
Total Results: 390 records

Showing results for "independent living scales".

    January 01, 2012 - Overall, the key informants highlighted the importance of measures such as selecting stakeholders that … prioritized are important Ensure that money and resources are not wasted Ensure that outcome measures … A final way to measure or evaluate stakeholder engagement, especially if it occurs online, is via usage
    January 01, 2014 - plasma (PRP), and fat matrix, injected into the intra-articular space, improvements in several disease measures … receiving placebo.” 64 The study authors had defined the minimum clinically important change on this measure … ) with similar ACR20 [American College of Rheumatology 20% improvement in a number of different measures … The SLE responder index, the primary endpoint measure and a novel evaluation survey created for use
    February 01, 2013 - The criteria did not have weights assigned to them; stakeholder responses were thus based on an inductive … symptomatic plasma augmentation for arthroscopic rotator cuff repair: a state (PASS) for visual analog scales … on outcomes measures that are most important both to clinicians and patients. … ultrasound, MRI, CT arthrogram)  Tear classification/ cuff integrity: which modality and  As outcome measure … additional measures based on specific patient populations and research questions
    September 01, 2011 - 22 • Can weights be assigned to input by different reviewers? … Analyzing the effectiveness of collaborative condition monitoring using adaptive measure.
  5. Diabetes Mellitus (pdf file)
    December 01, 2015 - colleagues reported that bariatric surgery in adolescents was generally safe and improved several health measures … colleagues reported that bariatric surgery in adolescents was generally safe and improved several health measures … Patients treated with Afrezza had a 40 mL (95% CI, -80 to -1) greater decline from baseline in a measure
    January 01, 2020 - Methods I believe the inclusion & exclusion criteria are appropriate, the search strategies, statistical measures … & outcome measures are appropriate. … The outcome measures are listed but not individually defined in the methods. … KQ3 results which we feel addressed the reviewer’s comment: “While many studies have attempted to measure … and diagnostic criteria, the Academy has encouraged the National Quality Forum to develop quality measures
  7. CERs Report cover (pdf file)
    September 01, 2010 - Determinants of percentage and area measures of mammographic density. … Ultrasound protocols to measure carotid intima-media thickness: a post-hoc analysis of the OPAL study … The use of preventive measures among healthy women who carry a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation.
    February 01, 2023 - direct effect on health and healthcare outcomes; studies that incorporates outcomes that directly measure … Example: Patient satisfaction, patient-reported measures of health care access and quality, acceptability
    March 01, 2012 - Peer Reviewer #2 Methods “We also considered measures of heterogeneity from our meta- analyses in … some instances the order in which the performance of PB, LEV and LTG are listed on various cognitive measures … some instances the order in which the performance of PB, LEV and LTG are listed on various cognitive measures … those taking concomitant medications); additional studies are indicated examining pharmacokinetic measures
    August 10, 2015 - It provides a similarly thorough discussion of methods to measure cleanliness. … These are actually the only studies which objectively document an outcome measure in an endemic setting … We have noted that some disinfectants interfere with the ATP measure. … Given paucity of clinical outcomes and the numerous factors leading to infection, I don’t how measures … raises an important fact and perhaps we should also name the stakeholders needed to commonly agree on measures
    January 01, 2020 - Studies on whole-body vibration as an exercise modality with no clinical bone measures reported. 5 … Multiple outcomes would need evaluation, including measures of bone and muscle, fractures, balance, … What outcomes are appropriate measures of the efficacy and effectiveness of vibration therapy? … Bone Mineral Content Measure Fracture Measure of Fracture Quality of Life Quality of Life … Content Bone Mineral Content Measure Fracture Measure of Fracture Quality of Life Quality
    December 01, 2013 - HIV prevention measures remain a crucial pillar in controlling the disease. … of an antiviral drug such as emtricitabine/tenofovir is one of the most important new prophylactic measures … caused by bacteria colonizing the patients themselves and these infections cannot be prevented by any measure … ’s office, experts noted, more appropriate treatment could be given, and proper infection control measures … need for more rapid diagnostic testing to direct appropriate therapy and implement infection control measures
    October 25, 2010 - Determinants of percentage and area measures of mammographic density. … Ultrasound protocols to measure carotid intima-media thickness: a post-hoc analysis of the OPAL study … The use of preventive measures among healthy women who carry a BRCA1 or BRCA2 mutation.
    December 01, 2014 - The primary endpoint was a composite safety measure (area under the curve of oxygen desaturation [AUCDesat … together in clinical trials exclusively to provide clinical investigators worldwide the ability to measure
    April 30, 2014 - Peer Reviewer #1 Methods Yes, the outcome measures criteria are appropriate and clear as well. … Methods The statistical methods used seem quite appropriate as do the definitions for the outcome measures
    December 01, 2010 - Evidence-based Practice Center Future Research Needs Methods Future Research Needs Report Number 1 Finding Evidence on Ongoing Studies This report is based on research conducted by the Minnesota Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) under contract to the Agency for Healthcare Research and …
    December 20, 2018 - We agree there are limits to this measure and thus additionally examined measures of discontinuation … This report included the most common outcome measures for RA. … We were limited by the measures chosen by the individual studies. … of-the-genantmodified-sharp-and-van-der-heijdemodified- sharp-scoring-methods-for-radiographic-assessment-in- r.pdf).1 To account for the difference scales … Differences in event rates should be mitigated by the use of a relative outcome measure (relative risk
    December 01, 2016 - For outcomes with multiple measures, we present forest plots. … For this systematic review, these outcomes can be interpreted as direct measures of process change … 17 included studies (11 of the 16 strategies) significantly improved at least one such outcome or measure
  19. Diabetes Mellitus (pdf file)
    March 01, 2012 - The HbA1C test measures how much hemoglobin has bonded to blood cells over a 3- or 4-month period and … If these measures are inadequate, physicians also prescribe medication to control blood sugar levels … If these measures are inadequate, physicians also prescribe medication to control blood 8 AHRQ … If these measures are inadequate, physicians also prescribe medication to control blood sugar levels … If these measures are inadequate, physicians also prescribe medication to control blood sugar levels
  20. Diabetes Mellitus (pdf file)
    March 01, 2012 - The HbA1C test measures how much hemoglobin has bonded to blood cells over a 3- or 4-month period and … If these measures are inadequate, physicians also prescribe medication to control blood sugar levels … If these measures are inadequate, physicians also prescribe medication to control blood 8 AHRQ … If these measures are inadequate, physicians also prescribe medication to control blood sugar levels … If these measures are inadequate, physicians also prescribe medication to control blood sugar levels

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