November 01, 2012 - infection two to four
decades earlier.8,9 HCV without cirrhosis is associated with
worse quality of life measures … provided (usually sample size,
prevalence, sensitivity, and specificity) and compared
calculated measures … The AUROC, which is based on
sensitivities and specificities across a range of test results,
is a measure … dropouts and have low dropout rates; use
appropriate methods for preventing bias; and appropriately
measure … may have importance
not only in terms of individual clinical outcomes, but also
as a public health measure
January 26, 2015 - The use of all
known FMS criteria and standard FMS outcome measures
were appropriate. … information from the entire review
process is provided in Table 12- Strength of
Evidence, which gives a measure … We did not
add this reference on how best to measure
outcomes changes in chronic pain since that is … older groups--I have used the Late Life
Function and Disability Index to capture a more accurate
measure … We did not add a discussion
of functional measures which is beyond the
scope of this project.
December 09, 2015 - Yale-Brown Obsessive Compulsive Scale
Modified for Binge Eating to Support Use in Clinical Trials as a
Measure … Both studies utilized the
gold standard assessment measure (EDE) to determine the same
primary outcomes … The outcome measures
(behavioral=binge eating, weight, and psychological) are entirely
appropriate. … overall b/c of
lack of reporting of baseline differences, especially use of medications;
also no measure … Therapeutic: non-therapist led
CBT using similar methods and outcomes measures C.
April 01, 2012 - for the
analysis of primary studies, including the assessments of
heterogeneity, reporting bias, measures
December 01, 2015 - Body mass index (BMI), a measure of an individual’s weight relative to his or her height
(kg/m2), is … significantly correlated to an individual’s body-fat percentage and is used as a measure
to determine … behavior modification program in adults with BMI of 30–40 kg/m2 for whom more
conservative weight measures … other obesity drugs are available, several experts cited liraglutide’s potential to
improve some measures … (T2DM).2 However, a treatment
gap exists between invasive bariatric surgery and more conservative measures
December 01, 2014 - researchers use Child Depression
Rating Scale (CDRS) scores as a primary intervention assessment measure
January 01, 2010 - Unlike medications, a
subject does not just measure glucose and
realize benefits or risks. … (I did not see that for the JRF study-
which cited improved QOL for glycemic
control and socal scales … In a
broader view, all of the tools measure some
aspect of quality of life. … While agreeing that the separate measures do all
measure some aspect of quality of life, they each … measure different domains and have been verified
in different settings.
October 01, 2016 - Sometimes
“utility” is defined as a “cardinal measure of the strength of one’s
preference.”94-96 … for variables in the model (e.g.,
treatment effects, transition probabilities, costs,
and utility weights … studies of
interventions, estimates of treatment effects and other inputs (together with corresponding
measures … For
example, inconsistency in network meta-analyses can indicate the presence of effect measure
modification … Calibrating models in
economic evaluation: a comparison of
alternative measures of goodness of fit,
November 01, 2010 - Varied instruments were used for different
children to measure outcomes for the same
domain. … Strength of evidence is a measure of our confidence in the results
currently observed. … We do
not intend to imply that within group change is a measure of
treatment effect. … because it can be
argued that many different interventions distally
focus on skills that impact these scales … skills various
treatments tend to directly address (i.e., proximal
measures) and do not measure the
October 01, 2011 - The appendixes were helpful in understanding
some of the methods and measures used to rate
May 04, 2015 - Abstract vii (6 of 274), line 30: Future studies
could provide additional data to confirm or change the
measure … problem with the studies of articulation
and speech is that when intelligibility was assessed, this
measure … Measures of intelligibility should
be made based on published protocols for ways to assess
it. … I'm concerned that maternal report of pain is being
discounted as a valid measure. … Pain scales are commonly
used in medical research.
November 01, 2019 - Topic Brief: Interventions to Decrease Hospital Length of Stay
Topic Brief: Interventions to Decrease Hospital Length of
Date: 8/6/2019
Nomination Number: 866
Purpose: This document summarizes the information addressing a nomination submitted on
6/28/2019 through the Effective Health Care Web…
April 01, 2022 - chronic pain, what is the comparative effectiveness of
different tapering protocols and strategies on measures … Predictors of long-term use of
prescription opioids in the community-
dwelling population of adults … Prolonged Opioid Use After
Lumbar Fusion and the Effects of Opioid
Use on Patient-Reported Outcome
Measures … A systematic
review of the evidence for the efficacy of
opioids for chronic non-cancer pain in
community-dwelling … Opioid-Related Risk Screening Measures for
the Emergency Care Setting.
September 30, 2021 - chronic pain, what is the comparative effectiveness of
different tapering protocols and strategies on measures … headache, fracture, motor vehicle accidents,
cardiovascular events, endocrinological effects)
KQ 4a: Measures … Predictors of long-term use of
prescription opioids in the community-
dwelling population of adults … Prolonged Opioid Use After
Lumbar Fusion and the Effects of Opioid
Use on Patient-Reported Outcome
Measures … A systematic
review of the evidence for the efficacy of
opioids for chronic non-cancer pain in
April 01, 2022 - chronic pain, what is the comparative effectiveness of
different tapering protocols and strategies on measures … Predictors of long-term use of
prescription opioids in the community-
dwelling population of adults … Prolonged Opioid Use After
Lumbar Fusion and the Effects of Opioid
Use on Patient-Reported Outcome
Measures … A systematic
review of the evidence for the efficacy of
opioids for chronic non-cancer pain in
community-dwelling … Opioid-Related Risk Screening Measures for
the Emergency Care Setting.
February 01, 2018 - We categorized the harms assessed as “individual” or “composite
harms;” composite harms included measures … given that the principles
underlying the prioritization of outcomes are similar, whether they are to measure … Anticipated harms: (specific vs non-specific)
o Unanticipated harms: difficult to say how you would measure … There is
a weakness in composite measures. … Number of patients who stop treatment because
of side effects is a homogeneous measure, otherwise, lumping
September 01, 2011 - Pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic outcome
measures can additionally be studied to understand
inter-individual … observational studies are susceptible to the effects
of confounding, future observational studies
should measure
June 01, 2015 - Body mass index (BMI) is a measure of an individual’s weight relative to his or her height
(kg/m2). … BMI is significantly correlated to an individual’s body-fat percentage and is used as a
measure to … Key Expert Comments: Most experts acknowledged that a treatment gap exists between
conservative measures … other obesity drugs are available, several experts cited liraglutide’s potential to
improve some measures … Quality of life measures improved in the
REDUCE pivotal trial.
October 01, 2011 - showed clinically significant symptoms, defined by
referral to treatment or high scores on screening
measures … reported as standardized mean differences (SMDs)
whereby the difference in outcome (using continuous
measures … SMD is used as a summary statistic
in metaanalysis when the studies use different
instruments to measure … Only recently have investigations
of PBT included direct measures of ADHD symptoms
and associated functional … of justifying health
services, the lack of quality control regarding reliability
and validity of measures
June 01, 2013 - by 1 cm) that records the information sent from the ingestible sensor and that can also be used to
measure … with the names
of hospital and clinical staff to reduce risk of patient delirium; fall prevention measures