January 01, 2012 - • Community-dwelling individuals with mild to moderate intellectual disabilities have high
rates … • In community-dwelling older adults, prevalence estimates for clinically significant
depression … One meta-analysis estimated that in community-dwelling elderly individuals with major
depression or … Frequency of admission
• Depressive symptoms and antidepressant therapy in community-dwelling older … In a nationally representative sample of 9,646 community-dwelling adults who need help
with at
January 01, 2013 - Select the component weights
The composite measure is the weighted average of the scaled and reliability-adjusted … (univariate) and the estimation error is
assumed not correlated across measures (e.g., each measure … $, the reliability of the measure, and is the r-squared which
measures how much of the variation in … the true measure can be explained with the filtered
measure. … However, regardless of ûù, the error of the MCMC integration scales as