January 01, 2002 - insurance
behavior over the year and examine the distribution of these
measures … capacity to examine changes over time as
well as changes in the relationships among measures … by geographic area (Census
region and State), metropolitan status, and sociodemographic measures … sample
of blocks (segments) was selected after the blocks were stratified
by measures … should satisfy the following precision
requirements for mean estimates of the following measures
January 01, 2002 - insurance
behavior over the year and examine the distribution of these
measures … capacity to examine changes over time as
well as changes in the relationships among measures … by geographic area (Census
region and State), metropolitan status, and sociodemographic measures … sample
of blocks (segments) was selected after the blocks were stratified
by measures … should satisfy the following precision
requirements for mean estimates of the following measures
January 01, 2002 - insurance
behavior over the year and examine the distribution of these
measures … capacity to examine changes over time as
well as changes in the relationships among measures … by geographic area (Census
region and State), metropolitan status, and sociodemographic measures … sample
of blocks (segments) was selected after the blocks were stratified
by measures … should satisfy the following precision
requirements for mean estimates of the following measures
May 01, 1999 - The 1996 MEPS estimation weights are built from the estimation weights developed for the 1995 NHIS. … Dwelling-unit level measure of activity limitations (at least one person in DU either cannot perform … These measures were selected to represent a set of measures that related to the oversampling done in … DU-level personal help measure (units with at least one member unable to perform personal care activities … Overall, 218 cells were identified based on cross-classifications of these measures.
May 01, 1999 - The 1996 MEPS estimation weights are built from
the estimation weights developed for the 1995 NHIS. … • Dwelling-unit level measure of activity limitations
(at least one person in DU either cannot perform … These measures were selected to represent a set of
measures that related to the oversampling done in … • DU-level personal help measure (units with at least
one member unable to perform personal care
activities … Overall, 218 cells were identified based on cross-
classifications of these measures.
August 01, 2009 - burdens for health care,
MEPS provides the only nationally representative data that can be used to measure … 2002 NHEA-aligned MEPS
file are projected to each end year through 2016 by adjusting MEPS person weights … Weights are adjusted to reflect population
growth by age, race/ethnicity and sex based on the U.S. … These growth rates are then
applied to the person-level weights in the 2002 NHEA-aligned MEPS file … Model based
Model 3-excludes
baseline coverage
January 01, 2002 - care and use,
expenditures, and insurance behavior over the year
and examine the distribution of these measures … - The capacity to examine changes over time as
well as changes in the relationships among
measures … stratified by
geographic area (Census region and State), metropolitan
status, and sociodemographic measures … Within sample PSUs, a
sample of blocks (segments) was selected after the
blocks were stratified by measures … sample design should satisfy the
following precision requirements for mean estimates of
the following measures
January 01, 2022 - The topics included measures of general life satisfaction, housing quality, neighborhood characteristics … , measures of financial strain, stress, food security, physical activity, transportation issues, measures … of social connectedness, measures of loneliness, experiences of discrimination, experiences of physical
January 01, 2022 - The topics included measures of general life satisfaction, housing quality, neighborhood characteristics … , measures of financial strain, stress, food security, physical activity, transportation issues, measures … of social connectedness, measures of loneliness, experiences of discrimination, experiences of physical
January 01, 2021 - Each straight-time hour is paid at the same rate and the rate is not dependent on any measure of straight-time
January 01, 2022 - Each straight-time hour is paid at the same rate and the rate is not dependent on any measure of straight-time
October 01, 2014 - We constructed parallel measures of any antidepressant medication in
Times 1 and 2. … All analyses incorporated these adjusted analytic weights and accounted for the effect
of the complex … to proportions
scoring above threshold in community-based samples using the related PHQ-8 and PHQ-9 scales … The PHQ-8 as a measure of current depression in
the general population. … The PHQ-9: Validity of a brief depression severity
January 01, 2018 - Department of
Health and Human Services to develop a national quality strategy and support quality
measure … In addition to
collecting data to yield annual estimates for a variety of measures related to health … care
use and expenditures, MEPS also provides estimates of measures related to health status,
demographic … burdens for health care,
MEPS provides the only nationally representative data that can be used to measure … Its capacity to measure the impact of changes in health insurance coverage on
access to care, service
October 01, 2010 - Methods
Study Participants
Matched Controls
Survey Instrument and Measures
Assessment of … The SF-12, a generic measure of health status that has been validated in homeless
59 … SF-12: How to Score the SF-12 Physical and Mental Health
Summary Scales. 2
Ed. … Development of the Multidimensional Health Locus of Control
(MHLC) scales. … Multidimensional Health Locus of Control (MHLC) Scales.
January 01, 2018 - Department of
Health and Human Services to develop a national quality strategy and support quality
measure … In addition to
collecting data to yield annual estimates for a variety of measures related to health … care
use and expenditures, MEPS also provides estimates of measures related to health status,
demographic … burdens for health care,
MEPS provides the only nationally representative data that can be used to measure … Its capacity to measure the impact of changes in health insurance coverage on
access to care, service
August 01, 2006 - the 1987 NMES and 1977 NMCES surveys, where "charges" rather than sum of payments were used to measure … Person-level weights for Panels 8 and 9 were created separately. … Note that the MEPS Round 1 weights (for both panels with one exception as noted below) incorporated … However, this event file must be used when the measure of interest is defined at the event-level. … Replicate weights have not been developed for the MEPS 2004 data.
September 02, 2022 - These data include new measures of the
characteristics of MEPS-IC establishments’ parent firms, employee … Notably, employment measures derived from tax
records, but not used in the match itself, correspond … Further detail on these new
measures available in the MEPS-ICAR is given in
Section II of this report … Beyond these measures directly derived from Form 1040s, we also calculate the
share of workers at the … steady-state employment measure.
September 01, 2022 - These data include new measures of the characteristics of MEPS-IC establishments' parent firms, employee … Notably, employment measures derived from tax records, but not used in the match itself, correspond with … Further detail on these new measures available in the MEPS-ICAR is given in Section II of this report … Beyond these measures directly derived from Form 1040s, we also calculate the share of workers at the … employment measure.
February 01, 2003 - predecessors, the 1987 NMES and 1977
NMCES surveys, where "charges" rather than sum of payments were used
to measure … Person
level weights for Panels 4 and 5 were created separately. … The weights of some persons
out-of-scope on December 31, 2000 were also poststratified. … However, this
event file must be used when the measure of interest is defined at the
event-level. … Replicate weights
have not been developed for the MEPS 2000 data.
February 01, 2002 - to the sum of the NMES weights for that cell. … No adjustment was made to the weights for those outside this population. … This produced the weights for each year from 1997 through 2005. … alignment methodology and to sampling and nonsampling errors in both the NMES data and the measures … using the “full year” definition of unemployment in CPS, not the “part year” (or round) measure