
Total Results: 379 records

Showing results for "independent living scales".

    January 01, 2025 - METHODS (Study Design, Data Sources/Collection, Interventions, Measures, Limitations) The study methods … Measures/Analysis. We summarized demographics and error rates using descriptive statistics. … Measures/Analysis. Quantitative data were tabulated and analyzed using descriptive frequencies. … The main outcome measure was the proportion of time communications between parent and clinic that took … The primary outcome measure of the quality improvement study increased the proportion of timely follow-up
    May 01, 2017 - The process measure was Prophylactic Intravenous Antibiotic Timing. … Appendix D contains a complete list of all clinical outcome measures, Appendix E, process measures, … The axis scales used in the reports have been selected to visually demonstrate the relatively small … However, these scales may create the perception of larger changes than those actually observed per 100 … Not all facilities included in the analysis had all measures, so the N for each measure is also shown
    September 01, 2022 - While not all strategies are equally feasible or carry equal weights across organizations, Figure 1 … Energy use intensity of healthcare facilities This is the most widely used measure to track energy … This measure should be normalized by factors associated with patient encounter volume and whether the … To measure and improve performance, healthcare organizations need to account for emissions related to … Therefore, it is advisable that healthcare organizations measure and improve assets management in line
    July 01, 2018 - The Safety Officer will monitor safety conditions and develop measures for assuring the safety of all … Mitigation measures may be implemented prior to, during, or after an incident. … Mitigation measures are often informed by lessons learned from prior incidents. … Measures may include zoning and building codes, floodplain buyouts, and analysis of hazard- related data … Mitigation can include efforts to educate governments, businesses, and the public on measures they can
    October 01, 2012 - aware that, “Physicians resist being told what to do by quality people, the government, or core measures—especially … only 30 minutes from Nashville and its choice of hospitals, he was acutely aware that “we have to measure … CUSP, both pushed by Raynes. 14 “I set a target of zero with CLABSI, VAP, falls and every other measure … The teams used the AHRQ Hospital Survey of Patient Safety Culture for everyone in the hospital to measure … Hospital (DGH), described how she experienced the value of CUSP: “We had successfully implemented many measures
    September 30, 2024 - Researchers identified 19 pain management quality measures from the quality measure databases, and NQF … warfarin orders placed had nonoptimal INR values with a gap of more than 24 hours from previous INR measure … Rochester Rochester, New York U18 HS15818 [Grant] The Emergency Department Pharmacist as a Safety Measure … Key Findings/Impact: The measure development process resulted in nine CQMs. … ADE CQMs from this project were incorporated into the PPRNet 2017 Qualified Clinical Data Registry measure
    January 01, 2004 - thyroid disease not detected by screening have shown improvements in bone metabolism and hemodynamic measures … As judged by subjective improvement and cognitive measures, 4 (24%) of the 19 patients who received … patients followed for 1 year.98 We excluded this trial because it did not report any clinical outcome measures … Replacement Therapy (continued) Study, Year Outcomes Assessed/ When Assessed How Outcomes Assessed (eg, Scales … were no important differences between LT4 and placebo groups in any SF-36, memory, or cognitive measures
    June 01, 2012 - Consider Appropriate Measures Examples of measurement (data) include a “process measure” like compliance … The project team will write a mission statement and select measures that the leadership team will review … Consider Appropriate Measures Examples of measurement (data) include a “process measure” like compliance … Consider Appropriate Measures Examples of measurement (data) include a “process” measure like compliance … › How the effects of the changes will be measured (i.e., select the measures that you will use to assess
    December 01, 2014 - What are the metrics to measure the effectiveness of the ED discharge process? … interventions, and  76 articles pertaining to metrics, benchmarks, or quantitative parameters that measure … Outcome Metrics The ED discharge process requires objective measures (i.e., metrics) to evaluate the … The outcome measures are adherence with scheduled appointments within 30 and 60 days postenrollment. … Finally, we identified a variety of measures that have been used to describe ED discharge failures:
    August 01, 2012 - Pediatric Quality Measures Program (PQMP) Candidate Measure Submission Form (CPCF) Italics indicate … The measure complements existing measures in the Children’s Initial Core Set that assess the content … Measure Description Please provide a non-technical description of the measure that conveys what it measures … A Composite is a measure with a score that is an aggregate of scores from other measures. … measures.
    January 01, 2024 - Measures The primary outcome was ALF, defined based on American Association for the Study of Liver
    September 08, 2015 - • Measures for tracking child health QI. … – Involving health care practices to improve on a specific QI measure. 28 Engaging Stakeholders … – Gauge continued participation and enthusiasm of stakeholders, a simple measure of stakeholder … for convening and communicating with stakeholders • Generate concrete activities, products, and measure … , providing guidance on the development of new measures to evaluate and track progress in areas related
    September 01, 2019 - Measure Description Please provide a non-technical description of the measure that conveys what it measuresMeasure Owner Collaboration for Advancing Pediatric Quality Measures (CAPQuaM). 1.E. … A composite is a measure with a score that is an aggregate of scores from other measures. … This measure complements our asthma ED outcomes measures (one a count measure and one a rate measuremeasures.
    October 01, 2016 - Measures The primary outcome was ALF, defined based on American Association for the Study of Liver
    June 01, 2019 - Measure Description Please provide a non-technical description of the measure that conveys what it measures … Please identify the name of the collection of measures to which the measure belongs (if applicable). … A composite is a measure with a score that is an aggregate of scores from other measures. … measures. … Relationship to Other Measures (if any) Section 4. Measure Categories Section 5.
    January 01, 2014 - Measure Description Please provide a non-technical description of the measure that conveys what it measures … A composite is a measure with a score that is an aggregate of scores from other measures. … Because this measure and the two other measures in the Developmental Screening Follow-up measure set … measures. … Relationship to Other Measures (if any) Section 4. Measure Categories Section 5.
    January 01, 2018 - ....................................................23 Summary of Proposed Changes in Performance Measures … insurance coverage, healthcare use and expenditures, MEPS provides estimates of measures related to … NIRSQ-26 Summary of Proposed Changes in Performance Measures AHRQ/NIRSQ 1/ 1/ In FY 2018, AHRQ … Retire measure at the end of FY 2017. … Retire measure at the end of FY 2017.
    October 01, 2011 - Create a list of variables (things you wish to measure) in your assessment. … selecting key variables in each of the five areas, or eliminating variables that are too costly to measure … Be sure to include key measures from the sustainability plan as variables in the evaluation.
    October 01, 2011 - Create a list of variables (things you wish to measure) in your assessment. … selecting key variables in each of the five areas, or eliminating variables that are too costly to measure … Be sure to include key measures from the sustainability plan as variables in the evaluation.
    January 01, 2021 - AHRQ also develops measures of safety and quality that are used to track changes in quality, safety, … These reports may be used for informing and developing coverage decisions, quality measures, educational … Estimated Performance Impact: Potential measures of success include: • New partnerships with states … preventive services by adults (measure 2.3.7). … insurance coverage, healthcare use and expenditures, MEPS provides estimates of measures related to

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