October 01, 2010 - of time after the procedure
was not a reason for rating the study less than good, but the outcome
measure … significant
improvements in SF-36 scores (over 30 point changes for both role
physical and bodily pain scales … Circulation 2008;
Since Doppler EF is the standard method to clinically measure EF and this
is the
December 28, 2015 - methods, these linked data can be analyzed for sources of bias or advantages and disadvantages as well measure … A preliminary list of "Intermediate Outcome Measures" is included in Appendix C . … If you have a common measure across studies, the measure can be used to explore moderation of the intervention … Review: electronic health records and the reliability and validity of quality measures: a review of the … Graduation rate measures
High school graduation rate
% of HS students per year
Source: https:/
December 23, 2015 - www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov
Published online: December 23, 2015
bias or advantages and disadvantages as well measure … A preliminary list of “Intermediate
Outcome Measures” is included in Appendix C. … If you
have a common measure across studies, the measure can be used to explore moderation of the
intervention … Review:
electronic health records and the reliability
and validity of quality measures: a review of … Graduation rate measures , Source: http://nces.ed.gov/pubs2014/2014391.pdf
High school
August 24, 2018 - depression-related outcome, such as reduction in depressive symptoms, remission (typically defined as a continuous measure … languages other than English
* In the absence of clear, clinically validated cutoffs of depression scales … analysis was used, method of handling dropouts and missing data, validity and reliability of outcome measures … Symptom screening scales for detecting major depressive disorder in children and adolescents: a systematic
November 10, 2020 - We will classify the magnitude of effects for continuous measures of pain and function using the same
December 01, 2015 - A detailed
description of quality control measures is available in the
protocol (www.effectivehealthcare.ahrq.gov … 0.91 (0.91 to 0.92)
Women of reproductive age (3): 0.79 (0.44 to 0.97)
Pregnant women (1): 0.68
Measures … Bivariate analysis of
sensitivity and specificity produces informative summary measures
in diagnostic
January 17, 2012 - We will summarize binary or categorical outcomes (e.g., smoking status) by weighted effect measure for … using different scales, we will use standard mean differences. … presenting physical function/ health-related quality of life outcomes to also provide data for a CV risk measure … [mesh] OR overweight[tiab] OR obesity[mesh] OR obesity[tiab] OR obese[tiab] OR weight[tiab] OR Body weights … and measures[mesh] OR "body mass index"[tw] OR bmi[tw]
chlorpromazine[MeSH] OR chlorpromazine
April 18, 2012 - We will summarize binary or
categorical outcomes (e.g., smoking status) by weighted effect measure for … using different scales, we will use standard mean differences. … mesh] OR overweight[tiab] OR obesity[mesh] OR obesity[tiab] OR obese[tiab]
OR weight[tiab] OR Body weights … and measures[mesh] OR "body mass index"[tw] OR
#3 chlorpromazine[MeSH] OR chlorpromazine … presenting physical function/ health-related quality of life outcomes to also provide data for a CV risk measure
July 09, 2013 - Flutemetamol is an investigational radiopharmaceutical contrast agent under
study for use in PET imaging to measure
August 17, 2012 - the surgery group vs ww (2.2 vs 5.1)
which was a NON SIGNIFICANT finding (and the primary
outcome measure … One big overarching issue is the need for
standardized measures and definitions that should be used … Explicitly stating the need for such
standardized definitions/measures in future studies (whether
RCTs … We added a paragraph to the Future Research on the need
for standardization with regard to how to measure
August 06, 2018 - depression-related outcome, such as reduction in
depressive symptoms, remission (typically defined as a continuous measure … languages
other than English
* In the absence of clear, clinically validated cutoffs of depression scales … analysis was
used, method of handling dropouts and missing data, validity and reliability of outcome
measures … Symptom screening scales for detecting major
depressive disorder in children and adolescents: a systematic
September 22, 2011 - Prevention
estimated that 16,000 Americans were
newly infected in 2009, and between
2.7 and 3.9 million community-dwelling … Response to HCV treatment is typically
defined by surrogate virological measures,
such as sustained … This study reported improved adherence in the
reduced-pill-burden intervention on all three measures … at 24 weeks and on two of three measures at 12 weeks.
January 01, 2012 - diet to improve
stool consistency and better establish bowel control.
Alternative therapeutic measures … Behavior modifications, such as Kegel exercises, are alternative measures
used to help patients control
September 01, 2014 - Intermediate outcomes included postvoid residual (PVR) urine volume and continuous
measures of urinary … of urinary symptom or quality of
life scales. … We treated change in PVR urine volume and continuous measures of urinary
symptoms and/or quality of … Study
IPSS, Mean
(SD) Value
Quality of Life
Measure … Study
IPSS, Mean
(SD) Value
Quality of Life
March 01, 2013 - However it is crucial to
note that direct measures of ovulation are not employed
in most available … • Pain related to bleeding
• Sexual function as reported by sexual function measures, general measures … Among those that did, the ability
to aggregate data is limited by differences in outcomes
measures … which included measures of blood loss from
sanitary product collection, and self-report using scoring … For
regularity of bleeding no two measures of outcome were
the same.
August 23, 2013 - As a results, the CHA2DS2-VASc
measure and has been evaluated in fewer studies
than the CHADS2 measure … The c-statistic is a measure of “discrimination” not
really “prediction” so I don’t think “predictive … instruments such as measures of
calibration, or strengths of association (e.g.,
RR’s/OR’s) or measures … Not all studies included measures of strength of
association, and very few included measures of diagnostic … of using the c-statistic to
evaluate risk prediction tools throughout the document – that it is a
January 01, 2013 - RFNL
thickness measures correlate well but do
not have clinically acceptable agreement
and therefore … Another study found that using a central
corneal thickness(CCT)-based formula to
correct GAT measures … One review mentioned a new detection method: the use of OCT to measure the ganglion cell complex. … of visual function (e.g., FDT), measures of optic nerve damage (e.g., HRT, OCT, and
cup/disc ratio) … Beginning at age
50, using 2 or 3
screening tests
combinations of
December 01, 2015 - variability in outcome reporting and treatment
comparisons, we were able to conduct meta-analyses
only to measure … Depression measures were not
consistently reported across the three studies; one of the
studies found … Investigators used a
considerable array of different measures or instruments to
assess these outcomes … Finally, we recommend that studies continue to measure
and report binge frequency as both discrete binge … Attachment scales predict
outcome in a randomized controlled trial of two group therapies
for binge
March 01, 2016 - In adults with gout, what are the benefits and harms of
different dietary therapies and life style measures … monitoring serum urate levels
with pharmacologic treatment and/or dietary and/or
lifestyle change measures … In adults with gout, what are the benefits and harms
of different dietary therapies and life style measures … monitoring serum urate
levels with pharmacologic treatment and/or dietary
and/or lifestyle change measures … Treatment target and
followup measures for patients with gout: a systematic literature
January 01, 2006 - size in each study group, patient characteristics, description of interventions, settings,
outcome measures … Efficacy
Withdrawals** Other
NSAID (mg) Meloxicam … Efficacy
Bensen/Zhao OA of the knee with
50, 100, or
200 bid
naproxen … Efficacy measures Withdrawals** Outcomes
dose (mg)
NSAIDs (mg)
Acevado No PGA … 752
(8.4%)High dose NSAID groups only: 48/497
(9.7%)Acetaminophen: 32/500 (6.4%)The overall safety