to nonfortified formula had significantly worse psychomotor development (Bayley Scales … indices and iron stores, but they do not improve birth weight, length of gestation, or other outcome measures
    July 01, 2007 - Screening for Chlamydial Infection: An Evidence Update Screening for Chlamydial Infection: An Evidence Update for the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force David S. Meyers, MD; Heather Halvorson, MD, MPH; and Sara Luckhaupt, MD, MPH Background: Chlamydial infection is the most common sexually transmitted bacterial in…

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